Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 202 - Gengar's Another Torture?

Julian and Daisy waited outside and waited for Chloe to come back, soon they saw her running towards them happily, she hugged both Julian and Daisy.

Julian "You were awesome back there" ​​

Daisy "Yes, I envy you"

Chloe "Stop it Daisy, you are such a great Pokemon groomer, once you get your license you will be traveling around the world grooming star pokemons"

Daisy blushed.

Julian "Both my girlfriends are talented, I feel left out"

Julian said with a sad face.

Chloe "Hmph, if you are not talented then the whole world should commit suicide for their dull life, come on Daisy let's leave him alone, always trying to seek attention, you won't touch us today"

Chloe pulled away Daisy and walked away, followed by Julian.

Julian "Hey wait for me, I was just kidding"

Julian said and stopped, he saw his two girlfriends leaving him alone and went away in the bus, Julian laughed awkwardly seeing this, but the smile on his face went away because he noticed two men following him.

Julian 'These two idiots again, let's see what are they going to do'

Julian decided to take care of these two idiots who put their eyes on his girlfriend, he started to walk towards the forest area near the arena.

The two men who are following Julian are Kevin and Gerad, Kevin had a bandage on his wrist which is supported by a metal plate.

Kevin "This idiot is making it easy for us, going into the forest"

Gerad "Yes, who would have thought that woman would be that strong, since we cannot take her down let's beat this guy up, even if he knows some martial arts, there is no way he can fight a pokemon"

Kevin "I will fuckin break his whole hand"

Even though they were talking slowly and following Julian, Julian could easily hear what they are saying, this almost made him laugh.

Julian 'Idiots'

Soon Julian brought them to a place which is surrounded by trees, he stopped.

Julian "Well this place is fine, Ok you idiots come out"

Julian turned around and looked at a tree, next moment two men walked out shocked.

They didn't expect Julian to actually know they are following him, they are not as big of an idiot as they seem, they knew they are in trouble now, why would a man bring walk into an empty forest even when he knows that he is being followed.

They backed down and tried to run but before they could they were suddenly stuck to the ground, they got scared and looked down to see two red eyes staring at them with a huge grin on its face, holding tightly to their legs.

It is Gengar.

Gengar was never in his pokemon, for quite a time Gengar is with Julian all day long in his shadows, exploring everyplace Julian visit.

He will only be sent to his Pokeball when Julian is alone with his girlfriends.


Kevin sent out his pokemon after getting scared shitlessly.

Gerad also had the same reaction and sent out his pokemon, Shiftree.

When both pokemon came outside and saw the two eyes now staring at them with a scary grin they got scared, they looked at their trainers and back to each other, they were not in perfect condition, they were not treated properly and now they want them to take on this devil that is staring at them.

Even Shiftree is a dark type it felt scared.

Suddenly they turned around and ran away, the fear from Gengar was too much for them to handle.

Seeing their pokemon run away leaving them behind, they got stunned.

They sent out more pokemons but they also ran away from the fear of offending a monster they had no idea about.

Seeing all their pokemon run away they felt helpless and fell on their asses.

Gengar surfaced and laughed at them.

Gengar "Gegegegegegegege"

Julian "Enough Gengar you will scare them away"

Gengar nodded, laughed looking at them and went back to his shadow.

Julian "Look at you idiots, even your pokemon don't trust you, you just used them for your own fame and money, I despise you people the most"

Julian said and kicked them to the side, blasting off all the teeth from their mouth.

He then walked towards Kevin and stared coldly at him.

Julian "You called my girlfriend a bitch right?"

Kevin shook his head in denial.

Julain just stared coldly at him, he then crushed his hand with the heel of his shoe.

Kevin screamed in pain as he lifted his crushed hand.

He then walked towards Gerad.

Julian "You tried to hit on my girlfriend, huh?"

Gerad didn't know what to do, seeing no answer coming from Gerad Julian crushed his hand as well and turned away.

Julian "Gengar erase their memory and come back"

Julian said and walked away, Gengar slowly rose from the shadow and looked at the two victims.

Gengar's psychic energy is strong enough to manipulate and alter the memories of people, he could easily do that to these two men, just like eating a cake but how could he let go of such a great chance to have fun.

Gengar put them to sleep and made them suffer the most terrifying nightmares they ever had, and that is they were with each other on the same bed and doing stuff with great passion.

Gengar made them watch that in their dreams, they even vomited while they are still sleeping.

After seeing them get disgusted with the vision of themselves doing stuff they would never imagine, Gengar laughed and erased their memory about Daisy, Chloe, and Julian.

He went back to Julian and blended into his shadows.

Julian knows Gengar did something to them but he didn't care, and he doesn't want to know.

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