Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 236 - Julian Vs Ash (2)

The Hyper Beam and Dragon Pulse clashed with each other and it destroyed the ground under the collision, the air got distorted and blew everywhere it could reach.

Ash "Heracross use Horn Attack" ​​

As the battlefield gets covered by the smoke of the attacks, Heracross reveals its wings behind its back armor and fly towards Flygon with full speed as its horn glows and increase in size as it uses Horn Attack.

Julian "Dragon Claw"

Flygon flaps his wings fast and moves the smoke away and extends his hands and two huge glowing claw materialize.

Flygon them crosses them and charged towards Heracross.

Both of them collide in midair, the Dragon Claw and Horn Attack collide and cause a huge sound which sounds like a clap of thunder.

Heracross and Flygon back off as they are equally powerful in pure brute strength.

Julian is surprised by how powerful Ash's Heracross is, to go head on with Flygon is really something.

Julian 'Interesting'

Julian "Dragon Rush"

Ash "Use Mega Horn"

Flygon flies up into the sky and looks down on Heracross, he then suddenly covers himself with pulsing energy which turns into a shape of a dragon and it roars.

Flygon then takes a deep dive towards Heracross and rush towards it using Dragon Rush.

Heracross stands its ground and its horn starts to grow large and glows green, it then reveals its wings once again and starts to flap it and rush towards Flygon using Mega Horn.

They once again collide and this time the impact is even greater, the sound caused by this attack is like a rumble of thunder.

The crowd in the audience cover their ears but still keeps cheering for them.

Flygon and Heracross keep exchanging blows after blows, but it has to come to an end at some point, Heracross seems to be losing its stamina but Flygon is still at his peak he can carry this for hours, the training Julian put then through has increased their stamina to their peek.

Julian "Now Brutal Swing"

As Julian sees Heracross is getting tired he knows his time has come to make a move.

Flygon moves away and escapes a Horn Attack from Heracross and then grabs onto its horn and does a 360 turn and swings Heracross to the ground with full force.

Heracross is caught off guard and gets slammed into the ground and planted deep.

Ash "Heracross get out of there"

Julian "Draco Meteor"

Flygon releases a ball of energy up in the sky and it suddenly separates into multiple shards and starts to rain on the ground.

Heracross did get out of the ground but is caught by the meteors that are raining on it, it couldn't take on such a powerful attack and collapses as its stamina hits the limit.

Referee "Heracross is unable to battle Flygon wins"

Ash looks at his Heracross and smiles.

Ash "You did great Heracross you should rest"

He returns Heracross back to its Pokeball and looks at Julian.

Julian "Your Heracross is really strong, too bad it lacks stamina or it could rival elite four level pokemons easily"

Ash nodded and took out his next Pokeball.

Ash "Sceptile, I choose you"

Julian calls back his Flygon and takes out another Pokeball.

Julian "Then I will go Sceptile as well"

Julian said and brought out his Shiny Sceptile.

The two Sceptile faces each other, one is a regular one and the other is a Shiny, Julian's Sceptile is of course, taller than Ash's Sceptile and he stares down on Ash's Sceptile.

Julian's Sceptile is very proud of his speed and power so he would start to release pressure on his opponent to show them what they are facing against.

Ash's Sceptile feels the stare of Julian's Sceptile and grits its teeth, it knows Julian's Sceptile is looking down on it and it flares up its fighting instinct.

Ash "Sceptile let's go all out"

Ash's Sceptile nodded and stared at Julian's Sceptile

Ash "Sceptile use Dual Chop"

Ash's Sceptile charges towards Julian's Sceptile as its hands glow, it is fairly fast and reaches Julian's Sceptile in just a few seconds.

Julian "Duck, then Night Slash"

As Ash's Sceptile aimed for Julian's Sceptile's head, Julian's Sceptile ducked down then delivered a Night Slash right on its belly and sent it crashing backward.

Ash "Sceptile use Bullet Seed"

Ash's Sceptile rolled and quickly got back to its feet and sent multiple bullet seeds at Julian's Sceptile.

Julian "Dodge, then use Leaf Blade"

Julian's Sceptile dodged the Bullet Seeds easily and charged towards his opponent as his red blades grew longer and sharper, the red crescent blades of Sceptile are very intimidating.

Ash "Sceptile, use Leaf Blade as well"

Ash's Sceptile also powered up its blade and is ready to clash.

Julian's Sceptile arrives and swings his left blade from the bottom left side, Ash's Sceptile moves its left blade and blocks it, Julian's Sceptile then brings down his right blade from the top, Ash's Sceptile once again blocks the attack with its own right blade but this leaves his body completely opened.

Julian "Now"

Julian's Sceptile had been storing energy for a powerful blow for quite a while now he has got the chance to use it.

Julian's Sceptile blasts a powerful Dragon Pulse straight on Ash's Sceptile's face.

Ash's Sceptile is sent flying in the air but Ash hasn't given up.

Ash "Sceptile use Leaf Storm"

Ash's Sceptile brings out a raging tornado of leaves and use it to stabilize itself in mid-air and its lands back on its legs, it's hurt but it didn't receive extra damage from crashing on the ground or into the wall.

Ash "Sceptile I know you can do this"

Ash's Sceptile seems really weak right now but suddenly its power starts to flare up as green aura starts to surround its body.

It's ability Overgrow kicked in, it would raise its grass type moves power.

Ash "Sceptile go all out, use Leaf Storm"

Ash's Sceptile goes all out and uses all its power to summon a gigantic Leaf Storm, the Storm is so huge that it's reaching the sky, shattered stones on the ground are being lifted and sucked into the tornado making it's inside even more dangerous.

Ash's Sceptile then starts to move it towards Julian's Sceptile.

Julian's Sceptile stood there as he looks at the huge raging storm of leaves, he grips on to the ground tightly and is ready to go all out as well.

Julian "Let's finish this, Frenzy Plant"

As the command is given, Sceptile rises his hand and then slams it to the ground, suddenly gigantic roots come hurdling out of the ground and charged at the tornado to rip it off.

The roots are as thick as 1.4 meters, and there are continuous charging at the Leaf Storm like javelins.

The roots don't stop there and charged towards Ash's Sceptile as well.

As the two of the most powerful Grass-type moves collide, it causes a huge explosion that rises up till the air, the crowd in the audience gets startled by the explosion of the green light, luckily they are behind powerful protection.

The stadium is covered by a thick cloud of white smoke and nothing could be seen except some tips of the gigantic roots.

Soon the smoke gets clear and the results are clear, Ash's Sceptile is gripped in a huge root and has fainted.

Julian's Sceptile is still standing but is breathing lightly.

Referee "Ash's Sceptile is unable to battle, Julian's Sceptile wins"

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