Cyrus looked at the capsule in his hand, inside the capsule, there is a red liquid which looks very volatile as if it would explode any moment, the one Julian has consist of blue liquid which is much more stable.

Cyrus " This was the prototype but due to its violent nature Zandar said to make another one and dispose of this, hahaha, good thing I kept it with me, who would know what might have happened and now see, I am right, with this my dream will come true" ​​

He said and placed the capsule inside a box, the same exact box like the one he gave to Julian, he took the box and quickly rushed out of the room, when he reached the main hall he saw a bunch of guards coming towards him, seeing this he frowned.

Cyrus 'Did they find the body, why are they coming here?'

He questioned himself.

Soon the guards came in front of him and saluted him.

Guard "Sir, Leader Zandar has asked us to escort you out of the Island"

He said.

Hearing this Cyrus mood escalated, staying on this island is very dangerous for him right now so getting out of here is the best option.

Cyrus "Why are you idiots so late, let's go"

He said and ordered the guards to escort him out of the island, the guards quickly escorted him towards a private yacht that soon left the island on his orders.

Back on the island, Zandar's bodyguards are looking all over the building to try and find him but they are in no luck, Zandar told them that he wants to be alone for a while. When they returned back to his room, they didn't find him, they then looked in the main office but he was not there either.

Things got escalated as everyone in the building knew about the bodyguards searching for Zandar, one of the workers soon told the guards that he saw Zandar walk towards Cyrus's room, the bodyguards rushed towards Cyrus's room as soon as they heard this.

When they entered the room by breaking the locked door, they noticed blood spatter everywhere, they got alerted and pulled out their guns and loaded them, one of them entered the bathroom and gave out a call to his team, the others rushed in as well and saw a dead body in a bathtub with its face completely crushed, they couldn't identify this person at all but this dead body is wearing the exact same dress as their leader Zandar.

Bodyguard "Quick, inform the other leaders about this"

The bodyguards asked one of the guards behind him to inform the rest, the guard nodded and quickly rushed towards the third leader to inform him, the second leader, Zandar's brother is not here.

The only person present is the man with an eye patch, Dhrago.

Inside Dhrago's room, he is looking at the footage of Julian escaping on his Garchomp, his face had a very weird expression, almost as if he wants to fight but at the same time very excited.

Dhrago "That man should be able to give me a proper battle, the way his Garchomp flies, its speed is quite fascinating, its even better than the Champion of Sinnoh, I need to find this man and battle him to death, then only will I be satisfied"

He said excitedly.

Suddenly the door on his room was slammed open startling him, he turned around and saw a guard sweating.

Dhrago "What do you think you are doing? Do you have a death wish?"

He asked angrily.

Guard "No sir, but I have bad news"

He said in a weak voice.

Dhrago "What is it?"

Guard "It seems like Leader Zandar has been murdered"

He said.

Dhrago "What?"

Guard "Yes sir, his body was found in sir Cyrus's room, well it seems like Leader Zandar's body"

He said.

Dhrago "What do you mean by that?"

He asked.

Guard "The body's whole face is completely messed up"

He said.

Dhrago "Take me there"

He said and followed the Guard towards Cyrus's room. When they reached there, there was already a huge crowd standing outside.

Dhrago "Move out of the way"

He said and pushed the crowd outside and rushed in, he saw a group of people bagging the dead body.

Dhrago " Is it really Leader Zandar?"

He asked one of the bodyguards.

Bodyguard "Not sure, but its most likely him"

He said.

Dhrago "Where were you, idiots, when this happened?"

He asked them angrily.

Bodyguard "Leader Zandar asked us that he wants to be alone, we didn't know about this at all"

He said scared, he knew that he can lose his job and possibly his life for this, his job was to protect Zandar but now he is found dead in someone else's bathtub.

Dhrago "Where is Cyrus?"

He asked while squinting his eyes, this was Cyrus's room but he is nowhere to be found, he looked around and saw few guards lowering their head trying to avoid eye contact.


He roared in anger causing the guards to tremble in fear, this man is the most dangerous man they have ever seen in their life, it is why they are so afraid of him.

Guard "Sir, Sir Cyrus left the Island half an hour ago"

One guard came front and reported him, hearing this Dhrago knew that Cyrus must have killed Zandar, they always had friction between them and with the recent events there would have been no peace between them and it looks like Cyrus got the better of it.

Dhrago "Put a bounty on Cyrus's head, dead or alive"

He said and walked away.

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