Julian returned back to his hotel room to find Daisy and Chloe checking out all the things they bought when they left him alone.

Julian 'Look at them, they bought another bunch of dresses, and all that has to go into my dimension pouch' ​​

Julian sighed and went into the kitchen and drank a glass of water, he went back to the hall and joined them

Julian "what did you two get?"

Chloe "Nothing much, just a couple of dresses, some shoes and makeup"

Julian "How much did it cost?"

Daisy "About 7000 Poke dollars"

Julian felt something stab his chest, yes he was rich but he only wore clothes that were only around 100 to 200 Poke dollars, seeing them waste 7000 Poke dollars on clothes they will only wear once, he felt like crying, they already had so many clothes and now new batch is being added to it.

Whenever he asked about their constant buying they only have one answer 'I don't have anything to wear'

Julian just gave up asking them and do what they want to do, well they are not as expensive as women he has seen in fashion stores where they spend more than 10000 Poke dollars on just a single dress.

Julian "Have both of you finished looking around the city?"

Chloe "Yes, Daisy and I had quite a lot of fun"

Julian "The we can leave to Rustboro city then"

Chloe then remembered her promise to Diantha.

Chloe "No, let's go to that famous ocean restaurant tomorrow, I want to eat there"

Julian "We can go today"

Chloe "No I am tired and want to sleep, see even Daisy is tired"

Julian felt Chloe is planning something but he ignored it, sometimes he couldn't understand what Chloe is thinking.

They all went to sleep as nightfall, next day Chloe was the first to wake up and make some breakfast for the three of them.

Chloe "Ok both of you get up, I already prepared breakfast"

Julian woke up first then Daisy once they got ready they had their breakfast.

Chloe "I reserved a table for today's afternoon lunch in Ocean hotel"

Julian "What is so special about this restaurant that you are so excited about?"

Chloe "Well nothing, in particular, I just wanted to eat there"

Julian "I really don't understand you sometimes"

Daisy "Me too"

Julian "See even Daisy agrees"

Chloe "Ok enough talking, lets head out and take a last look around the city before we leave for Rustboro city"

Daisy "Yes, let's do that, I don't like sitting inside a room all day"

Julian "Ok, Ok, let's go"

They then spent their time together till afternoon and headed towards the ocean hotel for lunch.

As they arrived outside the hotel they saw it was made of glass.

Julian "It looks promising from the outside"

Daisy "I read that it is a water-based restaurant"

Chloe "Indeed, there are many water pokemon that can be seen here"

Julian nodded and entered through the door, as they did they saw a man wearing a black and white suit standing beside two elevator doors.

Julian looked around and saw there was nothing but a room with two elevators.

Chloe "Reservation by the name Chloe"

Chloe told to the man, he took out his tablet and looked and nodded.

Man "Please enter"

The man opened the door and signaled Julian and the rest to enter the elevator, Julian entered followed by Chloe and Daisy.

The door closed and Julian felt the elevator going down, he didn't expect the restaurant to be underground.

Chloe "The top floor is for staying and the underground is the restaurant"

Julian nodded.

As the elevator went down, Julian felt weird, they have been going down for quite a while now.

Soon the elevator stopped and the door opened, as he looked out he was surprised to see what is in front of him.

The whole restaurant is underwater, right under Lilycove city, the lighting inside the hotel went out the ocean floor with everything visible, water pokemons could be seen swimming freely around the restaurant.

Julian "Well this restaurant is really extravagant"

Chloe "Hehe, I knew you didn't know about this, this restaurant is like a secret place unknown to the general public, only rich people come here to dine"

Daisy "I see that's why I didn't know much about it, it was just said to be a normal water-themed restaurant"

Chloe "Well this is the most bottom floor, the general people dine on the top floor which is just a normal water theme restaurant"

Daisy "I understand"

Chloe "Come let's go and take out seat"

Chloe walked forward and stopped in front of a table which had a nameplate of hers on it, she sat down on a chair.

Chloe "Sit down"

Julian nodded and sat down across Chloe and Daisy said beside him, he noticed there is another chair here and looked at Chloe.

Julian "Why is there an extra chair here?"

Chloe 'Wait didn't I tell you?"

Julian "What?"

Chloe "You seriously don't remember?"

Julian "No what is it?"

Chloe "Daisy you must know of it right?"

Daisy "What are you talking about I don't know"

Chloe "Oh, I must have forgotten to tell you guys, I invited a special person for a lunch with us"

Chloe hit her head lightly with her small tongue out.

Julian saw her mischievous smile and felt helpless.

Julian "Who is it?"

Chloe "It's a surprise"

Julian almost lost it.

Julian "You know what, you will be punished for being so mischievous these days"

Chloe smiled mischievously, Daisy also smiled seeing this.

Chloe "Oh look she is here"

Chloe quickly dodged the conversation as she looked at the woman who walked in through the elevator.

The woman is wearing a blue dress, black short hair and black stockings.

Julian is surprised seeing this woman, he didn't expect Chloe to invite Diantha for lunch.

Chloe "Surprise"

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