Julian bent down and took a closer look at the twisted leg of the stone bench, a stone can never get twisted like that so seeing this was quite a shock.

He got up after seeing the result, he couldn't find any possible explanation about this, it was as if the legs were already made like this, but Julian knew it wasn't, the only possible theory he came up with was that the space around the leg of the bench was warped itself. ​​

He sent back all his pokemon into their Pokeball leaving Infernape behind, he needed more eyes to observe this phenomenon.

He walked around this huge garden for a while to find more distorted objects that shouldn't have been in such shape, he also realized that this garden is huge, it will take him hours to cover up the whole garden.

As he continued walking around the garden he suddenly heard a blast coming from near the lakeside.

Julian 'What's going on?'

He thought and walked towards the sound of the explosion, as he kept walking he suddenly heard soft music coming right from the direction where the blast was heard when he listened to this music he felt calm, both is mind and heart were in peace as he heard this music.

Not only him, even Infernape, Gengar, and Crystal were enchanted by this music.

Julian 'What is this music, I have never felt like this before'

He thought and got closer to the lake. When he arrived at the lakeside he saw a bridge going over the lake and a small stone place that looked like a resting spot, on that resting spot he saw a few familiar faces, it was ash and his friends and there was one more person with them.

She is the one who is playing the music he just heard on a leaf.

Julian 'So she was the one who played that music, but what are Ash and his friends doing here, wait a minute'

Julian suddenly realized something.

Julian 'Ash is here, that means something bad is going to happen for sure, I thought it was just a breach in the dimensions that the unknows will heal is a few hours but now that Ash is here I can confirm that things are going to get bad'

Julian knows where ever Ash goes trouble follows, right now he needs to find out what the trouble really is and solve it before it happens.

As he stood there and listened to this young woman playing the music, he saw the effect of this music as well, all the pokemons present in the area seemed to have calmed down, he saw battle marks on the ground as he looked around.

Julian 'Looks like a fight broke down and hearing that music stopped them'

He thought.

The young lady stopped her music while Ash and his friends praised her on how good she was.

Ash "Wow, that was so cool, Alice what is it called?"

He asked.

Alice "It's called Oracion, my grandmother thought it to me"

She said.

Julian 'Oracion huh? wonder what it means'

He thought.

As he was about to go and visit them he saw a Gallade come rushing from the woods, Gallade called for Alice and signaled her to go with it, seeing that Gallade was in a hurry Alice, Ash, and his friends ran towards the direction where Gallade took them.

Seeing this Julian also followed them without them noticing, Infernape was also right behind him.

Soon they arrive at the entrance of an underground shire, when Julian arrived there he saw Alice, Ash, and his friends and another young man wearing a royal outfit standing near a pillar which seems to have twisted just lake those legs of the bench Julian saw before.

Alice "What happened here, Alberto?"

She asked.

Alberto "Its that Darkrai, who else could it be, but don't worry. I Baron Alberto will capture the Darkrai and save the town"

He said.

Julian 'A Darkrai?'

Julian was surprised to hear this, Darkrai is a Legendary pokemon that rules the night.

Julian 'Was the pokemon I sensed before a Darkrai, well it does make sense seeing how strong the presence was, but that distorted pillar, there is no way Darkrai is capable of doing that'

He thought and looked around to see if he can find anything from far away.

He suddenly heard a rustle from the bushes far away and so did the others.

Alberto "Haha, I knew it was the Darkrai, Lickilicky use Hyper Beam"

He sent out his Lickilicky and it used Hyper Beam on the bush that just shook, Lickilicky's powerful Hyper Beam blasted out the person that was inside the bush and it was a young man wearing glasses.

Seeing this young man Alice rushed towards him with a worried face.

Alice "Tonio are you ok?"

She asked as she helped him get back to his feet.

Tonio "Yes, I am, I was just looking around to see what just happened"

Tonio said and took out a device that seems to be recording some kind of wavelength.

Ash "What is that?"

Tonio "You guys felt that shockwave of power right, it was very weird, my device hear picked up something weird so I decided to check what happened"

He said and walked towards the pillars that were twisted, he scanned the pillars and found the same wavelength of energy his device read before.

Tonio "It looks like the whole molecular state of this pillar was changed itself, how is this even possible, it's like space itself had warped around it"

Alberto "I tell you its that Darkrai that lives in this Garden, but don't worry I will capture it and save this town"

The redhead baron said and laughed.

Julian 'Space was warped itself? please don't tell me what I suspect will become true'

He thought and looked back at the Space-Time tower, he suspected the involvement of Palkia in this but still, he didn't want it to happen, just their will can destroy this whole world, forget about this town.

As his thought process was in chaos, Infernape and Gengar noticed something, Gengar came out of Julian's Shadow and stared at a direction that is very dark, shaded by the shadows of the thick trees.

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