Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 205 - New Pokemons In Hoenn

Next day Julian woke up and looked at the two women sleeping next to him, he sighed.

'So they are leaving in two months huh? Well I can't stop them' ​​

He gets up from the bed and does his usual work, he waits for them to get up and get ready as they are leaving today.

Once Daisy and Chloe woke up and got ready they left, sitting on the car they drove off towards the west of Hoenn again.

After days of traveling, they finally arrived at Mauville city, Julian is surprised to see how much development has gone through near here.

The last time he was here there was huge landmass towering over the city and putting it in its shadows, the entrance was completely blocked by the tall landmass but now everything seems to be different.

The construction of a tunnel is taking place, and a completely new road was under construction which allowed travelers to go across Mauville city without stopping there.

At first, every trainer and traveler had to go through Mauville city to go to the east and west side of Hoenn but now due to the landmass towering over at its end allowed people to directly take the road from Lavaridge town.

Julian "Well its too be expected, Mauville city is one of the key cities of Hoenn so it needs to go user some development first"

Chloe "Hmm, I think we should rest here then continue, I am tired sleeping in tents at night"

Daisy "Is that the real reason though?"

Daisy asked with a smile on her face.

Chloe was surprised seeing this.

Chloe "Julian, look what have you done to my pure Daisy"

Julian "It's not me but you, you both spend more time together with each other than me, so don't blame me, its all your influence"

Chloe "Hehe, maybe just a little"

Daisy burst into laughter hearing this, they soon entered the city and looked around, as Julian drove through the city he saw something very interesting, a new pokemon that didn't belong to Hoenn at all, it is a Bidoof.

(The meme god of the Pokemon world?)

Julian "Oh a Bidoof"

Daisy "Bidoof?"

Julian "There, look"

Julian pointed at the direction where he saw the Bidoof, it is with a small kid who is about 6 years old and he is petting it.

Daisy "I have never seen that pokemon before"

Chloe "If I am right that pokemon is from Sinnoh right?"

Julian "Yes, they are very common in Sinnoh but very rare in Hoenn, if one is spotted it is either with a trainer who belongs to Sinnoh, too see a wild one is pretty interesting"

Daisy "Come let's go and take a closer look"

Daisy said and got out of the car and walked towards the Bidoof.

Julian and Chloe followed behind, they arrived in front of the little boy who is patting the Bidoof.

Daisy "Little boy, is this your pokemon?"

The little boy turned and looked at Daisy who is kindly smiling at him.

Little Boy "Yes"

Julian "Where did you find it?"

Little "I found it in the new hill area, there are many new pokemon's there I have never seen, there were so many, I don't even know my pokemon's name, mama and papa also don't know about it. Mister, do you perhaps know about it?"

Julian "Your Pokemon is a Bidoof, it is a normal type pokemon"

Little Boy "Bidoof? Hehe, that is funny"

Daisy patted Bidoof and checked its fur and thought of many ways to groom it, seeing Daisy was not letting go Julian and Chloe dragged her away.

After booking a hotel Julian decided to go and check out the new hilly areas around the city, from what he heard from the little boy, he was certain that new species of Pokemon must have moved in sensing the new and clean environment.

Chloe and Daisy decided to tag along and all of them left together to the hill and mountain area behind Mauville city.

When they reached there they saw a huge signboard saying, do not pick flowers and cut trees, do not litter the ground, keep Hoenn beautiful forever.

Julian "Looks like they are finally taking things seriously"

Daisy "It's good that they are trying to preserve the environment, I can't wait to see the new pokemons around here"

Daisy said and started to climb up the hill, Julian and Chloe followed behind, they are also interested in seeing what has changed.

Julian could feel the energy around these hills and mountains are very rich and thick, it is a very suitable place for a young pokemon to grow up.

Soon Julian and the group spotted their first pokemon which was not from Hoenn and it is a Starly.

Seeing the small cute bird pokemon Daisy was surprised.

Daisy "That's a Starly right?"

Chloe "Yes, I always wanted one, it's said that their final form is very brave and strong, they can fight pokemons twice as strong as them if they are very determined"

Julian "Why don't you catch it then"

Chloe "Oh, I totally forgot, hehe, Go Salamence"

Julian laughed awkwardly seeing this, sending Salamence out to capture a small Starly, well he couldn't blame her because she only has Salamence by her side, trainers like these existed, they would only train a single pokemon their whole life and all of them are very powerful.

Julian "Chloe go easy on it, ok"

Chloe "I know, Salamence use your weakest Ember"

Salamence nodded and looked at the very tiny Starly in front of him, he then sent out a small fireball which went and hit the Starly, just one shot and it fainted.

Chloe "Go Pokeball"

Chloe threw a Pokeball at it, soon it bleeped three times indicating the capture is successful.

Chloe "Yes I caught a Starly"

Julian "I hope you will take good care of it"

Chloe "I will"

Julian "Daisy, since we are here let's get you a pokemon as well"

Daisy "Me?"

Julian "Yes, you can use one of my pokemon to capture it"

Daisy "I don't know"

Chloe "You should do it, it will also be helpful for you to get new ideas about Grooming"

Daisy "Ok then".

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