Julian quickly made an escape from there as he sent back his pokemons to their Pokeball because he realized one thing, he forgot to hide his identity while using Infernape during his Omniform, he just hopes that not many saw it, during the time when the town was transferred into another dimension all-electric type devices had stopped working and most of the people had lost consciousness from the surrounding.

Most would have not seen what happened, Ash is an idiot so he will forget about it but the others with him might still remember about it, one thing Julian is not worried about is that Infernape's Omniform is not public at all, except a blurry white dot on a satellite camera, the internet has no proof of Julian's connection to the legendary hero. ​​

He quickly gets out of the town heads directly to the airport to take a flight and get away from this city, he still has things to do, his main goal right now is to find the cult and he has to do some research on them so he decided to take the flight.

Once he got to the airport, he quickly bought a ticket to the closest city and waited till his flight came, once it did Julian got into his plane and flew to his next destination, Eterna City.

After an hour flight, he finally arrives at Eternal city, this is his second time visiting the city, he goes back to the same hotel he stayed before and rented a room for few days, after getting in he slept for a whole day because he was tired from all the things that happened.

While Julian was sleeping far away at Veilstone City, underground Cyrus and his goons the team galactic are looking at a huge screen that is showing of some kind of readings.

Scientist "Boss, we are certain that this is the work of Palkia, the whole town had disappeared from the face of our planet and suddenly reappeared in a fraction of seconds, normal people didn't even notice it happen but one of our satellites picked it up"

The head scientist that is looking into this said to Cyrus.

Cyrus "Did you find the reason behind it?"

He asked.

Scientist "No Boss, we know nothing behind the reason of Palkia's action"

Cyrus "Strange, why would these deities come to our world for no reason, there must be a reason behind it"

Scientist "Don't worry boss, one of the Admin is currently heading towards the town to figure out what really happened"

Cyrus "Hmm, keep me updated"

Cyrus said and pressed a button in front of him, as soon as he did this the area beneath his feet started to go down taking him deeper into the ground, the floor above him closed once again as Cyrus traveled through a tunnel and finally arrived at a hidden area of this headquarters.

He walked down from the elevator and walked into the small hallway leading to a thick metal door right in front of him, he then placed his hand on the biometric scanner, he then let his scan his iris which finally opened the door.

This room is only accessible to him and only he can take people inside, as he enters this dark room the light automatically lights up revealing the interior of this room, this room is huge filled with all kind of equipment, there are many large screens that seem to be monitoring someone's heartbeat.

And right in the middle of this room is a long glass tube filled with water and inside this tube is a pokemon, this pokemon has a light blue body, a yellow head, and two tails, there are red oval-shaped pearls on its head and its tails.

This pokemon is Uxie, the one from Lake Acuity.

Cyrus "Is this related to you or is it the Griseous Orb that was stolen from me, well it doesn't matter, once I capture the others, once I have all three of you, I will be able to accomplish my dream of making the perfect world, hahahahahaha"

Cyrus said and started to laugh like a maniac.


Next day Julian woke up from a long sleep, his mental state has been refreshed, he stretches his body and takes a bath, eats breakfast, feeds his pokemons, he also realizes that Crystal has not woken up after in-taking those fragments of light, it has already been a whole day.

Crystal would never sleep for such a long period of time, it would always wake up to eat, drink and play, but it's been a whole day.

Julian doesn't know what is happening to Crystal, he checked its vitals and everything seemed normal, its heart is beating, the energy flow in its body is regular as well, and it still has a small smile on its face indicating that it is having a peaceful time, even the System diagnosed Crystal to be in perfect condition.

This, of course, relieved him but he is still a little worried, he doesn't know what is happening to Crystal.

Julian 'Well I can only get my answer once Crystal wakes up'

He thought and sat down in front of the computer to do some research, he decided to research on alters and villages that worshiped Giratina as their god, and also tried to locate any abandoned temples that are related to Giratina, one this he was certain about was that this cult worshiped Giratina.

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