Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 224 - Qualifiers (5)

Julian's battle is about to start and he needs to go to the waiting room.

Chloe "After this, we should go to a restaurant I am very hungry" ​​

Julian "Sure"

Daisy "I saw a nice place let's go there"

Julian "Let me finish my battle first"

After receiving their good luck Julian walked out of the room and headed towards the waiting room, as he entered there he saw Ash and his friends talking.

Brock noticed Julian enter and called him.

Brock "Julian over here"

Julian walked towards them.

Ash "Julian did you see my battle? what do you think"

Julian "You did good"

Max "Sir Julian, your battle is next right?"

Julian "Yes"

Ash "Guys let's watch the battle and then go to our room"

Brock "Hmm, then let's do that"

May "All the best Sir Julian"

They walked out of the waiting room and left him alone.

Julian sat on a chair and closed his eyes so that he can clear his mind as usual before he goes out to battle.

After waiting for a while a man soon came in to inform him that his match is about to start, Julian opened his eyes and walked towards the underground elevator which will directly take him to the battlefield.

Outside on the battlefield people were getting restless as they wait for Julian's arrival, every battle of his is a sight to be seen and people are on their edges.

The announcer got the ok to being the announcement and he soon began with the introduction.

Announcer "Ladies and Gentlemen, its time of the main event, the one that you all have been waiting for, the battle between trainer Sterlin and Julian, an epic conclusion to the qualifiers, now enough talking from my side and get ready for the action"

Announcer "Our first trainer is Sterlin, he has been defeating his opponents under a minute in every battle, he is being called the dark horse of this year's Ever Grade Conference, some even say that he might defeat Julian and claim the title for the strongest trainer, till now he has remained undefeated till now but will it continue, let's welcome Sterlin"

As the announcer finished the introduction a man soon entered the battlefield, he has dark blue hair and is quite tall as well.

People cheered for him as they have seen him battle, he is really a powerful trainer, some pitied him because he is going to be eliminated before he could even reach the top 32.

Announcer "Now let's welcome our next trainer, I need not even give an introduction for this man, please welcome Julian"

Julian also arrived on the battlefield and people cheered for him as well but louder.

He looked at his opponent.

Julian 'He seems promising'

Julian though and looked at him.

Sterlin, on the other hand, is a little tense, even though he has remained undefeated till now and have defeated his opponent faster than Julian, he doesn't know what Julian holds, he had spent a whole day studying Julian's pokemon but he only noticed one thing, his pokemon were not trying at all, they were just casually using moves to destroy their opponent.

Sterlin 'I just have to give it my all'

The referee soon walks in and looks at both the trainers and explain the rules, after getting confirmation from both Julian and Sterlin he moves on.

Referee "You may choose your pokemon"

Julian "Metagross and Absol you are up"

Julian sent out Metagross and Absol, they have battled together with each other so they easily coordinate with each other.

Sterlin looks at the two pokemon Julian sent in and decided to bring out his best as well.

Sterlin "Swampert, Blaziken, let's go"

Sterlin sends out his best pokemons for the battle.

Referee "Let the battle begin"

As the referee waves the flags and indicates the start of the battle, Sterlin makes his move.

Sterlin "Blaziken use Fire Punch on Metagross, Swampert use Hammer Arm on Absol"

Both of his pokemons then rushed towards Metagross and Absol.

Julian "Absol hop on Metagross. Metagross go up"

Absol jumped on Metagross and Metagross went up high and got out of Blaziken's and Swampert's range.

Sterlin "No you don't Blaziken go after them"

Blaziken ran and jumped, its speed and power behind its legs helped it to get below Metagross and Absol.

Julian "Metagross use Psychic"

As Blaziken is about to get close to them, Metagross sent a powerful Psychic blast towards Blaziken which blasted Blaziken and sent it back to the ground, Blaziken crashed on the ground and smoke rose up.

Julian "Absol use Psycho Cut"

Absol then started to shoot multiple crescent-shaped blades made of psychic energy, it shot towards Blaziken with full speed.

Sterlin "Swampert, use Protect"

Swampert got in front of Blaziken and used Protect and protected Blaziken from getting severely injured.

Sterlin realized that it's not going to be easy for him, he has to put more effort if he really wants to hit Julian's pokemon.

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