Julian returned back to Sootopolis after a peaceful flight on Latios, it was already evening and the orange sky made it looked beautiful.

Latios landed on the outskirts of Sootopolis city, Julian got off and removed his mask and coat to put on his regular one, he looked at Latios and patted his head. ​​

Julian "Thank you for your help, you should go and rest as well"

Latios nodded and flew away into the horizon disappearing from his sight, Julian looked at Sootopolis city and saw it was busting with people, as usual, it has been the safest city till now and now people from other cities are leaving and the ones who left the city are entering again.

Julian 'I hope Daisy is doing fine'

Julian took out his bike and rode into the city, after a while, he came in front of the hotel where he left Daisy.

He sighed and entered the hotel, as he was about to enter the room he noticed something strange, he quickly entered the room to find Daisy nowhere, he looked around and sensed a lingering presence of thing around the room.

Julian scanned the room and noticed a familiar aura in this room, it was the same aura that Chloe had when he saw her on the Salamence, the aura which was controlling her, he was about to panic when he noticed a note placed on the nightstand next to the bed.

He walked towards it and lifted the letter, it is from Daisy, it read-

'Julian, when you left the sudden changes in the sky scared me, I thought you will never come back but I trust you, when things were getting worst, people started to move out of Sootopolis city when suddenly Chloe appeared out of nowhere, she looked normal, she said you will be fine and I should follow her, I argued for a while but she was persistent, she said if I don't leave with her I might die, so I decided to go with her, I don't want to die, I want to be with you, so I am going to LaRousse city with Chloe, I don't know if she is really Chloe or someone else but if it comes down to me being alive and to be with you I am going to take this risk.

Meet you at LaRousse city - Love Daisy'

Julian crushed the note and sighed, he looked at the direction of LaRousse city.

Julian 'LaRousse city, I am coming, Shadows its time to end it all'

Julian checked Chloe's location with Omniforce and realized that she is already in LaRousse city, he did the same with Daisy, he had left a mark in her, he noticed that she was also in LaRousse city and it looked like her life was not in any kind of danger.

It was already night by now and he couldn't go to LaRousse city right now, he decided to rest for the day as he is mentally tired as well.


Next day Julian woke up and got ready, he decided to check the next ship to LaRousse city, as the internet was down, the drought had burnt down many things and one is the main hub of the internet facility.

As he walked out of the hotel and rode his bike towards the ship harbor, when he was on his way he saw four similar faces again, it was Ash and his friends.

Julian 'So he has finally come to Sootopolis city'

Julian rode towards them and surprised them.

Ash "Julian"

Julian nodded

Julian "How's your gym battle going"

Ash "Hehe, I already have seven badges, today I am going to challenge the Sootopolis gym for my last one"

Julian "Good, Juan is a very strong gym leader, maybe the strongest so be careful"

Ash "I got it don't worry, I and my pokemons trained a lot for this"

Julian "How are you doing Pikachu?"

Julian looked at Pikachu and rubbed his cheeks.


Pikachu nuzzled his cheeks on Julian hand with a smile on his face.

Julian "I see you are doing much better, the next time we meet I will see how strong you both have grown"

Ash "Don't worry we won't disappoint you"

Julian "Good"

He then looked at the other.

Julian "I hope you all are doing great as well"

Max "Yes Mr. Julian, I am doing great, I actually met a Ralts and I promised him when I grow up I will become his trainer"

May "I am also doing great, I already have four ribbons, my last contest will be Pecifidlog town, but due to that huge storm it is delayed"

Julian "Now you have more time to prepare for it"

May nodded.

Julian "So Brock still want to be a pokemon breeder"

Brock "Yes, that is what I have been aiming"

Julian "I see, have you ever considered becoming a Pokemon doctor, I think you have skills to become a great doctor, but still it needs practice as well"

Brock "A Pokemon doctor?"

Julian "Well, it all depends on your choice"

Brock "I will think about it, I do have quite an interest in pokemon medicines"

Julian "Ok I will be going I have things to do"

Julian left them and headed towards the harbor.

Julian 'Looks like Ash has come a long way and doesn't look so naive as before'

Thinking about it he smiled and continued riding.

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