Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 218 - Preliminaries (2)

Julian "Soon it will be my turn"

Julian said as he looked at the battlefield. ​​

Chloe "Its the fifth match right?"

Julian "Yes, right after this battle"

He said as he saw new trainers entering the battlefield.

Julian "I should go and get ready"

He said and got off from his seat.

Daisy "Go easy"

Chloe "Don't destroy the battlefield, others still need to battle on it"

Julian laughed awkwardly and left the room, while other's girlfriends wish them best of luck, his girlfriends tell him to not do his best.

He soon reached the waiting room where he is supposed to be, he heard that his battle will begin in 15 minutes as the 4th battle was already over, the Devon corporation wanted to stream all his battles, even the preliminaries, Julian didn't mind so he waited for a while.

Soon a man walked into the waiting room and greeted Julian.

"Sir Julian, your battle is next, Devon corporation has already prepared all the things, you will be called in five minutes"

Julian "Ok you can go now"

Julian said and closed his eyes and started to calm his mind by meditating.

Soon he started to hear the Announcer speak, he knew his queue has come, he got up from his seat and walked towards the battlefield's door.

Announcer "Ladies and Gentlemen this match may be the most anticipated match of the day, and all you have been waiting for as the previous champion of Kanto is participating in this years Hoenn league, starting anew with new pokemons he caught in Hoenn"

All the people in the crowd started to shout Julian's name.

Announcer "Now let's welcome our first trainer, he has participated in Hoenn league twice and made it to the qualifying rounds both times, his Ace pokemon Cacturne is a powerful Grass/Dark type pokemon, please welcome Travis"

As the announcer finished introducing Travis, he walked in and waved his hand at the crowd but the crowd didn't react at all they just started at this trainer who they have no clue about.

Seeing no one reacting to him Travis felt dejected.

Announcer "Ahhm, Now let's welcome our next trainer and I know everyone in the stadium knows who this trainer is, holding the most sensational record to even being held, remaining undefeated throughout his whole official matches, its nonother than JULIAANNNN"

As the announcer called his name, Julian walked towards the gate which opened, revealing him to the audience outside, they started to scream and shout his name like crazy, his fans raised his banner high in the air, even Tyranitar made it in few of them.

Seeing this reaction Julian remembered that moment when he had his first ever league battle, the excitement he felt and the desire to reach the peak.

He felt that again as he heard his fans cheering for him.

Julian 'Sometimes it's not too bad and I now have to accept this, where ever I go people will be there who will cheer and love me, and I cannot always keep avoiding them'

Julian's has to except that he cannot always be lowkey when he holds such a powerful status.

He smiled at the audience and walked towards the battlefield and took his stance, he looked at his opponent and saw him dejected.

Julian 'I somehow feel guilty for his state'

Julian thought.

Julian "Your name is Travis right?"

Travis "Yes"

Julian "I hope you battle will all you have got"

Hearing Julian the man who was going to eliminate him in his very first battle of the league cheering him on to give his all, he felt relieved.

Travis 'This is really a champion, even when battling against a trainer like me he is very humble, I should not be dejected by proud that I am the first person to battle the Champion Julian'

Travis broke into tears and determination flashed in his eyes.

The Referee then walked in carrying two flags in his hand.

Referee "As per the rules both trainer will use only one pokemon, the person who will lose will be eliminated from the league, I wish you all the best, now choose your pokemons"

The Referee said and took a step back.

Julian "Go Tyranitar"

Julian sent out his Tyranitar.

Announcer "Hooo, Julian has chosen his Tyranitar, and it looks even more intimidating than the rumors describe it to be"

The crowd went wild as they saw the huge Tyranitar.

Travis "Cacturne, let do this"

Travis sent out his most powerful and trusted pokemon, his Cacturne.

Announcer "As expected, Travis is going to send out his most powerful pokemon, from strategy wise Cacturne definitely has an advantage but that has never stopped Julian to gain a victory, let's see if Travis and Cacturne can surprise us"

To be honest even the announcer has no hopes for Travis but he still has to make the match sound as cool as possible because it's his job.

Referee "Trainers ready?"

Travis "YES"

Julian nods his head as well.

Referee "Then let the battle begin"

Travis "Cacturne use Needle Arm"

Cacturne ran towards Tyranitar as its hand started to glow green and the spikes on it started to expand and became bigger.

Cacturne then started to swing his arms at Tyranitar's legs as it could not even hit his belly.

Tyranitar just stood there looking at Cacturne.

Then Julian suddenly remembered something very crucial, Tyranitar has been training directly under Snorlax to improve his defense, Tyranitar's defense is not on par with Snorlax but it can still handle any normal type grass moves easily.

Julian 'Shit I totally forgot about that, I should have not chosen Tyranitar'

Now Julian was concerned.

When it comes to battle Julian never went easy on cocky people but this Travis in front of his is just an innocent man who luck is trash and even his reputation of battling two of the conference champions were down the drain just because of his dog shit luck.

Julian just felt bad for him.

Julian [Tyranitar just go easy on this poor fellow]

Hearing Julian's message in his head Tyranitar nodded.

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