It's early morning and Julian is up and ready, he is making the morning breakfast for his pokemons, after cooking he brought them out and made them eat a lot as they will go through a lot today.

First time training is always hard so they might get tired so Julian put a lot of nutrients and protein in their food today so they don't feel pain and exhausted while training. ​​

After they had their breakfast, Julian left his older pokemons to train on their own while he looks after the little ones.

Crystal, Manaphy and Gible are now standing in front of Julian in a straight line looking at him with their big eyes, expecting something new.

Julian "Ok, now let's start your training, I know all of you are excited to become as strong as others so you have to give it your all"

The little pokemons jumped excitedly and nodded their head, seeing them so excited Julian sighed and started to train them.

He decided to teach Iron Head and Dragon Claw to Gible, starting with a steel type move will be very useful to increase Gible's defense so he chose Iron Head, as for Dragon Claw, he needed one because he is a Dragon, a physical attacking Dragon.

As for Crystal, he trained it in both strength and endurance and slowly buildup its body to get stronger and with a stronger body, it will be able to learn powerful moves as well.

As for Manaphy, he decided to train it in how to channel its energy so it can be able to have a clear grasp of its element and the uses of it, Water is a really good way to protect oneself from physical moves as they greatly reduce the speed and power behind a move.

Julian spent the whole morning training them, he then gave them their lunch and let them sleep as they are very tired, Crystal and Manaphy have grown a little stronger from all that training, as they are still at the lowest of their level, growing stronger at an early stage is very easy, to reach the limit and beyond is very hard.

Same could be said for Infernape, he is just a few levels behind from reaching his limit and in future possibly breaking it but right now he still has to work very hard to advance just one stage, the stronger one gets the harder it becomes to grow.

That is why many pokemons stop getting strong after reaching a certain level, having a trainer and coordinating with them helps them advance further, once they get to understand their element and how gracefully and easily one can use them, the faster they will grow stronger compared to others of their same kind who are equally as strong as them.

Luckily they have Julian and he will be able to train their body to their full potential and that will aid them in understanding their powers much better, the body is the main vessel that holds all their energy and if the body is in perfect condition they would be able to understand their powers much better.

The three pokemons slept next to each other on top of Snorlax's belly, not caring about anything.

Since they have worked hard Julian let them be.

When they woke up they saw it was already night and Julian is making food for himself, they soon started to play after getting refreshed by that long sleep.

While eating he watched them play and run around the field, the day soon came to an end and he had to call it a day.


Next morning he packed up after giving his pokemons their food and hit the road again, on his way whenever he stopped he would train his pokemons so that they don't learn to slack away.

The only pokemons that getaway by slacking off is Snorlax as he seems to grow more powerful every time he wakes up from his sleep.

When he wakes up Julian puts him through excessive training after the training he would eat a lot and fall asleep again, the next time he wakes up he is much stronger than before.

After traveling and training for days his three small pokemon have grown powerful than before and it could be noticed from their body, now they had grown a little in size and their skin seemed more colorful, Gible's skin became more black while Manaphy's skin became a little darker and shinier.

The only one who didn't change at all is Crystal, it is still the same pocket size, even though Julian could tell Crystal had the most development amongst the three it didn't grow an inch.

He had already put Crystal in a Pokeball because he thought that it would grow up and won't fit in his pocket anymore but he was wrong, even though Crystal is growing more powerful it didn't grow in size so it still perfectly fits in his front pocket where it can pop out its small head whenever it wants to take a look what's happening outside.

Currently Julian is looking at his three small pokemons as they chased after each other

Julian 'System, display all their stats'

System 'Affirmative'


Mew (Crystal)

Type - Normal (Electric)

Level - 07

Bond - 100%

HP - 80

Attack - 80

Defense - 80

Sp. Atk - 80

Sp. Def - 80

Speed - 80

Move set - Pur, Thunder Shock.

Ability - Multitype



Type - Water

Level - 07

Bond - 75%

HP - 70

Attack - 70

Defense - 70

Sp. Atk - 70

Sp. Def - 70

Speed - 70

Move set - Bubble, Tail Glow, Water Sport, Water Pulse

Ability - Hydration



Type - Dragon/Ground

Level - 07

Bond - 60%

HP - 70

Attack - 90

Defense - 65

Sp. Atk - 70

Sp. Def - 65

Speed - 60

Move set - Dragon Breath, Tackle, Sand Attack, Dig, Iron Head, Dragon Claw

Ability - Sand Veil, Rough Skin


Seeing the massive boost in all their stats Julian nodded, they had worked very hard, he knew he found three special pokemons, a Gible that is black in color, seeing his stats so high clearly showed his stand as a pseudo legendary pokemon branch.

Manaphy being a mystical pokemon showed how versatile it is in all fields, and Crystal is just broken.

Julian can't imagine how strong these three will become in the future.

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