Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 206 - Daisy's Pokemon

Daisy started to look around the hill to find herself a pokemon that suits her taste, she is not choosing a pokemon to battle but the one that can help her create something.

After looking around for a while she couldn't find the one she is looking for, it didn't mean that they didn't see any new pokemon. ​​

They saw Bidoofs, Starly, Chinglings, Combees and many other but none of them grabbed the artist in her.

Daisy sighed and sat down under a tree.

Daisy "I think we should go back, even though I saw some beautiful pokemons none of them really suit me"

Julian "Are you sure?"

Daisy "I don't know, it would be so good if a pokemon fall from the sky"

Daisy said with a light laugh.

Suddenly something fell from the tree and landed on her head and then landed on her lap.

Daisy looked at what it is and got stunned, it is a small pokemon that looked like a bud.

Seeing this tiny and cute pokemon something struck Daisy, she fell in love with it.

This pokemon is a Budew.

The Budew shook herself two to three times getting rid of the pain from the fall, she looked up and saw two big sparkling eyes looking at it.

She got startled and looked at this human who just caught her.

Daisy "Oh? Did you get hurt? Here this will help you"

Daisy took out a cooling liquid from her bag and slowly rubbed it on Budew's head.

Budew felt relaxed as the cool sensation took over the pain, she became happy and latched onto Daisy's hand and snuggled on it.

Julian looked at this and smiled awkwardly.

Julian 'What was that just now? she wished something to happen and it happened'

Chloe had the same reaction as Julian.

Seeing the Budew getting very comfortable with Daisy in just a few seconds Julian sighed, he had seen this many times, pokemons around her would suddenly get comfortable with her, Julian even suspected that she has some kind of energy attracting them but he was proved wrong when he checked it with Omniforce.

Julian 'I guess it's just how she is, no one can hate her, be it pokemon or people'

Julian already knew that Daisy found her partner, so he took out a Pokeball and gave it to Daisy.

Daisy "Thank you"

She took the ball and looked firmly at Budew.

Daisy "Budew will you come with me and be my partner?"

Daisy said and kept the Pokeball in front of Budew, Budew looked at Daisy and tilted to the side, she somehow understood what Daisy said and happily pressed on the button on the Pokeball.

The Pokeball shook three times and with the final beep, the capture is successful.

Daisy "Yes, my new partner is Budew"

Daisy said and brought her out of her Pokeball, Budew came out and grabbed onto Daisy's legs, she lifted her up and showed her to Julian.

Julian smiled and pat her head, feeling Julian's aura Budew felt relaxed and smiled, then she saw Chloe, Chloe had this certain charisma which grabbed her attention as well.

Chloe "Wow what a cute little thing you are"

Chloe said and patted Budew's head.

Chloe "Let her meet her friend as well, Starly come out"

Chloe called out her new Starly and made him meet her.

The two little pokemon familiarized with each other.

Daisy "Julian let them meet your pokemons"

Julian "Let's take it slowly, my pokemons are not the best option to introduce to these baby pokemons"

Chloe "I think you are right, but why don't you have any cute pokemons?"

Julian "Well I had cute pokemons but now all of them have evolved into magnificent powerful pokemons"

Chloe "Well, to be exact I think they are magnificent but most of them are just scary"

Chloe said with a smirk on her face.

Julian "I think I have some of them that are perfect for introducing to these babies"

Julian said, suddenly he felt a movement.

Julian [Gengar I didn't mean you, just stay in the shadow]

Julian quickly sent a telepathic message to Gengar, he didn't want to traumatize these small pokemon on their first meeting with his pokemons.

Gengar [Gagagaga]

Gengar laughed and just stayed in his shadow.

Julian "Come out you two"

Julian tossed two pokeballs in the air, they opened and two of his pokemons came out, it is Gardevoir and Milotic, they are his most elegant pokemons and they don't look as intimidating as his other pokemons.

Seeing Gardevoir and Milotic both Budew and Starly was fascinated by their beauty and elegance.

Budew's eyes are on Gardevoir the whole time as she sees this magnificent pokemon in front of her, Starly is fascinated by Milotic's beautiful shiny scales which are reflecting the light off them.

Seeing their reactions Julian smiled proudly, he took special care of Milotic and Gardevoir as they seek his attention the most, his male pokemons also do the same but not much as these two, he has to constantly groom Gardevoir's fur and rub Milotic's scale.

Julian "See I told you I have the perfect pokemons for the job"

Chloe "That's not fair, how can you let out Gardevoir and Milotic while your style is just destruction"

Julian "I am a versatile trainer, I can rise any kind of pokemon to their full potential"

Daisy/Chloe "Showoff"

Saying so they both looked at each other and laughed.

The day went on, as usual, unlucky Gengar made a sudden appearance scaring off the two babies now he is responsible to make them stop crying.

Gengar got the taste of his own medicine as he had to be in front of the two crying babies and make them stop crying.

Julian, of course, didn't stop this because Gengar needs to be responsible for his actions.

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