Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 489 - Truth About The Underworld

Dhrago had no idea that this could happen, Zandar was always a man who though twice before doing anything, but it didn't help him this time, he underestimated Cyrus's obsession.

For them Cyrus was just building a weapon, they had no idea that Cyrus had other plans in his mind, Zandar's death is their own fault, for not taking Cyrus seriously and thinking that they could control a mad man. ​​

Since Zandar is dead and his little brother who is ranked second here in this island is not present, he is in charge, the only thing he can do now informs the main branch then continue with, and so he did, he informed the main branch about Zandar's death and its cause, the main branch then ordered the capture of Cyrus dead or alive, Dhrago was then given a temporary leadership position until someone is sent from the main branch to take over.

Dhrago didn't know what to do, even though he ranks third here it was only because of his knowledge of battle and war, he is the general of the force present here, now suddenly being tasked as the leader of the whole island was too much for him but he has to continue.


Cyrus reached the mainland of Sinnoh, he looks at the huge mass land in front of him and smiles, his face is bloody for some reason, next to him is the yacht driver, the driver is shivering in fear as Cyrus has a gun against his head/

Cyrus suddenly killed all the guards present in the yacht by sneaking behind them, then he cut off the communication between the island and the yacht, the driver has no idea what is going on, he is just scared for his life.

Cyrus "I don't need them, I can do this on my own, I am the only one who can fulfill my dreams"

He said and started to laugh, the driver is clueless but didn't try to ask anything, he docked the yacht near a sandy beach where no one is around, just as Cyrus told him to do.

Driver " Sir, please let go of me, I have kids back home"

The driver pleaded for his life after docking the yacht, he is really scared and is hoping to get out of this mess alive.

Cyrus "Sure, Sure, go ahead"

He said and takes away the gun from the driver's head and lets him get off his seat, the Driver looks at Cyrus, then at his gun, then at the exit which is just meters away from him, the driver decided to bolt towards the door and make a run for his life and so he did.

The next second his body fell to the ground as blood spurted out of the back of his head, Cyrus killed him.

Cyrus "Too bad, I cannot let any loose ends exist"

He said and put his gun away, he then walked out of the yacht with the black box in his hand which contains volatile energy inside it, the yacht that he left behind is filled with bodies and it will soon attract pokemons and people, but till then Cyrus will be long gone.


In Snowpoint city, Julian and Cynthia are sharing a room, once they were done with Uxie, they headed to Snowpoint city to rest, they had a very long journey, Julian decided to treat Crystal and his other pokemons as they are sad because of Uxie's departure.

Inside the room, Julian is looking at his laptop trying to find something about the underworld.

Cynthia "I don't think you are going to find anything on the internet"

She said as she peeked at Julian's screen.

Julian "Then what should I do?"

He asked as he got introduced to the underworld he knew that factions like these were dangerous, thousand times dangerous than any evil team he had defeated.

Cynthia "I know you are thinking about getting rid of the Underworld but I think you should leave them alone"

She said and hugged him.

Julian "Why?"

Cynthia "Underworld is very different from what you think it really is, the Underworld could be called a different world in fact, there is civilization, a kingdom which is under the control of their royal families and they are not interested in destroying the world like Cyrus and his Team Galactic or any other organization"

Julian just looked at her had stayed silent, he wanted to hear more about it from her, he knew that Cynthia knew a lot, she has been champion for a long time so she has some knowledge about it.

Cynthia "Underworld, just like I said is not a threat to the world we live in but it is a very huge empire, and its laws are cruel compared to the society that we live in, they are the main reason behind all the crimes that take place in the world, their whole kingdom runs because of the crimes that people commit"

Julian "So why the stalemate between the Underworld and the ruling parties of the world?"

Cynthia "It's because of the criminals, the Underworld house them and keep them in control. If there was no underworld the criminals would run wild and bring chaos everywhere, the ruling parties of the world just keep an eye on the Underworld, making sure that it doesn't overstep, they could have destroyed the Underworld in the past but they didn't because they knew that Underworld can be useful to them"

Julian "I see"

He said and stayed silent he understood what Cynthia just said, he is new to this world so he doesn't much, the biggest threat to this world are the people who want to take over the world by taking control of legendary pokemons, unlike his previous world terrorist and other criminals are not the biggest threat here, it the sleeping monsters who may unleash destruction on the world if they come under the control of the wrong hands.

While the Underworld is way powerful they are not particularly a huge threat to the world, the ruling parties don't want to destroy their own world which profits them so much, they are greedy bastards who would do anything for gaining more power and money, even though they are dangerous they help the world by keeping the real danger at bay.

Julian once again realized that things are still very different from the world he came from, even though he thought he had adjusted to the rules of this new world, many things are still foreign to him, seeing how successful the world leaders are, controlling the masses and have kept this world free of huge-scale wars showed that they were indeed powerful.

The League is not the biggest power, its jurisdiction is only limited to some regions not all, Julian still needs to know more about this world.

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