Julian and Cynthia rested in the village for a while and let their Garchomps to recharge, they flew for a very long time and especially Julian's Garchomp, he has been flying over a day over Sinnoh and Julian on his back.

Both Julian and Cynthia talked about their strategy on how to tackle the current situation, both of them are strong enough to take on the whole Elite guards but they felt something was strange, why are the elite guards so focused on trying to snatch the members of the team galactic captured by the league's elites and they are continued to pressure them, this didn't feel right. ​​

Julian "Something is definitely not normal, the Elite guards are acting weird, why are they so focused on normal team galactic members when they can go after the others, there are tons of them around Sinnoh or hiding in the vicinity of Mt. Coronet"

He said and looked at Cynthia wondering if she had any answers.

Cynthia "I have no idea, if they are doing this it might be because they want to help Cyrus but why would they do that, Cyrus killed their leader and are in their wanted list"

She said causing more confusion between them.

Julian "Hmm, there is something else here and we can only figure it out when we go there but that might be their plan from the beginning"

He said.

Cynthia "Yes, they might want us to focus on the current hostage situation and this will definitely help Cyrus a lot, with no strong member looking out there for Cyrus it is impossible to catch him"

She said.

Julian "How strong is Cyrus, by the way?"

He asked.

Julian knew Cyrus had a huge amount of fortune and power over Sinnoh but he had no idea about Cyrus's personal power, what pokemons were in his control and how strong they are, if his pokemons are stronger than that of the elite four it will be very hard to capture him if Julian is not involved.

Cynthia "He is pretty strong, stronger than the elite four and with the money he has he can easily groom pokemons powerful enough to battle me"

She said.

Julian "That is troublesome, what are the Elite Four up to?"

He asked.

The elite four of this region are strong but not on the same level as the once Julian has encountered before, trainers like Agatha and Drake are already Champion level trainers and because of their age they had to leave the Champion's position while the elite four of the Sinnoh are all young except Bertha but her powers are not as high as her elder sister's one of the Elite four of Kanto.

Drake, on the other hand, could easily put on a grand battle against anyone of the Elite Four of the Sinnoh region and win over them, he can even give Cynthia a run for her money.

Julian 'If what Cynthia's saying is true it will be a lot harder to pin Cyrus unless I or Cynthia herself try to catch him'

He thought and looked at her.

Julian "Let's split up then"

He said.

Hearing this Cynthia is surprised but she decided to listen first.

Julian "If Cyrus is really as strong as you describe him to be then it would be foolish to just let the Elite Four handle this, I will take care of the hostage situation and get rid of the Elite Guards of the underworld while you track down Cyrus and try to capture him, once I am done with the Guards, I will join you"

He said and explained the process to Cynthia.

She listened carefully and decided to go with Julian's plan, with Julian taking care of the hostage situation it won't last long so he can easily get back on track and during that time Cynthia might be able to catch up to Cyrus and find what he is up to.

As they were about to leave Julian suddenly realized something, he forgot to mention the missing key to Cynthia.

Julian "Wait I need to ask you about something"

He said and stopped Cynthia who was just about to leave, he had thought of asking Cynthia about the key but before he could she brought him here due to the current hostage matter.

Cynthia "What is it?"

She asked.

It was not common for Julian to stop her during such a crucial time so she wondered what it could be.

Julian "Do you know anything about a key that might be shaped like this?"

He asked and showed the image of the missing piece of the alter to Cynthia, seeing the image Cynthia's eyes widened in shock.

Seeing her reaction Julian knew something was up.

Julian "What is it?"

He asked.

Cynthia "Its the Spear Key"

She answered.

She could hear the disbelief in her voice but she now knows that this thing is real.

Julian "Spear Key? Is this related to the Spear pillar?"

He asked.

Cynthia "Yes, it's an ancient forgotten legend, it stated that to open the gate to the world of the gods the Spear key is necessary, the wielder of this key will be able to open gates to multiple dimensions and have control over pokemons related to this key"

She said and paused looking at the pattern on Julian's screen and continued to talk again.

Cynthia "I thought this was a myth created by the old civilization so people don't get too motivated to collect the orbs of Dialga, Palkia and Giratina, it is said that with this key the orbs will be able to release their true powers gaining control over the power of gods"

She said and released a heavy breath, her face could say it all, she is extremely worried now.

Cynthia "Don't tell me that Cyrus already has the key?"

She asked.

Julian "I think he does, it also explains why Uxie was captured, Uxie is related to this key as it is one of the guardians that guards the gate that this key opens, it should have gotten tricked by Cyrus as he was in possession of this key"

He said and pondered about how he should tackle the current situation.

Cynthia "It's all my fault, if I wasn't slacking around I could have stopped Cyrus from obtaining this key, I brought this disaster to my region, I am a traitor"

She suddenly started to blame herself for all the things that are happening.

Julian "No you are not, you didn't know about Cyrus at all, you couldn't have expected this to happen, even I would have been in the same position if I were you, just be strong and we will win this, you have me by your side"

He said and hugged her trying to release her from her sadness.

Cynthia hugged him tightly, trying not to cry and be strong for now, she had someone strong to rely on so she can at least show her strong side to help him.

Julian "It will be fine, I will take care of Cyrus, you focus on protecting the region if things go south".

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