Volkner's Raichu has been taken down very easily but he had expected this to happen, he had already chosen Raichu before Julian sent out Gliscor, the only thing he didn't expect was that Julian's Gliscor would be such a tank.

Volkner sighed and took out his next Pokeball, he became determined, this battle became harder than he thought, his Raichu just got blasted and he couldn't do anything but this next pokemon of his might have a very good chance. ​​

Volkner "Your Gliscor is indeed strong, but I am no pushover, I have many trainers come to my gym with ground type pokemons but they still lost"

Volkner said and tossed his next Pokeball up in the air.

Volkner "Octillery, it's up to you"

Volkner sent out an Octillery, seeing this Julian was not surprised at all, Gym leaders used at least one pokemon that is a different type from the rest of their team to counter their weakness, since Electric types are weak to Ground-type pokemons, a Water, Grass or Ice-type pokemon could do the trick.

Volkner's Octillery is a water type pokemon capable of learning Ice-type and Grass-type moves as well, this will be a tough one because Gliscor has a quad weakness to Ice-type moves, and weakness to Water-type moves.

Julian 'Octillery, indeed a perfect pokemon to be kept as a backup in an Electric-type gym'

Julian thought.

He didn't want to call Gliscor back yet, he hasn't had a proper battle yet so this Octillery will be his test.

Gliscor looked at Octillery, his opponent, he could sense that this one is powerful and with its affinity of water, it's attack would be more effective on him.

Julian "Stay focus, it will be fine"

Julian said and waited for Volkner to make his call.

Volkner is also cautious about his moves, even though he has the advantage, he won't attack carelessly, his Octillery's movement is limit on the ground, it is slow without water around it, while Gliscor had a clear advantage when it came to moving around the battlefield.

Volkner "Octillery, use Bullet Seeds"

Hearing his command Octillery shot numerous Green seeds at Gliscor at high speed, each and every one of these bullets is filled with powerful energy that would cause damage, even though Gliscor's Defense is ridiculous as this level, he wouldn't want to get hit, he is still not strong enough to take damages from moves that could cause a lot of damage.

Julian "Dodge"

Gliscor used his tail and suddenly catapult himself up in the air and dodged the Bullet Seeds, Gliscor spread his wings and started to float in the air and looked down at Octillery.

Julian "Ariel Ace"

Gliscor dove down with his Pincers crossed, white energy surrounded his body as his speed increased at blinding speed, he suddenly disappeared from Octillery's sight and suddenly appeared right in front of Octillery and slammed into it Octillery, the hit was devastating and sent Octillery rolling on the ground but something was off.

As Octillery rolled on the ground it suddenly used its legs to lock on to the ground, the suction cups on its legs were used as breaks, as soon as it stopped Volkner made his move.

Volkner "Octillery, use Hydro Pump"

Volkner ordered a powerful move, Hydro Pump is no joke, if Gliscor gets hit it will be devastating.

Julian "Counter with Iron Tail"

Gliscor stood on top of the ground once again with his tail, his tail started to glow and reflect light, it seemed as if his tail had turned into steel, as the Hydro Pump got near him, he did a front flip and lashed at the Hydro Pump with his Iron Tail.

Both attacks clashed and created a huge bang of a sound, this sound could deafen people if they didn't cover their ears.

The Hydro Pump got canceled as the whole battlefield got covered in water, it looked like it is raining as some water droplets are still falling down.

Volkner didn't waste time, seeing Gliscor is still in the air he made another call.

Volkner "Use Ice Beam"

Octillery shot an Ice Beam at super speed, seeing the attack coming at such high-speed Gliscor knew he couldn't dodge it so he shielded himself with his pincers, his pincers got hit by the Ice Beam and sent Gliscor flying backward.

Gliscor crashed on the ground, that last attack was a powerful hit and with Octillery's ability Sniper, the damage was even more but that didn't mean Gliscor lost.

He used his tail and hooked into the ground and lifted his body up, his pincers have been frozen together and he is not able to use them.

Volkner "We got them, let's finish this, Hydro Pump"

Volkner called for another Hydro Pump and Octillery launched it, a very powerful Hydro Pump headed towards Gliscor.

Julian "Use Night Slash with your tail"

When Gliscor heard this, he felt confused, he had never used Night Slash with his tail, he didn't know what Julian meant by it.

Julian "Just do it, I know you can do it, you have been training for this"

He said.

Gliscor shook his head and threw away the doubts in his mind and trusted his ability and believed in Julian, he started to collect large amount of dark energy in his tail, as the Hydro Pump got close to him he once again did a front flip and this time he released a dark vertical crescent blade.

The Night Slash cut straight through the Hydro Pump and landed on Octillery, the Hydro Pump had been split into two by that Night Slash.

The Night Slash seemed much powerful than any normal Night Slash, it is not because it was more powerful than other, it was the same Night Slash, the power behind the attack actually came from his powerful tail, his tail had multiplied the speed of that Night Slash by several folds making it more deadly.

With its new speed, the attack could easily split Hydro Pump and hit Octillery, Octillery is sent rolling on the ground once again, as it tried to use its suction cup to stop itself once again.

But Gliscor wasn't done, he did another front flip right after the first one and sent a second Night Slash that hit Octillery once again and this time it was done deal.

Octillery went flying out of the battlefield and crashed against the wall, knocked out.

Gliscor got his second victory of the day but he is now exhausted, that Ice Beam along with Octillery's Sniper ability had really caused a lot of damage but due to the power being his powerful tail he got back on top, even though his pincers were rendered useless, he still used his tail to defeat his opponent.

Gliscor started to breathe in heavily, he then used a Fire Fang to melt off the ice that tied up his pincers.

Proprietor "Octillery is unable to battle, Gliscor wins"

Then the result was announced.

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