After spending some time in the Space-Time tower Julian decided to visit the garden that the old lady at the Inn told him about, go down the tower was a little easier than climbing up, after getting down the tower he directly headed towards the garden the old lad had mentioned to him.

Just like this tower, the park was also built by Godey, Godey is one of the most famous men who have lived on this world hundreds of years ago, there are still many engineering schools that teach about his achievements and history. ​​

Julian soon arrives in front of the garden, he could already see all kinds of local pokemons playing around in the garden, but he sensed something else as well, and Gengar did as well.

Julian and Gengar sensed the presence of a very powerful pokemon.

Julian 'This energy, it's as strong as a legendary pokemon'

Julian got wary, sensing the presence of such a powerful pokemon here but he sensed nothing that would give him an off feeling so he thought that this pokemon just lives here.

People have lived in this town for generations and seeing that this pokemon is so strong it should have also lived for several generations, seeing that people living here have no trouble with it, he guessed its ok to be here.

Julian "Don't worry Gengar, it doesn't look hostile"

Julian said and entered the garden, once he found a spot to sit down he called out his pokemons so they can roam around and enjoy the beautiful scenery, sensing its friends are out Crystal also woke up from its sleep and popped out of Julian's pocket and started to play with others.

Julian then took out the shiny stone he got from the seller.

Julian "Togetic come here"

Julian called Togetic and she rushed towards him as she got curious of the stone in Julian's hand, she floated in front of his hand as she looked at the Shiny Stone, her instinct told her to grab the stone for some reason.

Julian's other pokemon gathered around him to see what is going on as they got curious as well.

Julian "Here take it"

Julian said and hand over the stone to Toketic, she took the stone in her hand and as soon as she did the stone started to glow along with her body.

Seeing the blinding light all the pokemon around her got surprised and backed of covering their eyes, Togetic's body started to change completely, her wings got very big compared to her previous body, her body also started to change taking an oval shape, she lost her long neck as her head got bigger and became the part of the body itself, three horn grew out of her head as well.

As the glowing light faded away they were finally able to see Togekiss

Togetic finally evolved into Togekiss, she now stands 2 meters tall, seeing how big their friend became Manaphy and Crystal were in awe, they sat down on top of Togekiss's head grabbing on to her horns.

Togekiss felt her new large wings and got excited, she could tell that she has gotten a lot stronger as well, she flapped her wings and her body suddenly lifted up from the ground surprising her as well, before she used her energy to float but now she had huge wings she can fly without wasting her energy and fly faster and longer distance.

She flew up carrying Manaphy and Crystal on her head as she dashed around at full speed, she became a lot faster as well.

Julian saw this and smiled, he let Togekiss have fun with her new form, an hour passed as Julian spent his time in the garden minding his own business, his pokemons also did the same as they played their games with each other, they are on vacation so there is no training today, they were very happy, no training, eating food and playing, they could not ask for anything more.

Julian sat beside Infernape as he brushed his fur.

As he was doing this, something happened, a huge burst of energy engulfed the whole town, this energy caused everything to tremble.

While others felt just a shock wave, Julian, Infernape, and Crystal felt much more, it was a burst of Omniforce, all of them got alerted while Crystal rushed towards him and got inside his pocket and popped out its head carefully looking at the Space-Time tower.

Julian and Infernape also looked at that direction, right in the middle of the two towers, they could feel Omniforce leaking out of another dimension.

Julian 'Something's not right, why was there a breach in between two dimensions'

He thought and tried to look into the breach but he was not capable of it, even if he tried hard he couldn't see through it.

Julian 'I cannot see through'

He thought and looked at Infernape, Infernape shook his head saying that he cannot either, he then looked at Crystal and Crystal also had the same answer.

Crystal has never felt this before, every time it was around Omniforce it felt pleasant and calmness but right now it felt chaotic and destructive, completely different from its usual experience.

Julian"Don't worry it will be fine, Infernape will take care of it if things go wrong"

Julian said and patted Crystal to calm it down, Crystal nodded its head and joined its friends once again but its attention was still at the space between the Space-Time towers, something there was not right.

Julian looked around to see if there is anything wrong here and he saw something that took him by surprise, the stone bench he was sitting on, the legs of the stone bench are completely twisted.

He knew that it wasn't like that before but after that burst of Omniforce this happened.

Julian 'What is going on?'

He thought, he had a bad feeling about this.

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