Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 186 - Controlling Rayquaza?

When Julian reached the area he saw Rayquaza and Deoxys trapped inside a huge net, suddenly he heard a gunshot and something came shooting and stuck onto Rayquaza's head, Julian looked at the direction from where the shot was taken, he saw a man in blue hair wearing a white long coat with 'SL' written on it and a weird green gun in his hand.

Julian 'Someone from Shadow' ​​

Julian looked at Rayquaza and saw a cross-shaped badge on Rayquaza's head, he frowned, he didn't know what it was so he cannot carelessly destroy it to save Rayquaza, he had no idea what it is.

The man laughed as he looked at Rayquaza and laughed.

"Hahaha, is this what it means to hit two birds with one stone, or should I say two pokemons with one net"

Hearing these words Julian felt the worst cringe he ever had since he came to this world.

Julian 'The fuck is wrong with this man?'

"Haha, I Gama has captured Rayquaza and the other world pokemon, hahaha"

This man's name is Gama and he is one of the four heads of the Shadow.

Julian "Stop blabbering like an idiot and come down here"

Julian said while looking at Gama.

Hearing someone calling him an idiot Gama turned and looked to see a young man wearing a long black coat and an Infernape by his side.

Seeing this young man Gama got startled, he thought no one is around the vicinity but looks like someone wants to interfere with his business.

Gama "Haaa? Who are you calling an idiot, do you even know who I am? I am the great Gama the strongest in the Shadow Legion."

Julian "I said stop your stupid blabber and come down"

Hearing Julian talk shit again Gama got angry.

Gama "How dare you, you are wishing for your death"

Gama "Hydreigon, come out"

Gama called out his Hydreigon and hopped on it and came down towards Julian.

Julian 'A Hydreigon, I guess he is not bluffing when he said he is the strongest in Shadow Legion'

Training a Hydreigon and making it evolve it to its fullest is harder than rising a Tyranitar.

Gama "Kid you have offended me now you die, Hydreigon, use Dark Pulse kill him"

His Hydreigon roared and its three mouths opened wide to release three powerful Dark Pulse at Julian.

Suddenly it noticed Infernape behind Julian staring at it with cold eyes, it suddenly froze, it doesn't know what is happening but just a stare from Infernape rendered it useless.

Gama "Hydreigon what are you doing attack his"

Hydreigon shook off this feeling after hearing Gama's voice, it roared loudly and shout three Dark Pulse with its three heads towards Julian.

Julian "Infernape"

Suddenly Infernape disappeared from his spot and reappeared in front of Julian and with a roundhouse kick he destroyed all the Dark Pulse in one go, seeing this Gama's eyes went wide but it was too late.

Infernape disappeared again and reappeared in front of Hydreigon and hit it with an uppercut using Focus Punch, Gama fell off from Hydreigon and Hydreigon was sent flying into the sky and crashed back on the hard ground and got knocked out.

Gama looked at his Hydreigon and got shocked, he couldn't believe what just happened, he couldn't even Mega evolve his pokemon before it got knocked out.

Julian walked towards Gama and grabbed his collar and lifted him up in the air.

Julian "Now tell me what is that thing you put on Rayquaza's head?"

Gama "Hahaha, fuck off I don't answer anyone"

As soon as Julian heard this, he turned around Gama and hold the back of his head and smashed it to the ground.

Gama's nose broke and a crack sound could be heard.

Julian lifted him back in the air, Gama's face was bloody and blood flowed out of his broken nose continuously.

Julian "Now let's repeat the question, what did you put on Rayquaza's head"

Gama started to cry from the pain he was suffering, he thought that he could just avoid Julian's question by rejecting it but he didn't expect him to get slammed face first on the hard ground.

Gama "I will tell, please don't hurt me, that is a device which will help us control Rayquaza"

Julian "What will happen if I break it?"

Gama "It will send a huge electric pulse into Rayquaza and cause it to go berserk and destroy everything, the boss made this so that no one will be able to free Rayquaza from his control"

Julian 'As I expected, they had already prepared something as a backup, good thing I didn't jump in to destroy that thing on Rayquaza's head."

Julian took away Gama's pokeballs and Hydreigon and also his mega stone so that he won't be a nuisance later.

Julian "Where is your boss right now"

Gama "You are too late, the machine that controls Rayquaza is already finished, we found an alternate method to power it up and control Rayquaza and its Mega form without the need of Mega Stones, even if you reach the headquarters now it would be too late, the device is now on Rayquaza, soon it will start to follow the boss's commands."

Julian frowned hearing this.

Suddenly he heard Rayquaza roar, he looked at it and saw the device on its head glow and release a spark, suddenly its eyes turned red and it started to struggle, it hit Deoxys from its tail several times as it struggled to get out of the net, soon the suction mechanism of the net that of stuck to the ground to turned off and Rayquaza tore off from the net and flew towards the forest area of the city.

Gama "Haha it has already started, Rayquaza is under our control and soon we will take over the world"

Julian put an end to his blabber and knocked him out, Julian was not worried about this Rayquaza because it is just a young one, not fully reached its adulthood, it is not the one that appeared 3000 years ago to stop Primal Kyogre and Groudon, this Rayquaza in front of him couldn't defeat even one of them in their normal form forget about their Primal form.

Julian would put this Rayquaza on a level above the champions but below any of his old pokemon, any of his old pokemon could defeat this Rayquaza.

He had overestimated this threat but it was not so big after all compared to the last one.

Julian 'Thank god it's not the one from 3000 years ago'

Julian though and went after the Rayquaza.

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