Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 474 - Entering The Main Building

A new day and Julian has had his rest, after waking up early he made some preparation and headed out. Before he walked out he looked into any information present in the mind of the three he captured yesterday, through Gengar's help he could easily read into the mind of the people that Gengar has captured.

He found out that the current Chief of the League headquarters in Sinnoh is a sleeper working for the Underworld, he lived his young life in this city then he was sent to Sinnoh to live the life of a normal person and slowly get into the top. ​​

The Chief is a very capable person and the leaders of the Sinnoh underworld knew about it, that is why he was selected and they were right, Chief succeeded in getting himself on the top by doing hard work and some backhanded methods that no one knew about it.

He also found out what these three are up to here in this island, the Chief has ordered them to meet some officials here on the island and get something from them, Julian doesn't know what it is but this could be his way to find out where Cyrus is currently hiding.

Luckily for him, these three are not known to the people here on the island, their only way of communicating is through the secret word "Pastor", now that Julian has it he can use it to get into the headquarters.

After thinking through what he is going to do, Julian finally walked out of the inn and headed out, it was the same scene as yesterday, young males below the age of 16 were helping their mother, brothers, and sisters in their work, after looking around the city he also found out that everyone who is here is either a descendant of fugitives or are fugitives of other regions or countries.

Since they have nowhere to go they are taken in here and make them work, this way the underworld is able to function much better.

Seeing this Julian didn't know what to say, most of the people living here seem happy but they are still living in constant fear of offending someone from the main government without knowing.

They have some rights but are limited, they cannot do anything but listen and follow the orders from the officials, since they are refugees they cannot say, do or go against the officials, they live under suppression but for some reason, they are all living normal lives.

Through the information that Julian got from the Black and the others, he arrived at the east side of the main building, this seems to be the place where Black and the others were about to come, the opposition didn't know who or how many were coming so Julian is safe and he also knew the secret word so passing through would be no problem.

When he arrived there some guards rushed towards him and pointed their gun at him.

Guard "Hands behind your head, who are you? Why are you here?"

The guard shouted while shoving the barrel of his gun on Julian's chest, Julian didn't do anything, he raised his hand and just stared at the guard who shoved his gun at him.

Guard "Speak"

He shouted once again.

Julian "I was sent by the snake"

Julian said.

Snake is the code word for the Chief, not everyone knew who this Snake in real life is but the guards were instructed by their superiors that if someone sent by the code name "Snake" came, they had to let them in, this was also something Julian learned from going through the mind of Black, he was the only one who seems to have this information.

If he hadn't seen through all of their memory and find some key part of this mission he would have been riddled by bullets now, well if the bullets could hurt him.

Hearing the word "Snake" the guards put their guns down and looked at Julian.

Guard "Wait here, I will inform my superior"

The guard said and walked away while the others are still keeping an eye on Julian, the people on this island never trust the people from outside, seeing how Julian is dressed they could easily tell that this person in front of them is from outside, even his accent is different compared to the people living here.

The Guard that had gone to call his superior soon came back with another person beside him, this person has white hair and white beard, this person is standing tall and has some kind of charismatic aura around him.

Guard "Lieutenant, that's him"

The Guard said while pointing his gun at Julian, the Lieutenant who seems to be in his 50s looked at Julian and nodded.

Lieutenant "Come with me"

He said and started to walk back, Julian silently followed behind him while looking around, there seems to be nothing special around here, they soon arrived at a door which is locked, the Lieutenant turned around and stared at Julian.

Lieutenant "How is the church doing?"

He suddenly asked a question out of the blue which made no sense, well it would have made no sense if Julian didn't understand it.

Julian "It's doing fine, the Pastor is currently sick, once he gets better everything will become even better"

Julian said.

The Lieutenant nodded and placed his hand on a screen next to the door which scanned his hand and the door slowly opened revealing the interiors.

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