The members of the cult bowed down and pressed their head on the ground as they chanted the prayer of Giratina, they thought that their god answered to them but they are wrong, it's about to get way worse for them.

Gengar "Gegegegegege" ​​

All of them suddenly hear this creepy laugh which sent chills down their spine, they lifted their head slowly to see what is going on, suddenly they see a pair of red glowing eyes looking at them with a large grin on its face, they screamed as they felt fear and tried to run but as one of them stumbled all of them followed, everyone fell on the ground but it was not over, they wanted to run away and chaos broke, all of them started to pull each other to get in front and leave but it was too late, black shadow chains came out of the portal and wrapped around the members of the cult and pulled them into it.

They prayed for their god to save them but it was useless, their wails and prayers were never heard, they were pulled into the dimension, after a few seconds the whole room became quiet, only one man was left behind and he is scared out of his wits.

He doesn't even know what is happening, all of a sudden a black portal opened right above their god's head and now that black portal sucked up everyone in the room except him, he has no idea that all those members of this cult are suffering in the hands of Gengar, his prison can be called a hell if hell really exists.

He sat there like a dumb idiot when he suddenly heard footsteps getting closer to him, he slowly lifted his head and saw a tall man wearing all black, his face covered with a black mask and his head covered with a hood.

"Who are you?"

The man asked and he got back to his feet and took out his Pokeball and tossed it up in the air as a Weavile came out, as soon as its foot landed on the ground, a black chain came rushing towards Weavile and wrapped around its leg and slammed it on the ground several times before pulling it into the shadow dimension.

Seeing this the man got scared and backed off a little.

Man "What do you want? I can get you anything, power, money, rare pokemons, just ask"

The man said as he finally stopped backing off because he stumbled on Giratina's statue.

Julian "What I hate the most is that when people kill off their own selfish reason and you really pissed me off, forget about leaving this place ever again"

Julian said and closed into the man.

The man tried to run but fear made him freeze on the spot, seeing no other option he suddenly pulled out his long dagger and slashed it at Julian, Julian quickly grabbed the man's wrist and twisted it causing a crack to be heard, the dagger fell from the man's grip and Julian grabbed it with his other hand while it was falling and slashed it right on the man's forearms causing a deep cut, the blood-splattered and the man screamed in pain.

Julian "It pains right, look at those poor pokemons, their body is full of these kinds of cuts, you kept them alive as bloodstock, how can you be so heartless?"

Julian asked and slashed once again at the man's forearm making another deep cut, the man screamed again as he went down on his knees as he tried to stop the bleeding.

Julian "Oh, don't worry you won't die, I didn't cut any major arteries"

He said and slashed once again, this time he aimed at the other hand that is trying to stop the bleeding, he put a cut right on the man's knuckles, the man screamed again as he let go of the cuts on his forearm and looked at the deep cuts on his knuckles, he cannot even tend it because this scary man is still holding his broken wrist.

Man "Please let me go, why are you doing this to me, they are just useless pokemons, their life was not in vain, their life was given to the great god Giratina"

The delusional man said.

Seeing this Julian frowned and kicked the man right on his guts hard, the man was sent flying as he crashed on Giratina's statue, the man held his abdomen in pain screaming.

Julian "You are a useless man, at least tell me where your boss is so I can finish this bullshit once and for all"

Julian said

Man "Never, I won't betray my lord's trust"

The man said.

Julian "Are you sure?"

Julian said and grabbed the man by his hair and looked him into his eyes coldly, those red eyes looked very scary and domineering for the man, he felt fear like never before, he even pissed without warning.

Julian "Now tell me, where is this man?"

Julian asked once again.

Man "Ok, I will tell you, please don't kill me, the thing is I don't know, I never know, no one knows what the lord is really thinking"

The man said and Julian believed him, Julian knew he is telling the truth, he can feel it but that didn't mean Julian will forgive him, Julian got back on his feet and suddenly stomped on the man's knee completely shattering it.

The man screamed in pain as he got crippled.

Julian "Gengar, he is yours, and also keep them all alive, don't let them die, show them what real suffering is"

Julian said and dusted his coat.

Gengar "Gegegegege"

Gengar laughed from the shadow dimension and a chain rushed out and pulled the man into it.

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