Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 189 - Plan To Escape?

As soon as they heard Julian voice, Mega Aggron which was standing there tensed, felt a sharp pain on its back, before it knew it got smashed into the rubbles and lost its mega form and got knocked out, the commanders didn't even know what happened but when they looked at the direction where Mega Aggron was standing, Infernape stood there with smoke coming off his fist.

Snorlax stepped up and took a deep breath and suddenly launched a Hyper Beam towards Mega Houndoom and Mega Ampharos and sent them blasting through multiple broken walls and they got knocked out as well. ​​

The two Deoxys suddenly transformed into Attack form and released a powerful psychic blast at Mega Banette and Mega Medicham knocking them out as well.

Infernape appeared right in front of Mega Pinsir and hit its face with a powerful Fire Punch and planted it to the ground, it lost its mega form and fainted.

It was all over within seconds, the commander fell on their back and completely lost hope, they just left with their minds completely blank, they even forgot about their ambition to rule over the world once they conquered it successfully, but now seeing they couldn't even put up a fight they lost hope.

Seeing them leave dejected Julian didn't bother them and moved forward.


Inside a huge room, the three heads were looking at the big screen in front of them.

Alpha "What the fuck, can we even take his on together?"

Beta "Looks like Brad was not kidding when he said he was scared of this handsome young man"

Omega "Should we run away, from what we saw we have no chance of winning, we don't want to risk our life by getting captured by him and sent to the league"

Hearing Omega, Alpha and Beta fell into deep thought.

Beta 'What he said is true, I cannot waste my life by getting caught here, I am too young to be in custody of the league, no way in hell I am going to stay, I will run away right now'

Beta already made her decision, she was just in Shadow because she had nothing else interesting to do, world domination sounded interesting to her so she decided to join Brad when he came to her with the offer.

Alpha 'I don't know what should I do, I cannot go back to my home town, they won't except me there, I don't have a place to stay, and the money I have will all be useless once I run away, there is no way the league won't be able to trace my account and delete it, should I stay and fight till the end to see what happens, come to think of it, these two by my side are as strong as champions, if we three joined forces we might be able to take down this Julian guy. He is also just a champion and even I could take down seven commanders at the same time with four pokemons by my side'

Alpha was having a completely different take on this situation, he is dumb but the most powerful among the three. He always tried to get away with brute force so he cannot think rationally when faced against an opponent he has no idea about.

Omega 'I don't know what should I do, if I stay here I can use Brad and the Rayquaza as a cover and escape silently, I still have some research I need to do, I cannot get caught'

Omega is also planning to escape but by using Brad as his cover that is.

Beta "I don't know what I will do, ahh this is giving me a headache I need to take a break, I need to go to the washroom"

Saying so Beta walked out of the room, little did Omega and Alpha know that she just made a run for herself.

Alpha "I think I will stay behind, the boss also has Rayquaza under his control we should be fine if we work together"

Omega 'Idiot, he still underestimates the opponent, well its better for me this way, the more people face off against this Julian, the more it is easy for me to escape'

Omega nodded his head at Alpha, this muscle head though Omega agreed with him and felt he made the right choice.


Brad is in his own office as he looked at the monitor on his desk, it displayed the footage of Julian sweeping the floor out of the commanders.

Brad "Just you wait, I will destroy you, then destroy everyone you care about"

Brad roared as he saw the destruction Julian caused by just entering the headquarters.

Brad "I cannot trust those numskulls as well, I gave them the position of the heads because they are as strong as champions and I needed someone like them, but now Gama is completely useless but he still did the job he was meant to do, Beta is a cunning bitch, she will definitely make a run for her life, little does she know I have planned it from beginning, Alpha is a muscle head he will be easy to manipulate so no need to worry about him, the one who is a real threat is Omega, I don't know what he is thinking of the current situation, he would do anything to not get caught. But they all are fools I had already planned it from the beginning how to take care of them if they decided to betray me"

Brad banged the desk and broke it with anger.

Brad "Julian it's all because of you that my Shadow Legion has fallen apart, I promise I will skin you alive"

Brad shouted in anger.

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