Julian called out his other pokemons as well, Venusaur, Gengar, and Electivire.

His Pokemons roared as they charged towards Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre. ​​

Julian "Gengar, Venusaur, intercept Primal Groudon, Electivire take on Primal Kyogre, the rest of you take a rest for a while"

Julian tossed some berries at Infernape, Heatran, Snorlax, Mega Gyarados, Kabutops, and Pidgeot. They quickly ate them to replenish some energy.

Venusaur and Gengar worked together and attacked Primal Groudon and keep it from causing much damage to Primal Kyogre.

Electivire also took charge and lashed out with bolts of lighting at Primal Kyogre whenever it tried to close in on Primal Groudon.

Sometimes they let them clash and take rest while Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre are at it.

Infernape and the others got back their energy and ready to go, they soon took turns one after the other in handling Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre.

Whenever Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre launch their big attacks Infernape and the other would intercept and reduce their impact to the other party doesn't get heavily damaged.

Electivire and Infernape are now dealing most of the physical attacks while the others are keeping their distance.

Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre are furious because of the random involvement of Infernape and the others, when they look at their counterpart they only want to destroy each other but right now they are getting annoyed by Infernape and the others.

These tiny pokemons were as strong as them when they are in their normal forms, specifically Infernape and Snorlax, they were causing the most damage.


Primal Groudon roared and launched a Solar Beam towards Primal Kyogre, the power behind it was too devastating so Infernape quickly stepped in and used a full power Focus Blast.

The two attacks collided and created another blast, which caused the air to distort again, the surrounding now is a no zone for any pokemons, the air was thin, the sea water is constantly evaporating and being refiled by the rain, the new land is being created and destroyed then again created, until it formed into a mountain.

Due to the huge blast, everybody got blindsided by the bright light, suddenly Primal Kyogre attacked out of nowhere.

It used Water Spout and this was not aimed towards Groudon but Infernape.

Julian didn't expect this neither did Infernape.

Julian "Quickly move"

But it is too late Infernape is in air and cannot direct in midair, he got hit by Water Spout with full force and blasted him away.

Julian "Infernape"

Julian shot towards Infernape on Latios to catch him, Latios boosted and got in front of Infernape's path, Julian quickly used Omniforce all over his body and caught Infernape in midair, the force behind it was big and Julian lost his footing from Latios and fell towards the water.

His Pokemons couldn't make it up to him, Latios could have but the distance has already shortened and both Infernape and Julian fell into the water.

Gyarados quickly charged forward while Snorlax stayed behind to keep Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre in check.

Gyarados quickly got below and lifted up Julian and Infernape.

Julian looked at Infernape, he is still conscious but hurt badly.

Julian "Are you ok?"

Hearing him Infernape nodded, he then struggled a little and tried to get back to his feet.

Julian "Don't take some rest before continuing"

Hearing him Infernape growled, as his anger flared up.

Julian suddenly realized something.

Julian 'How could I forget Infernape hates losing but now being put in such a state by a single attack really pissed him off'

Julian looked at Infernape's eyes as he could see flames blazing in them.

Julian "So you want to continue?"

Infernape nodded

Julian "Then take this"

He tossed a berry to Infernape so that a little energy could be replenished.

Julian "I trust you, you can do this"

Infernape nodded and roared, he used his legs and jumped up, he said something to Gyarados and Gyarados swung his tail towards Infernape, Infernape used Gyarados's tail as a trampoline and launched towards Primal Kyogre.

Infernape roared as his flames burned bright blue until they turn purple and became lighter and lighter, while they grow in size.

As Julian watched Infernape he suddenly felt a connection with Infernape, he felt his Omniforce slowly leaking out of his body towards Infernape.

Suddenly he received an alert message from the system

System 'Possibility of Resonance taking place 10%'

Julian 'What is this?'

Julian realized that his Omniforce is being transferred to Infernape as he felt his connection with Infernape growing stronger and stronger.

Julian 'Let's try this'

Julian "Infernape, if you can feel the energy entering you, use it to the fullest"

Infernape heard Julian and saw a very thin amount of energy entering his body, he recognized this energy, it was the same thing that surrounds Julian every time.

As the energy entered his body, Infernape started to feel his power growing constantly, as his flames started to transform again.

Julian closed his eyes and concentrated on supplying as much Omniforce as possible to Infernape, he felt his should pulsing and suddenly a linked formed between him and Infernape's soul.

He could suddenly communicate with Infernape with just his thought, at first he used his Omniforce to achieve it but now he could directly tell what Infernape is thinking and Infernape alike.

Julian [Infernape let's do this]

Julian suddenly released a burst of Omniforce towards Infernape and Infernape started to absorb all of it inside him, his body started to change.

The light purple flames on top of his head suddenly burst towards the sky and turned pure white, white flames started to cover Infernape's body, his orange colored fur suddenly started to turn white while his white fur got replaced with black, the blue parts on his fingers and toes turned red, his fur grew thicker on the sides, his tail also lit up with pure white flames at it's end.

The golden armor on his body turned shiny and more like platinum in color.

Soon the white flames calmed down and clearly revealed Infernape's new form, he is covered in white flames, white and black fur all over his body, he also has two long whip-like flames dancing separately from the other flames on his head, his toes and fingers have turned red along with his eyes, a platinum color armor plate covered his chest along with his wrist, shoulders, and knees, and a platinum color on his forehead.

His eyes turned from blue to red just like Julian's and the aura he is giving off is of dominance.

Julian was excited seeing this new form of Infernape only has little changes, he now has chest armor, and two whip-like flames on the front of his head, glowing red eyes and the whitest flames he has ever seen.

Julian 'System tell me what happened?'

System 'Resonance had reached 100%, Infernape and Host is sharing Omniforce with each other and your souls are now connected and also the mind, Infernape and Host's both mind and soul is resonating with each other, which is supplying an endless amount of Omniforce to Infernape and increasing his power'

Julian didn't expect Infernape to be able to handle Omniforce but he realized just like him, Infernape was also created by God.

Julian 'System, display Infernape's current stats'.

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