Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 256 - The End Of The Contest

Julian then decided to continue watching for a while, he wanted to see what Ash will do in the next round if he gets selected.

Soon the other contestant also participated, Dawn also finished her performance, after the first round was over the results were soon announced. ​​

To Julian's surprise Ash made it to the second round, he saw one more person who is in the contest and it is Jessie, the idiot from team rocket.

She seems to be very unique in her presentation as well.

Soon after the results were announced the next round began in a moment, this round is a contest battle, points are scored by how well a pokemon executes their moves and how effective they are in countering their opponent.

Julian sighed because he knew Ash is going to lose, he is a very straight forward kid, when he battles he forgets everything and only focuses on battle.

The sequence of the battle and who will face who also got decided by a computer, Ash will be facing Zoey.

After a few minutes both Ash and Zoey walked into the stage and the battle began, their stats got displayed on the screen above them.

The battle started, Ash chooses his Aipom and Zoey chose her Glameow, Ash started first and attacked with a Focus Punch, Zoey has already experienced how to do a contest battle and tries to use this straight forward attack from Aipom for their advantage.

Glameow used its spring-like tail to grab Aipom's tail stopping the focus punch then it extended its tail and hit an Iron Tail right on Aipom's face and sent it flying.

Ash made his move and told Aipom to attack using Swift while it was in the air, Glameow got hit my multiple starts and was sent rolling back on the ground.

The battle was going well but due to Zoey's unusual way of contest battling Ash was soon put in a tough stop and he has lost a lot of points.

Ash doesn't give up, neither does Aipom and it charges towards Glameow with full power using Focus punch.

Unluckily the timer came to a stop indicating the winner of this battle as Zoey.

Julian 'That Glameow would have been seriously injured if that focus punch had connected'

Julian had already predicted the outcome of this battle, but he might have proven wrong if the timer didn't go off.

If that Focus punch had connected, that Glameow would have been planted into a wall.

Julian 'He is better of sticking to gym battles, I wonder why he participated in this contest?'

He looked carefully then he remembered something, Ash will give his Aipom to Dawn as it wants to participate in contest battles.

Remembering what will happen Julian smiled and waited for the whole contest to end, at the end it was Zoey vs Jessie in disguise, at the end of it the orange hair girl won her second ribbon.

He found some interesting things and inspired him to come up with some combination moves.

He didn't regret wasting his time coming here.

Julian 'I should go now and train Gible, I still haven't even looked into his stats till now'

He thought and walked out of the contest hall, to his surprise it is already 5 PM, he didn't even notice how time flew by so fast.

While exiting he saw Ash and his friend saying their goodbye to Zoey, he ignored them and rode off, his next destination is Oreburgh city, where he will have his first gym battle.


Its night time and Julian is camping inside a forest, he had left Jubilife city pretty early, his pokemons are sitting around the fireplace and enjoying their meal, Julian looks at his new pokemons, Crystal, Manaphy and Gible.

He has to start training them so they can grow stronger and will be able to stand tall and strong if they ever fall in a tough situation.

Julian decided to check Gible's stats as he didn't focus on it before.

Julian 'System show Gible's stats'

System 'Affirmative'



Type - Dragon/Ground

Level - 05

Bond - 40%

HP - 60

Attack - 80

Defense - 40

Sp. Atk - 70

Sp. Def - 40

Speed - 40

Move set - Dragon Breath, Tackle, Sand Attack, Dig

Ability - Sand Veil, Rough Skin


Julian is pleased, Gible's physical attack is very high but he doesn't know the right moves to take advantage of such high Attack stats.

Julian 'I should teach him some physical Dragon-type moves and increase his defenses, he needs work on that'

As for Crystal and Manaphy, he has already come up with a training regime, they would have to increase all their stats simultaneously as they both could be powerful physical and special attacked simultaneously.

Julian has never trained a pokemon who has an equal distribution of stats across the board but now he has to train two of them, this might be a little challenging to him but he is up to the challenge.

After they finished their food Julian looks at them.

Julian "From tomorrow all of you will start training so be ready"

The three tiny pokemons nod their head, Gible is the most excited out of them as he wants to grow stronger and one day turn into a Garchomp and fly high in the sky.

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