Julian "Let's get this over with, Milotic use Ice Beam"

Stede "Blastoise counter with Hydro Pump" ​​

Both pokemons launched their moves and they collided, the clash between water and ice lead to nowhere, ice shards kept flying everywhere as the water got frozen by the Ice Beam and the pressure behind the Hydro Pump shattered the ice.

Stede "Blastoise use Aqua Jet"

Blastoise suddenly retracted its head, hands, and legs inside and started to spin, shooting out water and turning into a vortex, then it charged towards Milotic using Aqua Jet.

Julian "Dragon Tail"

As Blastoise got near Milotic she jumped and did a 360 flip and landed a powerful Dragon tail right on top of Blastoise after dodging the Aqua Jet.

Blastoise crashed on the ground but it didn't stop spinning, as it spun it turned like a wheel and charged towards Milotic again.

Julian "Use Ice Beam to make a ramp"

Milotic use Ice Beam and created a mini ramp, as Blastoise came in contact with it, it got lifted up in the air without having any control over its body.

Julian "Iron Tail"

Milotic then swung her tail with full power and hit Blastoise from the bottom and sent it even higher up in the air.

Blastoise didn't have any control over its body right now and it kept flying up.

Julian "Hyper Beam"

Milotic then took a deep breath and blasted a powerful Hyper Beam at Blastoise, the attack hit and Blastoise stopped spinning and came crashing down to the ground, as it came down, its head came out and people could notice that it got knocked out, it returned back to its normal form after that.

Referee "The winner of this battle is Julian, he advances to the Top 16"

The referee declared the results and the crowd started to cheer for Julian, as he said he defeated all of Stede's pokemon with just one.

Announcer "What a powerful match that was, I can still feel the vibration of those attacks all over my body, too bad it has ended and today's knockout round is closed, tomorrow will be another day where eight trainers will battle and four will go to the top 16"

The announcer finished his announcement.

Julian approached Stede and shook his hand.

Julian "You know, not many people dare to challenge me right up on my face, you are a great trainer and you should continue doing what you do"

Stede "Hahahaha, as expected of the champion, you earned my respect, and here I thought you champions were all over self-confident brats"

Julian "Well I hope, my image is at least clear, I don't know about others"

Stede "Haha, I like you more now, how about we have some beer after this?"

Julian "We will see"

Julian then left the stadium.


Top 16 was nothing special, Julian swept his opponent easily with his Flygon and Gardevoir.

Top 8 was ok, he faced off against a flying type trainer but Metagross just stomped over all four of them.

Top 4, the semifinal was also ok, he faced off against a Psychic-type trainer but he got buried the same way as others, Julian only used Absol to sweep the competition, he didn't even Mega Evolve him.

And now the finale is near, Julian is currently sitting inside a VIP room with Daisy and Chloe as they watched the battle going down below.

It is between Tyson and Ash.

Tyson is up to his last pokemon while Ash still has two up his sleeve, Tyson's Meowth is standing on the battlefield as its sharp claws are exposed, to its opposite is Pikachu, his cheeks are releasing sparks.

Tyson "Meowth let's finish this, use Slash"

His Meowth ran towards Pikachu at full speed, Ash seems to be very determined and focused right now, he is waiting for the perfect moment.

Julian smiled seeing this.

Julian 'Looks like I found my opponent for the final battle'

As Julian thought this Ash made his move.

Ash "Pikachu now, full power Thunderbolt"

As Ash gave the command Pikachu has finished charging up, as soon as Meowth came in the point-blank range, a full burst of electricity got released from Pikachu.

The both traveled through the stadium and into the sky, Meowth landed on the ground right next to Pikachu as smoke came out of its fur.

Meowth has fainted.

Referee "Meowth is unable to battle, Pikachu wins, the winner of this battle and the trainer to advance to the grand finale is Ash Ketchum"

Announcer "IT'S OVER, WE HAVE OUR TWO FINALIST, Julian the undefeated vs Ash the underdog, a battle that will be talked for years to come, I cannot wait for it even a second, a battle that would shake the world will take place"

The Announcer hyped up the finals as much as he can, but he didn't need to do that, everyone in Hoenn is right now talking about two people, Julian and Ash.

A trainer who is already at the top and a young underdog who wants to climb up the mountain.

All eyes were on Ash and Julian.

Ash had never expected he would come this far, he and his pokemons have worked really hard and finally, he gets what he wanted from the very beginning of his journey, a battle with Julian.

Ash returned back to the waiting room where Brock, May, and Max are waiting for him.

Ash "Guys, I did it, now I have one more to go"

Brock "The finale will be the hardest battle you will ever experience, you know that right?"

Ash "I know"

Brock "Do you think you can will"

Ash "No, but what I want is to go all out, I have come this far, I cannot back down now"

Brock "That's what I expected, you will do great in the finals"

Ash "I hope so as well"

Max "Ahhhh, I am so frustrated, I don't know who I should cheer for, Ash or Julian"

Max rubbed his head in frustration.

May "Let's cheer for both of them"

Max "Yes, I will cheer for both of you guys"

Ash "Thankyou"

Gengar [Gegegegegegegege]

Gengar watched the four talking and laughed and disappeared into the shadows once again.

On top of a hill which is nearby, Julian stood and smiled.

Julian "Let's see what you got for me Ash, I will be waiting"

As he said this Gengar returned and went back in his shadow.

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