Brad looked at the monitor in front of him again and switched to another camera footage, he is currently looking at Omega and Alpha.

Brad 'Where is that bitch?' ​​

As he saw only Alpha and Omega in the room he frowned, he started to change the camera footage and finally saw her, she is getting into a mini jet.

Brad "This bitch is already trying to escape, how dare she betray me, let me show you what is waiting for you, once I deal with the Intruder of course"

Brad said a pressed a button below his desk.

The heads of the Shadow didn't know one thing and that is they were under 24/7 surveillance under Brad, what they eat, who they meet, who they fuck, everything was known to Brad. He is not a fool he never trusted these people, he only kept them for the power they hold.

As Beta took a seat on the driving seat, suddenly the seat belts of the seat latched on to her and tied up her hands and legs.

Beta was shocked, she didn't expect this to happen.

Suddenly the walls inside the mini jet opened and two mini-drones came out of it and hovered in front of her, the front of the drones opened revealing a tiny hole. Suddenly the two drones shot thin needles which are attached to very thin steel strings towards Beta, the needle dug into her skin half way just above her breasts.

She got zapped hard and got paralyzed, she could see, hear, breath but couldn't move a finger right now.

The screen in front of her turned on revealing Brad on it.

Brad "Do you really think I am such a fool that I wouldn't notice you trying to betray me. Hahaha did you really expect I would go easy on you just because you said you love me and give your body to me every day? I never trusted you from the beginning, since you tried to play I also decided to play along with your little act. You were under 24/7 hour surveillance under me, I knew everything you did. Since you decided to betray me I will break you but first, let me take care of the intruder, I will come to you after everything is over"

The screen turned off.

Beta didn't expect herself to get caught, she thought Brad was just another one of those men who she could seduce with her body, and Brad, of course, took advantage of her many times by acting dumb in front of her and let her think she could seduce him anytime she wants.

She is scared right now, she can't get out of her because she is paralyzed, she wants to get out of here right now, now she hopes that. She now hopes Julian to somehow take down Brad.


Back in the room where Omega and Alpha are sitting

Omega "Where is Beta? She should be back by now"

Alpha "Don't know, she should have returned by now"

Omega frowned and looked at the screen, Julian is getting closer towards the room where Rayquaza is.

Omega "Let's forget about her, we should go to Brad, we should join forces and fight him"

Alpha "Ya lets go"

Alpha got up and walked out of the room, Omega followed behind him with a frown.

Omega 'Shit, that bitch must have made a run for it leaving use behind, thank god this idiot is still here'

Omega thought and walked behind him.


Julian kept moving forward, he didn't encounter anyone for ten minutes, he realized that this base is very huge.

Julian 'It must have taken months for it to get completed'

As he came near and nearer to the room where Rayquaza was in he stopped, he looked at the huge metal door in front of him.

Julian 'They must be inside'

Julian though and looked at Infernape, Infernape move forward and punched the door with full force, the door got ripped open and crashed down on the floor.

Julian entered and was greeted by two people standing in front of them, a bulky man and a tall man with glasses.

They are wearing white long coats, Julian recognized them as the heads of the Shadow Legion.

Julian 'Just two of them?'

Julian thought and looked past them, there he saw it, Rayquaza hovering over a huge machine which is emitting a bright green light. Rayquaza is fully under control by this machine, it just looks like a brainless machine which is just there to take orders.

Soon he heard footsteps coming from behind the machine, soon he saw the man behind everything, it is Brad.

Brad "Welcome Julian, we talked once before, even though it was not a face to face conversation, it is a very memorable moment in our life"

Julian just looked at him.

Julian "Not at all, you are just one of the insignificant people in my life, I completely had forgotten about you until I came across your syndicate again"

Brad fumed in anger when he heard this, the man who caused him many sleepless nights, didn't even remember him, this is insulting for him.

Brad "Hmm, anyways today is the last day you will be standing on your feet, I will break them, then I will go after you beloved girlfriend and make her my mindless puppet, you will regret trying to interfere with my Shadow Legion."

Brad hit something he shouldn't have, Julian's anger started to grow, but he didn't move, he just stared at Brad coldly.

Sensing his anger Infernape also became angry, his fire started to go crazy and turned to purple from blue.

Snorlax also sensed Julian's anger and he squinted his eyes, he also became angry.

Suddenly the pressure released from Infernape and Snorlax made Brad, Omega and Alpha's knee go weak.

Brad "Quick what are you doing send out your pokemons"

Brad shouted.

Omega didn't want to do this, he didn't expect Brad to hide behind them, he had no choice to fight right now.

Omega "Metagross come out"

Omega sent out a giant Metagross.

Alpha "Machamp come out"

Alpha sent out his Machamp.

Both of those are their ace pokemon.

Brad "Are you idiots what are you waiting Mega Evolve them and finish him off"

Hearing Brad they grit their teeth.

Alpha/Omega "Mega Evolve".

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