Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 484 - The Chase Ends

As Julian had expected these men who are following them aren't giving up, it took him some time to get out of the city because it was very crowded, it seems to be the weekend and the streets are filled with vehicles, after getting out of the city the chase began.

Julian once again rode on the rough streets of the mountain range, west side of Pastoria city, this is his third time riding on this road, first being the time when he encountered Hunter J, send being the time he came here to enter the black market and this is the third time, being chased by a group of men trying to kill them. ​​

His bike is perfect for these roads, Cynthia is grabbing on to him tightly as she doesn't want to fly off the seat and hurt herself and neither does Julian, right behind them is the black van, trying to catch up to them.

Cynthia also noticed the van when the left the city, the van is right behind them struggling to catch up, they didn't expect Julian to take this route as it is rough and dangerous, sometimes boulders come rolling down the mountains, sometimes people get lucky by the road just getting blocked by these boulders, but sometimes they won't be so lucky as they will get crushed by them.

The chase continued, seeing that they were not gaining any distance on Julian and Cynthia, the Chief started to get frustrated.

Chief "Shoot them down"

He ordered.

Hearing his order three men took out their guns and peeked out of the van's windows and started to shoot, they have very deadly accuracy but it's useless, seeing these men shooting at them, Gengar made the move, he used Protect and created a very thick forcefield, the bullets were like arrows hitting a thick metal wall, even though they had speed and power behind them, they were just tossed aside after hitting the barrier.

It was useless, seeing their guns having no effect on the barrier the Chief frowned.

Chief "What the fuck are you doing, make a pokemon attack that barrier"

He yelled.

The men nodded and one of them took out his pokemon, a Magmortar.

"Magmortar, use Solar Beam"

His Magmortar stood out of the open hood of the van and aimed its hands at the barrier, he charged up the Solar Beams and blasted it at the barrier, two beams of Solar Beams landed on the barrier and caused a huge disturbance in the environment, the driver's vision got blurred from all the smoke but he didn't stop, he just continued driving or the Chief would put a bullet in his head.

When they got past the dust and smoke they saw the barrier and it was still intact, there was not even a scratch on it, they realized that their pokemons attack had no effect on it.

But something else happened, the sound from the blast caused the boulders resting on top of the mountains to come rushing down.

The whole area got covered with the sound of gigantic boulders rushing down the mountain at high speed, seeing the Chief and his men got shocked.

Chief "Drive you, idiot, drive"

Chief shouted and smacked the drivers head again, the driver shifted the gear and started to increase the speed of the van, it is very dangerous for the van to ride at this speed in these ruff terrains but if they don't they will get crushed by the rocks that are rolling down.

Julian also saw the boulders coming down and clicked his tongue.

Julian "These idiots"

Julian [Gengar cover us with Protect]

Hearing him Gengar increased the area of the Protect but the layer became thinner, but it didn't matter, he could easily tank these boulders as they are not as strong as a pokemon's attack but these things can still crush a person to death.

The speed of the boulders increased as they are about to reach the ground.

Julian 'I will not be able to make it, the roads will get blocked'

He thought and slowed down.

If he increased the speed, the rocks that will fall on them will be more, the slower he goes the better because the rocks that are in front of them are bigger and larger in quantity, small rocks started to crash on top of the barrier but nothing happened to them, the rocks were sent to the side after they shattered crashing onto the barrier.

The men who are following them are also in the same condition, they called out all the pokemons they had that knew Protect and used it to block off the rocks, some of the rocks still cracked their barrier.

Chief "Slow down you idiot, can't you see those huge boulders up front"

He said and smacked the driver again

Chief 'Well at least this is the end of the chase, once this is over, I can go back to my room and drink my wine'

He thought and started to laugh.

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