Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 237 - Julian Vs Ash (3)

Three of Ash's pokemon are down but throughout the whole tournament he has had the longest battles with Julian's pokemon, the crowd is enjoying this battle, this is really a large scale battle which is causing huge explosions that couldn't have been seen in a normal battle.

Julian "Who is going to be your next pokemon, choose wisely" ​​

Ash stared at Julian then took out his Pokeball.

Ash "Snorlax I choose you"

Ash sent out his Snorlax.

This made Julian nod his head, he has never seen Ash's Snorlax before but he knows one thing, Ash's Snorlax is a powerhouse just like his.

Julian "Great choice, Sceptile return"

Julian called back Sceptile and took out his next Pokeball and tossed it up.

Julian "Metagross you are up"

Julian's Metagross is his Tank of the team and he hits hard.

Ash's Snorlax seems very serious as it senses Metagross's power.

Ash "Snorlax use Flame Thrower"

Snorlax takes a deep breath and sends a blazing Flamethrower at Metagross.

Julian "Use Reflect"

Metagross created a barrier which stopped the Flamethrower from reaching him.

Julian "Now Flash Cannon"

Metagross then used his four arms and aimed at Snorlax, then he started to create a ball filled with steel energy.

He then launched it towards Snorlax with full power.

Ash "Snorlax counter with Flamethrower again"

Snorlax once again used Flamethrower and the two attacks once again collided causing massive destruction that caused it to rise till the sky and air got ripped and sent blowing everywhere.

Ash "Snorlax use Body Slam"

Snorlax then jumped high up in the air and when crashing towards Metagross.

Julian "Metagross move"

Metagross moved away and dodged the Body Slam.

Ash "Not so fast, Snorlax use Hyper Beam"

As Snorlax keeps falling it turned its head towards Metagross and released a powerful Hyper Beam, since Metagross is very close he couldn't dodge and got hit by the Hyper Beam.

Metagross flew up in the sky from the impact but after the smoke got clear Metagross could be seen floating there who no scratch on him, the first reason being that he is resistance to normal type attack and second is his extreme defense.

Julian "Now Flash Cannon"

Metagross then launched a powerful Flash Cannon on the falling Snorlax which made it fall even faster and crashed on the ground, but to Julian's surprise, Snorlax got back to its feet and dusted off its stomach.

Julain laughed lightly seeing this, the reason Snorlax came out unscathed is because of their high vitality, they are pokemon who have extreme vitality, even when they are injured or damaged they can still stand up as if nothing happened until a certain extent.

Snorlax is hurt but it can still put on a powerful fight.

Julian "Metagross use Zen Headbutt"

Metagross folded his arms and charged towards Snorlax as he covered himself is pulsing psychic energy.

Ash 'Wait for it'

Metagross came towards Snorlax and crashed onto it and started to push it through the battlefield.

Ash "Snorlax now Thunder Punch"

As Snorlax was getting pushed, Snorlax lifted its right hand and delivered a powerful Thunder Punch on top of Metagross's head.

Metagross crashed on the ground and Snorlax also lost its footing and fell on its back.

Metagross was hurt but this is something he could take easily, he once again got back to floating and made some distance from Snorlax.

Both of them received some damage after that exchange.

Julian 'That Snorlax is already near Elite level pokemon, Ash is really lucky to capture it'

Julian thought.

Julian "Metagross let's get over with this, Meteor Mash"

Ash "Snorlax Hyper Beam"

Metagross rushed towards Snorlax as if a meteorite is entering through the atmosphere and burning up, the power behind this Meteor Mash is huge.

Snorlax also got ready for it counter, it got back to its feet and started to collect enormous power in its mouth, and then it launched it.

The Hyper Beam tore through the air and hit Metagross.

Metagross stood his ground and decided to tear through this Hyper Beam, he put more pressure and started to move forward.

Ash "Snorlax full power"

Snorlax increased its output and the Hyper Beam became even stronger.

Metagross has not given up, he collected more power and increased his output and finally tore through the powerful Hyper Beam and crashed onto Snorlax.

As it happened the explosion rose up till the sky, the protection around the stadium vibrated like crazy, the whole battlefield has turned into a dead land, cracks everywhere, burnt marks and small rocks lying on it.

Smoke covered the whole battlefield and nothing is clear, soon the air blew away the smoke to reveal Snorlax is out, it has fainted.

Metagross is still floating, he won that exchange.

The referee ran into the battlefield as he had already abandoned it a long time ago when it had become very dangerous.

Referee "Snorlax is unable to battle, Metagross wins"

After stating the result he ran back to the safety chamber.

Julian "You have only two left, make a choice or give up"

Julian said.

Ash gritted his teeth.

Pikachu "Pikkaaaa"

Pikachu who is sitting on his shoulder stepped up and took the battlefield.

Ash "Pikachu? are you sure?'

Pikachu nodded his head and electricity sparked across his cheeks.

Julian "Quite brave, Metagross return"

Julian called back Metagross and took out his next Pokeball.

Julian "Pikachu let's see how much you have grown, Gardevoir you are up"

Julian sent out Gardevoir next.

Gardevoir took the battlefield and suddenly the pressure rises in the battlefield, Gardevoir is a pure special attacked so her firepower is beyond anyone in Julian's team, her defense and attack are nothing but there should be no one who can handle her special attack.

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