As the sound echoed across the whole town everyone stopped fighting, Infernape, Gengar, Darkrai, Palkia, and Dialga, the sound continued as it started to play a rhythm, the rhythm soon caught up and became music.

As this music played everyone in the town became calm, Julian has heard this music before. ​​

Julian "This music, its Oracion"

He said as he saw both Dialga and Palkia had actually stopped emitting their battle instinct, they are calming down, the music became louder and more pleasant, suddenly the Space-Time tower started to change, large metal shaped like wings came out of the sides as the radiant white light coming from it shined on everyone, the metal wings turned into real wings as the light became very pleasant, as the light touched all the pokemon present in the town, they were relieved of their fear, it even affected Crystal as it stopped fearing and popped its head out to listen to this beautiful music and watch this glorious yet mysterious occurrence.

As the light touched Palkia's cracked pearl it started to heal up and the pearl returned to its original shape, Dialga gained back its powers as the light touched it, Infernape's wounds began to heal at a rapid pace, Gengar was relieved of his tiredness while Darkrai also returned to its previous healthy condition and Snorlax fell asleep as he heard the music.

Julian stood there as he watched the magnificent giant wings that looked like the work of gods itself, he couldn't understand what is happening, how could a normal engineer/architect able to build something this magical that is able to please even the deities.

Crystal watched the beautiful huge wings as it spread its healing light everywhere restoring every pokemons health, it floated out of Julian's pocket and flew up in the sky to get a closer look at this magical thing that it found very pleasant.

The fragments of small shining light slowly approached Crystal as it surrounded Crystal and entered into the red crystal on its forehead, seeing this Julian got confused, he didn't know what is happening at all.

He saw Crystal close its eyes as it fell into a deep sleep and started to fall down, Julian quickly caught Crystal in his palm and looked at Crystal, he saw a happy smile on Crystal's face as it was sleeping but he felt something different about Crystal right now but he couldn't tell what it is.

He put Crystal back into his pocket and looked back at the Space-Time tower, right now it looked like an angel spreading its light across the world as it brought peace and happiness everywhere.

Julian 'System, what is Oracion?'

System 'The prayer to Divinity'

Julian 'Divinity?'

System 'System is not capable of answering something to this level'

Julian 'I think I understand'

He said and went quiet as he listened to the music as it continued to play and quell all the anger and hatred.

As the music finally stopped, both Dialga and Palkia have completely calmed down, Infernape and Gengar came back to Julian as they returned to their normal form, Darkrai also disappeared from the area but it was still there hiding in the shadow and watching.

Dialga and Palkia floated on their spot and looked at each other after a nod Dialga flew away as it took a glance at Infernape before disappearing into the dimension while Palkia stayed and looked at Julian.

Julian "Your battle with Dialga have destroyed this town, I think you are responsible and should fix it"

Julian said and looked directly into Palkia's eyes, Palkia also stared into Julian as it sensed the same power around him as it uses.

It then made a long cry as the pearls around its arms glowed and everything started to go back to how it was, the town started to repair itself and once it was finally back to its original state Palkia transferred it back to its original spot and that is on top of the hill it was situated in.

After doing so it once again looked at Julian and tore the space in front of it and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Julian finally took a long sigh of relief as he looked around his surroundings, it was the same when he entered the town.

Julian "Looks like you guys saved the day huh?"

He said and he looked at Infernape and Gengar, they nodded their head happily as they saw how proud Julian was of them, this was their hardest battle ever, they were able to hold up for a very long time against the conscious of two deities.

Julian nodded and looked at the shadowy figure far away, it was Darkrai staring at him, Julian smiled and nodded at it, Darkrai then disappeared from Julian's sight as well and went away.

Ash and his friends rushed down the stairs of the Space-Time towers and ran towards Julian.

Ash "Wow, that battle was so cool but I wasn't able to see the most of it at all, you saved the town"

Julian "Well, it wasn't me, I just dragged it till you guys came to the rescue and stopped them from fighting for longer"

Julian said.

Brock "Haha, it was nothing, it was all Tonio's idea if he hadn't figure out, it would have been the end"

Julian "Then we all have to thank Tonio for this"

Julian said.

Tonio "No I didn't do anything, it was all written in Godey's journal"

Julian "Journal?"

Tonio "Yes, Godey's journal had predicted today's incident, if it was not specified on how to stop this disaster in the journal we would have no idea how to stop them"

Julian "Can I see the journal?"

Tonio "Sure"

Tonio said and passed an old journal to Julian, Julian opened it and started to go through the writings in it, as Tonio had said Godey had predicted this day and this was also his reason to build the Space-Time tower but this didn't answer any important questions that Julian currently had.

Where did that power come from, how did Godey foresee the future.

Julian 'There are still so many things I don't know, maybe these questions of mine will just be a mystery or I might get an answer to them, but when? I have no idea'

He thought and returned the journal back to Tonio.

Ash "By the way Julian, what are you doing in this town?"

Julian "I had some business and now that everything is over I will be leaving"

Julian said and bid his farewell from the group and rode off on his bike.

Ash "I think I forgot to ask him something, what is it?"

Ash said as he scratched his head.

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