Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 185 - Battle Between Rayquaza And Deoxys

Tory "Dad?"

Tory said as he looked at the middle-aged man that just walked in, this man is Professor Lund, and he is also Tory's father, the woman next to him is his assistant Yuko. ​​

Rebecca "Professor, you said Deoxys, is it the name of that pokemon?"

Lund "Yes, that is Deoxys, it is a pokemon from outer space, it came to earth four years ago and it had a battle with a Rayquaza, I thought it died during that battle but it looks like it is still alive"

May "Professor why do you think it's not hostile"

Lund "Look at it, it's not harming anyone, it is just trying to evacuate the people living here to search for its friend, it is using electromagnetic waves to find its friend which caused the malfunction of the computer and machines. Every machine here release electromagnetic waves which are interfering with its sense, even humans and pokemons have this kind of waves which is further increasing its difficulty to find it's friend, so its removing people and pokemon from the city"

Brock "I see, but what do we do"

Lund looked at his son Tory and then at the distorted air like image which is moving around in the air.

Lund "Son we cannot return your friend back to Deoxys until we put it back to its crystal"

Max "Crystal?"

Lund "When the meteorite crashed four years ago, not just one but two alien pokemon entering our world, we named it Deoxys after my team witnessed its battle with Rayquaza, in the crash site we found a green crystal, we brought it back here to the research facility, at first we didn't know what it was but soon we found out it was a core that supports Deoxys' life, the green crystal had lost its power so it couldn't form a body for itself, we tried to help it but we couldn't provide enough power for it to regenerate its new body"

May "The what happened?"

Lund "One day an evil organization tried to steal it but the league interfered and stopped them but they took away the green crystal with them, If we cannot get back the green crystal we cannot stop Deoxys and Rayquaza's battle, they both will destroy themselves"

Ash "Can't we ask the league to give it back"

Lund "Its more complicated than that, League is a very huge organization that runs the whole world, our research facility doesn't have much power to ask it back from them"

"No need to worry I have the crystal"

Suddenly they heard a voice and turned around to see a young man with a black coat and an Infernape by his side


Julian rode his bike and was about to reach the battle tower when he suddenly noticed Rayquaza come down and circle around the battle tower then attacked an empty space with a hyper beam, suddenly Deoxys hiding on that spot got exposed and it started to fight with Rayquaza.

Julian 'They already started to battle, I have to be quick'

Julian turned the accelerator up and rode towards the battle tower.

As he reached the battle tower he quickly got off the bike with Infernape and headed towards the research facility.

When he got near the facility room he heard the people inside talk about Deoxys, he entered the room and told them he has the crystal.


Seeing Julian, Ash and his friend got excited seeing Julian.

Ash "Julian, you said you have the crystal?"

Julian "Indeed"

Julian took out the green crystal stuck on the piece of meteorite and placed it on a table.

Lund "That's the one"

Professor Lund said as he looked at the green crystal.

Brock "How did you get it?"

Julian "Just did some talking with the league that's all"

Julian had no time to waste so he went directly to the point, he pointed at the distorted shape in the air.

Julian "Put that thing inside the crystal then supply it with power so that it can get back its body and stop its partner from rampaging"

Ash "Wait, how do we do that?"

Julian facepalmed himself.

Julian "Use you electric pokemons to supply power to the machine which can convert it to energy and supply it to the crystal, I have to go now, I will check outside what is happening"

Ash "Wait I will also come with you"

Julian "No stay here, it's dangerous outside"

Even though Ash had his monstrous luck and is the main character of this world, Julian is not an idiot to let a 10-year-old kid go out and experience danger, this is still a real world.

Julian walked out of the research lab and looked outside, he saw Rayquaza and Deoxys destroying the buildings and infrastructures around the city.

Julian "Infernape, let's go"

Julian sprinted towards the direction the battle is taking place with Infernape behind his back.

On their way, they got interrupted by crazy malfunctioned robots which they destroyed by punches and kicks.

After going through a 10-minute rampage of their own, they finally reached near the site where Rayquaza and Deoxys are currently fighting.

Rayquaza suddenly launched a Hyper Beam at Deoxys but it curled up and created a forcefield to protect itself, the Hyper Beam deflected away from the forcefield and hit a pillar supporting a railway bridge above them, suddenly the bridge collapsed and fell down on Rayquaza, burying it under the rubbles.

Deoxys moved in to finish of Rayquaza when suddenly a net came out from the sky and captured both of them and zapped them with full power.

Seeing this Julian frowned and sprinted towards the direction.

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