Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 412 - Sacrificial Ritual

Julian walked out of the cave and looked at the blazing mid-day sun that is hitting his face, inside the cave was very dark so the sudden sunlight was irritating, Gengar appeared behind him and got into his shadow.

Julian "Did you take care of them?" ​​

Julian asked.

Gengar nodded his head and giggled.

Julian "Good, they are not dead, are they?"

He asked again

Gengar shook his head stating that they are still alive.

Julian "Good, keep them alive and show them how precious life is, don't let them die, make them suffer every second of it"

Gengar "Gegegegege

Gengar laughed and disappeared into Julian's shadow.

Julian found the second temple of Giratina but he got no information about their boss from these people, he didn't bother asking other questions because these low-level characters in the group have no idea what the boss is really doing, they all seem clueless when it comes to their boss, they are all just brainwashed idiots.

Finding nothing else around the temple but the blood of innocent pokemons Julian sighed, he buried away from the dead bodies of these pokemons and left, it was already evening so he decided to go back to the city and rest for the day.

His mood turned sore today, seeing the cruelly tortured dead pokemons made him mentally exhausted, he was about to kill that man, just an inch to the side and Julian would a severed one of the major arteries of that man and he would die in blood loss but Julian didn't want to give him a quick death.

Death was not an option for these people in his eyes, what he is doing is a crime but he doesn't care and no one in this world can stop him from torturing these bastards, and he also as his trusted Gengar who will get rid of these people and torture them instead of him while still keeping them alive.

He closed his eyes and calmed himself down and went to sleep.

The day went by without him knowing about it at all, today he was very close to breaking down. Killing will never be his option, once he stains his hand with the blood of someone he kills he can never go back, he knows this from his past experience and he doesn't want to do it ever again.

He has already suffered much, while he is resting, Gengar is having fun with his new toys, putting them into nightmares that made their soul shiver in fear.

It was not physical torture, it was mental, this would make all of them retard, mindless people with no conscious of their own, they will live their whole lives in fear of their worst nightmares.

This was also very helpful in Gengar's training as well, his power to make people sleep and put them in bad dreams made him realize something, there is another dimension that he can explore.

The dimension of the dreams, if he can look into this he will be able to understand the about dimensions and power up his own, he can look into their dreams and see how to get connected to the dimension of the dreams and where does it exist.


The next day Julian woke up from his deep sleep and stretched his body as he fell refreshed, all he needs was a long sleep to calm his mind and emotions, after getting ready he hit the road again, he cannot waste his time at all, he has to look into all the temples he can find, he needs to find what this cult is really planning.

For several days he moved around the region trying to find other leads but he couldn't this cult seems to have suddenly gone hiding.

Julian 'Did they find out about what happened in that cave? If they did they will go into hiding, I have to find something fast'

Julian thought and increased his pace, after weeks of looking into the different temples filled with dead bodies he finally came across something, he finally found a temple inhabited by these members of the cult, he walked in slowly to find what is going on inside.

As he came across them, he saw what was going on inside, about 100 members of this cult are gathered around a large podium which has a Giratina's statue in the middle, a middle-aged man stood in the middle with a sharp knife in his hand and in front of him are five innocent men on their knees with their heads covered by jute bags and hands tied up, it seemed like a sacrificial ritual, it was not just them, there were also pokemons tied up next to them as well.

Man "Today is the day where our god will finally listen to us, the high priest is doing his job to bring out god to our world and to help the high priest we will use these lowly ones as a sacrifice, their blood will bring us great fortune and the ultimate gift to our world, their lowly lives will be the foundation of our great world, so they should be grateful for this"

The man said.

The tied of people and pokemon tried to struggle but it was useless, they are beaten up and weak, they have no energy to fight back, they only hope that their death is quick and painless.

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