Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 460 - A Pokemon From Alola

Gliscor has scored his second victory but he is tired and weak now, Octillery's last Ice Beam had significant damage on him, even though his Defense is ridiculous, his Special Defense is lacking compared to it.

Julian "Gliscor you have done good, return" ​​

Julian called Gliscor back to his Pokeball, without his Pincers he was still able to perform excellently and dealt the fatal damage on Octillery and won the battle.

Volkner had not expected this battle to be so one-sided, the opponent that is standing in front of him is too strong, his pokemons are similar to his level but the way they battle is complex, they are fast and use unique movements to battle making it hard for him to come up with a counter.

The last exchange he though he was going to win as he froze Gliscor's main weapons that were his pincers to his surprise, Gliscor used his tail and the attacks from them were more powerful than normal, slicing up a Hydro Pump is no joke.

Volkner 'Who is this man, his way of battling is very unique, but I think I have seen this kind of battling somewhere but I can't remember where?'

He thought and pulled out his last pokemon, this Pokeball of his is not a normal Pokeball, it's a Great Ball, having a high capturing rate, this Pokeball is very useful for catching very strong pokemons which can easily break normal pokeballs.

Julian saw the Great Ball and got surprised, seeing Pokeball like this is rare, Great Balls are used very less, while Ultra Balls are nearly nonexistent, they cost a fortune.

They use these pokeballs to catch pokemon who are very strong, even after injuring them they will still have the energy to break a normal Pokeball, these pokeballs are also used to catch some legendary pokemons if they are encountered, these balls at least increase their chance of catching them.

Julian wondered what Pokemon could be inside this, as it's very rare to see Great Balls.

Volkner "You are indeed a very strong trainer, I don't know if I can win but I am not going to give up so easily, you will be facing against my strongest pokemon"

Volkner said and threw his Pokeball up in the air, the Pokeball opened and a huge pokemon came out of it.

The pokemon landed on the ground causing it to shake a little, Julian looked at the huge pokemon in front of him and got surprised.

It was a giant Electivire, way bigger than normal, it was even bigger than his Electivire, this Electivire seems to have a unique aura around it.

Julian "Where did you get that Electivire? It doesn't look normal no matter how you look at it"

He said.

Volkner "Form Alola, Electivire is a Totem pokemon, born after being exposed to the concentrate aura present in Alola while it was just an egg, I caught him while I visited Alola"

Volkner said.

Julian "I see, Alola huh?"

Julian said and wondered when he might go to Alola, he will take it slowly and not worry about it now, he took out his Pokeball and tossed it up in the air.

Julian "Togekiss, you are up"

Julian called out his Togekiss, she is also a tank, she can take any Special Attack head-on and come out unscathed.

Volkner "This time it will be a very different story, a Totem pokemon is not a normal pokemon, you should be on guard"

He said.

Julian "I always am"

He said and looked at the giant in front of him, it stood 4 meters tall, that is about 1.5 meters taller than his Electivire, the Totem Electivire is pulsing with the unique aura which seems to be powering it up.

Julian "Togekiss this might be your hardest battle, be careful"

He said and warned Togekiss.

Julian 'Totem pokemon huh? The more I hear about Alola the more curious I get, Z-Crystals that amplify a pokemon move and now this giant'

He thought.

The Proprietor waved his hand and gave the signal to battle again.

Volkner "I will go First, Electivire, ThunderBolt"

With Volkner's order, his Electivire sent a powerful Thunderbolt at Togekiss, this Thunderbolt is way more powerful than anything Julian had seen at this level.

Julian "Dodge"

Togekiss moved out of the way and avoided the Thunderbolt, the Thunderbolt landed on the ground and destroyed it, seeing this Julian became serious, this Totem pokemon is serious business.

He didn't think that Volkner would have something so powerful, his Sinnoh Team is still not at their best, they have time to grow, the Electivire in front of Togekiss right now is way stronger than any opponent she has faced before.

Julian "Togekiss, Ariel Ace"

Togekiss moved flew up high towards the ceiling and suddenly dove down at high speed, she suddenly disappeared from everyone's sight in a blur and the next moment she appeared right in front of Electivire and smashed into him.

Electivire got pushed back but there seems to be no damage done, Electivire just surged it off.

Volkner "Hammer Arm"

As Togekiss is very close to Electivire, he brought down its heavy hand using Hammer Arm.

Julian "Dodge using Extreme Speed"

Togekiss suddenly disappeared from her spot and appeared right behind Electivire and smashed into him again but just like before Electivire surged the attack off as if it was nothing.

Julian 'This Electivire's defense is troublesome'

He thought, well he was just testing the waters, his Togekiss is not built for Physical Attack as her attack powers are lower than average, but that should have still put some damage on pokemons but this Electivire is different.

It's Defense is way over the standard, maybe even tougher than the toughest he has seen.

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