Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 223 - Qualifiers (4)

Julian's second match in the qualifiers was against a man named Mathew who trained only fire type pokemons, he had a Magmortar and a Rapidash in his double battle team.

Julian used Milotic and Gardevoir, a team of powerful Special defense and Special attack, he defeated Mathew in four minutes as Gardevoir delivered the final blow with Future Sight on them. ​​

And advancing to the next round of the Qualifiers.

Julian is once again back at the building where he could see his opponent's information.

He sat down in front of a computer as the others who are present in the building surround him and looked at his screen, many are always interested in finding out who Julian's next opponent is, some talked with excitement as they stood behind him.

Julian had decided to get used to this so he didn't say anything, he logged in and checked his next opponent.

It seems to be a young man named Sterlin, he is 18 years old just like Julian, he is a mix trainer and his ace seems to be Swampert, his other pokemons that are known are Slaking, Exploud and Hariyama, he has only shown these four pokemons.

Julian doesn't know what other pokemon he has, and he didn't care.

Julian had already decided to use Absol and Metagross in this battle, let his opponent decide which pokemon he is going to use to battle Julian.

Since he has gathered the needed information Julian decided to leave as his battle is in two hours, just like always Daisy and Chloe are in one of the VIP room watching the battles.

As Julian walked into the VIP room Chloe and Daisy welcomed him.

Daisy "Look Ash is about to battle next"

Julian got surprised, he didn't expect Ash's battle to be in the same stadium as well.

Julian "Let's see how his other pokemons are doing"

Julian said and sat down between Daisy and Chloe.

On the battlefield, robots were done cleaning up the battlefield properly and the signal for the next battle to begin is given.

Announcer "Now, its time for another exciting battle, it is between Ash from Pallet Town a true underdog, he has swept through the battles he had till now very easily, and Clark he has earned the nickname called 'The conductor', he has a very unique style of Pokemon battling, he acts as a conductor and conducts his pokemons in a battle"

The announcer paused and took a deep breath.

Announcer "Now let's welcome them, everyone here is Ash Ketchum"

Ash then came into the battlefield from underground, people started to cheer for him.

Announcer "Here comes Clark"

Clark also entered the battlefield and looked at Ash, he held a conducting baton in his hand.

The referee soon walked in and explained the rules of the battle.

Ash and Clark nodded as they agreed to the rules.

Referee "Choose your pokemons"

Ash "Sceptile, Glalie come out"

Ash sent out his Sceptile and Glalie.

Julian 'Hmm, his Treecko has already evolved into Sceptile, his progress is faster than in the anime, his Sceptile also looks strong, as for Glalie its the first time I have seen one in real, it seems to be strong as well'

Clark "Excellent, Charizard and Quilava lets win this"

Clark sent out his Charizard and Quilava.

Ash didn't seem to care much even though both his pokemons are in a clear disadvantage against his opponent's pokemon.

Ash "Sceptile, Glalie, let's show them how powerful you two are"

Referee "Then, let the battle begin"

Clark "Charizard, Heat Wave. Quilava, Flame Wheel"

Clark called out his moves and started to move around his baton.

Ash "Glalie, use Rollout to counter Flame Wheel. Sceptile, use Razor Wind to counter Charizard's Heat Wave"

As Ash said Glalie charged towards Quilava using Rollout, Sceptile sent multiple Razor Winds which passed through the Head Wave and directly hit Charizard, Glalie and Quilava clashed with each other and canceled each other's move, as Glalie is covered with Rock energy the flames didn't affect it.

Ash "Glalie once again, Rollout"

Ash asked Glalie to continue attacking with Rollout as the more a Rollout is used the powerful it becomes.

A very devastating move.

Clark "Quilava once again, Flame Wheel. Charizard used Wing Attack on Sceptile"

Julian just watched the battle, he already knew Ash is going to win, his battling right now seemed much refined and he was clearly trying to power up Glalie to give the final blow, Sceptile is just there as a curtain to cover the main threat of his team, Sceptile seems strong and anyone would want to eliminate the stronger one and take care of the weaker one later.

Ash "Sceptile, let it come closer than use Leaf Blade"

Glalie and Quilava collided and this time Glalie clearly had the advantage as more power is behind the attack right now.

Quilava is sent rolling on the ground.

Clark didn't expect his Quilava to be sent back in exchange so early in the battle, he cannot call back Charizard back right now as it may leave it vulnerable to Sceptile's attack.

Charizard charged towards Sceptile as its wings glowed, Sceptile waited as the blades on its arms grew longer and covered by energy.

As Charizard was about to make contact, Sceptile suddenly jumped up, did a somersault and landed a powerful Leaf Blade directly on Charizard's head, causing Charizard to lose its flight and came crashing on the ground.

Ash "Glalie, now"

As Ash said this, Glalie suddenly changed its target and headed towards Charizard using Rollout, this time the power behind it is 2x times from the previous one.

Clark "Quilava quick, assist Charizard"

Ash "Sceptile block Quilava and use Leech Seed"

Sceptile suddenly sent out multiple Bullet Seeds at Quilava and stopping it on its track, with those Bullet seeds was one hidden Leech Seed which got stuck to Quilava and tied it up and started to slowly suck its energy.

Glalie crashed onto Charizard which was trying to get back to its feet, suddenly being hit by a powerful Rollout, it sent Charizard through and out of the battlefield as it fainted.

Ash "Glalie, now its Quilava"

Glalie then charged towards the tied up Quilava using Rollout, there is no way in hell Quiliva can survive this attack as it is 2x times more powerful than the one which Charizard got hit.

Julian "It's over"

As Julian said this, Glalie hit Quilava and also sent it out of the battlefield.

Referee "Charizard and Quilava are unable to battle Sceptile and Glalie wins, the winner and the one to head to the Top 32 is Ash Ketchum"

As the referee announced the results the audience burst into cheers as they loved this battle.

Announcer "Ash Ketchum from Pallet town advances to the Finals, let's give him a round of applause"

Julian just smiled seeing this.

Daisy "He really seems very different from when I last saw him"

Chloe "I didn't expect him to battle like that"

Julian "Let's just say he has become a lot stronger, maybe he might even battle me in the final round".

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