The whole stadium went silent, no one expected this at all, just one move and it's over.

Announcer "Did you all see that? one move, just one move" ​​

The crowd once again went crazy as they cheered for Julian's Milotic.

Stede is as shocked as everyone present around the stadium, maybe even more, he knows how strong his Kingler is better than anyone, and to get one shot like that at the beginning is a huge blow.

Julian "You have three left, make your choice"

Julian said and folded his arms.

Julian "Just because I didn't go all out in previous battles means I have not trained my pokemons properly, each and every pokemon that belong to me are at the highest level around their power level, I just didn't destroy my opponents because I don't want to destroy their confidence, but you seem to be very confident on your pokemon, losing one won't matter to you I guess"

Julian said this as he felt Stede is the kind of person he thinks he is, a very competitive one.

Stede "Ha, you got me there but it won't matter, I will take down your Milotic, go Cloyster"

Stede sent out his Cloyster.

Julian 'So he is going for pure defense now'

Julian "Milotic, Aqua Tail"

Milotic charged towards Cloyster as her whole body is covered with water which helped her move around the rough ground very easily.

She reached Cloyster and swung her tail which is covered with water vortex around it.

Stede "Cloyster protect yourself"

Cloyster soon closed its exposed head in its hard shell and shut it tightly, Milotic's attack hit it and sent it rolling and crashing on the ground, Cloyster revealed its head once again, it didn't receive any damage.

Julian 'That shell is really living up to the species hype, that even a missile cannot break it since physical attacks are near useless then Special attack it is'

Julian "Milotic, Ice Beam, cover the battlefield with Ice, pin Cloyster down as well"

Milotic took a deep breath and blasted a powerful Ice Beam across the battlefield and covering it with a layer of freezing ice.

As Cloyster's movement is halted on hard ground it couldn't escape and got caught on the ice, as it's spikes got caught in them.

Stede "Use Spike Cannon on the ice to get out of the ice"

As soon as Cloyster used the Spike Cannon and got out of the ice hold, Milotic suddenly made a move, she sent a powerful Dragon Breath straight towards the exposed head of Cloyster, it may have a nearly unbreakable shell but while performing an attack it cannot cover it's head, with this Milotic's Dragon Breath hit straight on the face and sent it flying backward and it completely fainted.

Stede didn't see that coming at all, he thought that Julian wanted to pin down Cloyster and launch a barrage of attacks, even though Cloyster's shell is hard being continuously attacked would cause the internal part of the shell where the head lies to get hit by shockwaves which will at some point cause dizziness or make it even collapse.

Stede decided to escape from the ice hold but who would have thought that Milotic will attack when he wasn't even paying attention.

Another one of his pokemon is down, now he has only two left and the remaining two are his strongest pokemon, he has to go all out he wants to achieve what he said, and that is to defeat Julian's Milotic.

Stede "Come out Slowking"

His third pokemon is Slowking, a water/psychic type.

As Slowking came out of its Pokeball and landed on the icy ground it released a powerful psychic aura.

It also had something on its neck, the patterned scarf around its neck has a Mega Stone fixed in it.

Stede "Let's go all out, Slowking Mega Evolve"

As soon as Stede brought out Slowking he went straight for the Mega Evolution.

Slowking soon started to change and when the light faded away nothing much changed except the crown on its head turned into a huge gold crown and the round scarf around its neck turned into a long cape


This is how it looks.

Art by Skallhati.


Julian looked at this new mega evolution he saw, he has not seen a Mega Slowking before so it is something new to him as well.

Stede "Slowking, use Psyshock"

Julian "Milotic dodge, then use Water Pulse"

Milotic's speed increased as she slid on the ice and water that is covering her body, she moved around and dodged the Psyshocks one after the other and then sent a powerful Water Pulse, a huge ball of water rushed towards Slowking followed by a wave of water right behind it.

It crashed on Slowking and caused the water to fly everywhere and cover the whole battlefield, as the water cleared Milotic appeared right in front of Slowking and attacked with an Ice Beam, freezing Slowking and turning it into an ice sculpture.

She then backed down.

Julian "Let's finish this Hyper Beam"

Since Slowking is now inside an ice brick, turned into an Ice Sculpture a direct hit from a Hyper Beam would be devastating.

Stede "Slowking get out of it"

As Stede spoke the ice started to crack and a layer of psychic energy could be seen seeping out of the cracks.

Milotic launched her Hyper Beam and it was about to hit Slowking, that is when the ice shattered and Slowking manages to make an escape, seeing the Hyper Beam missed, Stede sighed but it is not just over.

Julian "Now"

As Julian says this Milotic rushes towards Slowking who is trying to get back to its feet after making that near escape, Milotic suddenly wraps around Slowking and squeezes it.

Stede "Slowking quick use Psychic and get out of it"

Julian "No you don't Milotic use Captivate"

As Milotic heard Julian, she used Captivate and rendered Slowking useless, it fell in love with Milotic.

Julian "Finish it off, Hyper Beam"

Milotic then launched a Hyper Beam right on Slowking's face and let go of it, it was sent flying and crashing on the ground and lost its Mega evolution and fainted.

Stede's three pokemon are down and he only has one to go.

Julian "Go on, choose your last pokemon"

Julian said.

Stede gritted his teeth and tossed his Pokeball.

Stede "Go Blastoise"

He sent out his last pokemon, a Blastoise, it is a big one and it also has a Mega Stone on its arm.

Stede "Blastoise Mega Evolve"

Stede once again went for a Mega Evolution, Julian is surprised by this decision but he didn't think it is stupid, he would have done the same if he had to battle an opponent who is stronger than him.

Blastoise soon started to change and it finally Mega Evolved.

Julian looked at Milotic and thought of something.

Julian 'I think I should Mega Evolve her as well'

Julian had no particular reason, he just wanted to play around so he decided to Mega Evolve.

Julian "Why don't I Mega Evolve as well"

He said and flashed his Keystone, causing the Mega Stone on Milotic to shine as well.

Soon Milotic started to change, she became longer and her antennas multiplied and her tail fin became even larger.


This is how she looks.

Art by cdhernly.


Julian nodded as he saw how her beauty has become for enhanced due to this Mega Evolution as well.

Julian 'System show her stats right now'

System 'Affirmative'


Mega Milotic

Type - Water/Dragon

Level - 60

Bond - 100%

HP - 300 --> 400

Attack - 180 --> 290

Defense - 230 --> 310

Sp. Atk - 290 --> 400

Sp. Def - 350 --> 450

Speed - 250 --> 350

Move set - Refresh, Water Gun, Water Pulse, Ice Beam, Mist, Aqua Ring, Aqua Tail, Disarming Voice, Twister, Captivate, Dragon Tail, Attract, Hydro Pump, Rain Dance, Protect, Blizzard, Light Screen, Rest, Surf, Hyper Beam, Dragon Breath, Dragon Pulse, Iron Tail.

Ability - Marvel Scale (Unlocked), Competitive (Unlocked), Moxie (Unlocked).


Julian 'Her stats have raised significantly with Mega Evolution'

Julian said and looked at Stede with a smile.

Announcer "Three mega evolution in one match, this couldn't get any more interesting"

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