Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 219 - Preliminaries (3)

Julian [Tyranitar just go easy on it]

Julian sent a telepathic message to Tyranitar, Tyranitar nodded and started at the Cacturne which kept attacking his legs with Needle Arms. ​​

Tyranitar raised his hand and hit Cacturne with a normal swat and sent it flying back to Travis.

Seeing this the whole stadium went silent, Tyranitar didn't even use a move and sent Cacturne flying.

Luckily Cacturne didn't get hurt by that, it was just like Tyranitar punching a pillow.

Travis "Cacturne use Energy Ball"

Cacturne created a powerful Energy Ball and shot it towards Tyranitar.

Tyranitar just stood there and sent out a Flamethrower and it totally engulfed the Energy Ball and destroyed it.

Julian didn't even have to tell Tyranitar what to do in this battle.

Tyranitar didn't want to play around so he launched another Flamethrower towards Cacturne.

Travis "Cacturne dodge"

Cacturne moved out of the way and escaped from the Flamethrower but it was not over, Tyranitar moved his head and followed Cacturne's direction and started to chase down Cacturne, Cacturne was able to maintain a safe distance from the flames but it wasn't too lucky and finally got hit by the Flamethrower and sent it flying.

Cacturne fainted.

Referee "Cacturne is unable to battle, the winner is Tyranitar, the trainer that advance to the qualifiers is Julian"

Announcer "It's over, Julian didn't even command his Pokemon and he won"

The audience burst into cheers.

Julian returned Tyranitar back to his Pokeball and walked towards Travis.

Julian "You tried your best, next time I am sure you will go past the qualification round"

Julian said and shook his hand, he then walked away from the battlefield, since it is already over so he has no need to be here.

As he got out, Chloe and Daisy met him outside and they went back to their room that they are assigned to.

The qualification round will start in three days and Julian decides to give some mental training for his pokemons, they have done enough physical training now they need to train their mind.

After leaving Daisy and Chloe behind, he drove into the forest that is at the outskirts of the conference.

He brought out all seven of his pokemons and looked at them.

Julian "Now, Its time for you guys to shine, all of you will get a chance to battle, there will be three double battles and one of you won't be battling in it, I want all of you to give it your all, don't underestimate the pokemon in front of you even if they are weaker than you."

Julian explained his pokemons what they should do, it's their first time in a huge league battle and they need to prepare mentally as well.

Soon he started to train them with each and everyone being trained separately with different methods.

Soon two days passed with all the training done, his pokemons are ready.

Tomorrow is the day they will shine in front of the whole Hoenn.

Julian 'System, display all their stats'

System 'Affirmative'



Type - Grass

level - 62

Bond - 100%

HP - 250

Attack - 290

Defense - 200

Sp. Atk - 370

Sp. Def - 200

Speed - 270

Move set - Leer, Pound, Giga Drain, Bullet Seed, Quick Attack, Agility, Leaf Blade, Protect, Energy Ball, X-Scissor, Counter, Magical Leaf, Dual Chop, Slam, Detect, Quick Guard, Aerial Ace, Leaf Storm, Night Slash, Dragon Pulse, Solar Beam, Frenzy Plant.

Ability-Overgrow (Unlocked), Unburdened (Unlocked).



Type - Rock/Dark

Level - 64

Bond - 100%

HP - 350

Attack - 370

Defense - 320

Sp. Atk - 230

Sp. Def - 290

Speed - 170

Move set - Crunch, Leer, Sand Storm, Iron Defense, Substitute, Iron Head, Bulldoze, Earth Power, Rock Slide, Thrash, Dark Pulse, Flamethrower, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Ancient Power, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Pay Back, Foul Play, Counter, Brick Break, Super Power, Focus Punch.

Ability-Sand Stream(Unlocked), Unnerve(Unlock)




Level - 60

Bond - 100%

HP - 200

Attack - 100

Defense - 150

Sp. Atk - 450

Sp. Def - 400

Speed - 250

Move set - Growl, Psyshock, Confusion, Calm Mind, Double Team, Teleport, Draining Kiss, Disarming Voice, Energy Ball, Psychic, Misty Terrain, Captivate, Imprison, Dream Eater, Light Screen, Magical Leaf, Heal Pulse, Future Sight, Shock Wave, Moon Blast, Dazzling Gleam.

Ability- Synchronize(Unlocked), Telepathy(Unlocked).



Type - Water

Level - 60

Bond - 100%

HP - 300

Attack - 180

Defense - 230

Sp. Atk - 290

Sp. Def - 350

Speed - 250

Move set - Refresh, Water Gun, Water Pulse, Ice Beam, Mist, Aqua Ring, Aqua Tail, Disarming Voice, Twister, Captivate, Dragon Tail, Attract, Hydro Pump, Rain Dance, Protect, Blizzard, Light Screen, Rest, Surf, Hyper Beam, Dragon Breath, Dragon Pulse, Iron Tail.

Ability - Marvel Scale (Unlocked), Competitive (Unlocked).




level - 61

Bond - 100%

HP - 260

Attack - 340

Defense - 300

Sp. Atk - 200

Sp. Def - 180

Speed - 290

Move set - Bide, Feint Attack, Mud Slap, Bulldoze, Sand Tomb, Hidden Power, Rock Slide, Bug Buzz, Gust, Dragon Breath, Earthquake, Solar Beam, Brutal Swing, Stone Edge, Dragon Pulse, Draco Meteor, Dragon Claw, Arial Ace, Hyper Beam, Dragon Rush, Air Cutter, Dragon Tail.

Ability - Levitate (Unlocked)




level - 62

Bond - 100%

HP - 240

Attack - 370

Defense - 200

Sp. Atk - 250

Sp. Def - 250

Speed - 270

Move set - Future Sight, Perish Song, Quick Attack, Double Team, Ice Beam, Bite, Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Sucker Punch, Razor Wind, Sword Dance, Blizzard, Thunder Bolt, Aerial Ace, Hex, Mega Horn, Play Rough, Icy Wind, Shadow Claw, Brutal Swing, Dark Pulse.

Ability - Super Luck (Unlocked), Justified (Unlocked)



Type - Steel/Psychic

level - 63

Bond - 100%

HP - 300

Attack - 360

Defense - 350

Sp. Atk - 260

Sp. Def - 260

Speed - 200

Move set - Block, Magnet Rise, Metal Claw, Bullet Punch, Confusion, Gravity, Psyshock, Thunder Punch, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Protect, Miracle Eye, Psychic, Reflect, Sludge Bomb, Telekinesis, Zen Headbutt, Hammer Arms, Meteor Mash, Ice Punch, Flash Cannon, Hyper Beam.

Ability-Clear Body (Unlocked), Light Metal (Unlocked)

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