Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 485 - Fear Never Felt Before

Julian stopped his bike as he saw a huge cluster of boulders blocking his path, the whole road is covered by huge boulders, he cannot go around them because the mountains here are very steep, he has to break these boulders to get over them.

He looked behind and saw the group of men finally stopping their van as well, the van is in terrible shape, they survived barely from the barrage of those fallen rocks and boulders that could have easily crushed them. ​​

The driver stopped the van right in front of Julian, The Chief and his men walked out of the nearly broken van and coughed out the dust that they had inhaled.

Chief "Cynthia, oh, Cynthia, this all could have been so easy and peaceful but you had to survive, again and again till I had to move"

The Chief said and dusted his suit.

Cynthia glared at this man furiously, from a very young age she trusted this man, when she started her journey he was there when she beat the gyms he was there, when she dominated the Elite Four he was there and finally when she became the champion he was there.

He was present in every big moment of her life, acting all the time, playing and manipulating everyone, everyone associated with him was being played by the honest face that this man puts up over his face.

Cynthia "Chief, why?"

She asked.

Chief "Looks like that man told you everything, I didn't expect you to have such a powerful follower, he singlehandedly infiltrated the Underworld and did a number of the men I sent"

He said and looked at the man standing behind Cynthia wearing red clothes.

Chief "You there, why don't you join me, it's way better than dying here and you can even earn more than what Cynthia gives you"

He offered Julian this deal without knowing who is behind that mask, Julian didn't answer to him and just stood there, he wanted to more from Chief. If he shows his face now the Chief might just go mute.

Chief "I see you are a loyal dog huh? Well what a waste, kill them"

He gave the order.

Cynthia "You think I will go down so easily, Garchomp, Milotic, come on out"

She called out her best pokemons to fight against the group of men that re trying to kill her, Julian stood by the side, he knew that Cynthia could handle them but if these people try anything stupid he will take care of them.

The men behind the Chief also took out their pokemon and sent their pokemon out to face off against Cynthia's pokemon, while Cynthia has two on her side, the other side has five pokemons.

Magmortar, Hypno, Nidoking, Golem, and Scizor.

This line up seems good but they are not enough to take down Cynthia's two pokemon, the pokemons started to exchange their moves and attack each other.

Even though Cynthia's pokemon got cornered by the others they were still able to hold on their own and even pressuring the opposite party, Cynthia proved her power, her Garchomp is being offensive while her Milotic is providing all the defense for her Garchomp.

Their combinations are powerful and versatile, the five pokemons opposing them are not able to land a single hit on them.

Julian just watched from the side with a smile on his face, he really didn't have to make a move at all, Cynthia is enough for these idiots.

The Chief is getting frustrated as he saw his men's pokemon being handled so easily.

Chief 'She has grown stronger than the last time I saw her in a battle'

He thought and tightly clenched his fist, he suddenly pulled out a gun and aimed it at Cynthia and shot it but before the bullet could even touch her it was deflected by a force field barrier created by Gengar, he is always on the watch, even the slightest movement from the enemy and he will take action just as Julian instructed him to do.

The Chief started to fume in anger as he saw his shots being useless, he got frustrated and sent out his own pokemon, it is an Alakazam.

A very powerful on, much stronger than the pokemons of his men.

Chief "Alakazam, use Psyshock on that bitch"

He ordered his Alakazam to attack Cynthia but to his surprise, he noticed his Alakazam has frozen on the spot shaking from fear.

Chief "What are you doing, attack"

He shouted at his Alakazam but it didn't move from its spot, what the Chief didn't notice is the Gengar that is right under Alakazam, inside its shadow is a scary monster, one with red eyes and a scary, creepy grin.

Being a Psychic-type Alakazam is already weak to Ghost-type and the pressure released by a monster such as Gengar made it feel fear like never before.

Seeing its trainer pressuring it to go against such a monster, Alakazam felt betrayed and decided to abandon its trainer and escape.

It suddenly used Teleport and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Chief "What?"

He exclaimed as he saw his powerful Alakazam disappear in thin air, this Alakazam has helped him control and manipulate many people but now it just ran away for no reason.

He didn't know why but it felt weird.

Chief "What could cause this to happen?"

He questioned and looked at Cynthia who is getting closer to demolishing his men's pokemon.

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