As Julian looked over from the sky sitting on Latios back, he saw the hot land slowly cooling down, he saw plant buds growing out of the land formed by Groudon's rampage, he saw pokemons returning to their old land from hiding to find it has completely changed.

Some of them were happy with the new land while the others were natural, soon they started to build their new homes and lairs for themselves, they investigated the new plants growing with curiousness. ​​

Julian sighed, he knew Hoenn still needs to rebuild many towns and cities as they are now buried.

Islands like Dewford need its town to be completely rebuilt, luckily it has a gym leader it will be taken care of pretty fast, same could be said for Lavaridge town as well and the small towns and villages around it.

Latios soared through the sky and flew towards Lavaridge town.


In Lavaridge town inside a small house, Lance and all the elites of Hoenn are present, they looked at the sky and saw that things were returning back to normal, the drought has disappeared and warm sunlight is touching the ground again.

Juan "It stopped"

He said with a little bit of disbelief in his voice, everyone in the room were clueless about what has happened, but they are still happy to finally see the warm sun.

Wallace "Looks like Groudon and Kyogre has stopped their rampaging"

Everyone sighed in relief after hearing Wallace.

Drake "I will be leaving, I need to inform the league about it"

Wallace "I will also come with you"

Drake and Wallace left.

Juan "I will go back to Sootopolis and handle things there and stop the moving process"

Juan also left, soon the other gym leaders left to their respective city so that they could handle the situations there.

The only one left is Lance and Flannery, Flannery decided to look around her town and see how much damage it caused and how much is required to repair.

Lance sighed as he looked at the sky once again.

Lance 'looks like he did it'

He got out of the small house and decided to look around to find any pokemon or people injured.


Julian reached Lavaridge town to noticed the newly built land before he was busy fighting Groudon so he didn't give it much attention but now he could see the changes.

Mt. Chimney is back to normal as he can see the magma boiling inside it, as he looks around he sees Lance on his Dragonite flying towards him.

Lance had noticed Julian on Latios so he headed towards him.

Lance "Julian, what happened?"

Lance asked.

Julian "Everything is under control, Hoenn is out of danger"

Lance nodded.

Julian then took out the two orbs and handed it to Lance.

Julian "Give them to Wallace or Juan, they should know what to do with it"

Lance took the orbs and looked at them carefully.

Lance "I understand"

Julian "Good, I have other things to do, you should go ahead and give those orbs back to where they belong"

Lance nodded and went away.

After Lance went away Julian looked at the volcano's opening.

Julian "Latios let's go in"

Latios nodded and entered the volcano, Julian quickly enforced Omniforce over him and Latios to escape from the heat radiating from the volcano.

Latios landed near an edge and Julian got off of Latios, he then took out the Ultra Ball of Groudon.

Julian 'Even though it's very tempting to have these powerful pokemons with me, I cannot take them, and even if I did I don't know if I will be able to take care of them at all'

Julian opened the Ultra Ball and soon Groudon came out and landed in the hot magma, it looked around its surroundings then looked at Jason.

Julian [You should go back to your slumber, you have already fulfilled what you have been assigned, you have already created a world which is great for both people and pokemon, be Hoenn's protector, not its destroyer]

Julian sent a clear telepathic message to Groudon, Groudon looked at Jason for a while then nodded and completely submerged into the hot magma.

Julian sighed and hopped on Latios back again.

Julian "Now, we go where Kyogre had been slumbering"

Latios nodded and shot out of the volcano's opening and headed towards the south again.

After a long journey, they finally reached the place where Julian first sensed Kyogre, Latios dived down and Julian covered himself with Omniforce.

As he entered the water he saw pokemons swimming around freely, Latios dived down deeper until the sunlight even started to fade away.

They are now at the deepest part of the ocean, the absence of light doesn't mean Julian could see, he saw a huge creator pulsing with energy, ice stones, water stones were all over the place, there were no pokemons present here as the pressure here was too high for a weak pokemon to be here and the ones who are strong don't want to enter this area because it Kyogre's lair.

Julian took out Kyogre's Pokeball and opened it, Kyogre soon came out and looked around, it saw it is back in its lair, it then looked at Julian.

Julian [You have done enough, your task has been complete that by given to you by the original one, now you are free, you may either rest or travel the seas that you created, it is all up to you]

Kyogre heard Julian's message in its head and looked at him, it then made a slight cry and nodded, it slowly swam away leaving Julian and Latios behind.

Julian 'Looks like it chose freedom than slumber, well I understand, who would want to go back to slumber just after getting up, I think same could be said to Groudon, it may have its own world underground that no one knows and it is now exploring it'

Julian 'Now that this is over, its time for one last thing'

Julian patted Latios head and he shot out of the water and headed towards Sootopolis city.


A/N - I know many of you will be mad for releasing Groudon and Kyogre but Julian's cannot take care of them, they are monsters and they need energy from their source, a large amount of food that he cannot afford even though he is filthy rich and most of all he cannot develop them, and above that the nature needs them, they are already million's of years old and Julian cannot train them to perfection even if he tried, if they were just newborns then there might be a possibility.

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