Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 473 - Destination Reached

After getting rid of those three he looked at the fainted pokemons on the ground, he couldn't just leave these powerful pokemon running wild around here, and with the teachings from their trainers, Julian knew these pokemon won't do any good.

So he had to let Gengar take care of it, Gengar erased their memories of their trainer and made them normal pokemons, Julian did the same to other pokemons that the three had, erasing their memory of their trainers. ​​

He then put the pokeballs away, once he gets back to the mainland he will release them in the wild, these pokemons are strong enough to survive on their own, Julian has been doing this from the very beginning.

He couldn't let these men get away so he sent them into Gengar's dimension, he will release them afterward but for now, they will be held captive by Gengar.

He continued towards the other end of the mountain, after walking for an hour he finally saw the city below, from the edge of the cliff he is standing on, the city he is looking at looked like any normal city from the top but many things happened in this city, he saw tall skyscrapers and many tall buildings, in the center of the city, is a very large building, it's not the tallest but the biggest.

Julian noticed snipers on the top roaming around on the top of the building, he also noticed a lot of military vehicles around the building as well.

Julian 'That must be the main headquarters I guess, but my biggest question is why would there be a city where illegal activities are being held, who lives here?'

He questioned himself and started to move, the city is nearby but he still has to be careful, he cannot be caught while he is outside the city as guards would be patrolling the area constantly.

He continued in his path but watched his steps, there are many mines placed around and if he stepped on them they would explode, dodging the guard's field of vision and getting into the city is hard, since he cannot get through the main get, he has to climb a wall from the side, after camping around for a while he found a wall that isn't being guarded, he quickly climbed up the wall and entered the city, he watched his steps and didn't make any sounds, the guards were still around but none of them noticed Julian.

He quickly found and group and blended in and got into the main area of the city, he looked around and was surprised by the surrounding, people are living normal lives here, there are even stores and market stalls around the city where people bought stuff.

There seem to be homes inhabited by people but Julian noticed one thing, in particular, there were no men above the age of 16 in these houses and markets, most of them are occupied by children and women, after roaming around for a while Julian found out that all men that live in this city will have to join the guards once they reach 16 and their family will be taken care of by the main government here, their family will be given minimum wage but if they want to earn more money they have to get a license to sell things that will be imported into the city.

To get the license they have to work under someone for experience as well, seeing this Julian wondered who these people are and why are they living on this island where they are not allowed to leave at all, they are like prisoners but they seem to have some rights.

Guards seem to have the most authority in this city, even normal rank guards can put his weight around and make rich men in this city work.

The guards of this city seem to be divided by some kind of rank, they are titled like any normal army, from normal soldier to commanders.

Some of the richest people in this city seem to be commanders as well, the currency that Julian took from that guard was useful to him, he decided to rest of the day in a local inn.

The more Julian roamed around the city the more unreal he felt, even though this city is just like any other city he has visited, he cannot believe that a city like this exists under the rule of the underworld.

After getting a room for himself, he closed all the door and windows and looked around the room to see if there are any hidden cameras inside the wall to spy on people, after searching for a while he found none, he even ordered his system to do a quick scan to see if he has missed anything.

After finding nothing and confirming that he is not being spied on he sat on the wooden bed and started to think his steps.

This city is more impressive than he thought, it has inns, hotels, restaurant, and other stuff, he also learned that this city always has visitors all around the year from different places.

The people of this city don't know from where these people come from but they don't dare to ask as it seems dangerous.

Julian 'I will rest for the day and continue tomorrow'

He thought and decided to rest and left Gengar on the watch.

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