Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 171 - Primal Kyogre And Primal Groudon(4)

Julian looked forward and saw the core of the storm is coming towards them, he noticed Pidgeot far away, he knew Primal Kyogre is very close to them right now.

Primal Groudon is already across Slateport city and is creating new land over the sea, it suddenly stops and roars loudly in front of him and starts to charge at full speed towards the core of the storm which is getting near them. ​​


Primal Kyogre also sensed the presence of Primal Groudon and roared as well and charged towards the harsh sunlight which is taking over the storm.

Primal Groudon is creating land behind him which is bursting with magma which is also being cooled constantly by the water around it.

Primal Kyogre is making it rain heavily as the core of the storm is getting bigger and bigger.

The two ability clash and tries to take over the other but they are equally matched making it a very weird one between where they meet, it has both sunlight and harsh rain, the area is not hot but the rainwater is still evaporating away.

Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre charged at each other as soon as they saw each other, they completely ignored Julian's pokemon and clashed.

Primal Groudon sent out huge spikes made from hardened Magma at Primal Kroger, whereas Primal Kyogre countered with its most power move Water Spout.

A raging tornado of water is formed and it destroys the spike hurdling towards it and hits Primal Groudon with full force but it's useless as Primal Groudon's ability 'Desolate Land' gives it complete immunity to any water type attacks.

But Primal Kyogre can still get hit by Primal Groudon's ground type moves, even though it is now immune to fire type moves it is still not immune or resistant to Primal Groudon's ground type moves.

If it was their normal form Kyogre would have an advantage but now it is the complete opposite.

Primal Groudon charges towards Primal Kyogre as hot magma forms underneath and solidifies as new land is created.

It reached Primal Kyogre and grabs it by its hand and flips it upside down.

Primal Kyogre attacks with a Hyper Beam and sends back Primal Groudon and flips itself back.

Primal Groudon roars and collects a large amount of energy from the sunlight and launched a Solar Beam towards Primal Kyogre.

Primal Kyogre is too slow and gets hit by the powerful Solar Beam and is sent tumbling underwater.

Primal Kyogre is hurt but it quickly gets back at Primal Groudon using Giga Impact, a 20 meter long huge Giga Impact slams onto Primal Groudon and sends it crashing down on the land beneath its feet.

While falling down Primal Groudon attacks with an another Solar Beam which hits Primal Kyogre and sends it crashing into a huge piece of land near the shore of the newly formed land.

Julian who is watching this from far away is shocked by the power behind these two pokemons, even though he forced Primal Groudon to such an extent it never came back with this much power behind its attack.

If Primal Groudon has used this much power back then it would have destroyed everything.

As he kept on watching he frowned, he clearly saw Primal Groudon coming on the top between their exchanges, Julian didn't expect Primal Kyogre's water type attacks would have no effect on Primal Groudon.

Whereas Primal Groudon's ground type moves could still hurt Primal Kyogre, on top of that Primal Groudon has access to Solar Beam which is making the battle more one-sided.

But Primal Kyogre still has a move up its sleeve, it suddenly charged towards Primal Groudon using Bulldoze, it is the only ground type move Primal Kyogre knows but it will help it in taking down Primal Groudon which is weak to only ground type moves.

Primal Kyogre crash onto Primal Groudon and makes it crash on the ground, Primal Groudon roars in pain and strikes Primal Kyogre with its huge claws using Hammer Arms.

Primal Kyogre roars in pain as well and attacks with a Hyper Beam, Primal Groudon counters with a Solar Beam and the two attacks clash together causing mass destruction, the newly formed land turns back to molten magma, while the water in the ocean evaporates into the air.

But things go back to how they were, new land replace the old molten rocks and the sea is filled with water once again.

But Julian is seeing it completely different.

Julian 'If this continues from what I see, Primal Groudon will soon triumph over Primal Kyogre, it needs to distance itself from Primal Groudon but it doesn't have any special attacks that deal heavy damage to Primal Groudon'

Primal Groudon has a terrifying defense but its special defense is a little weaker but Primal Kyogre's every attack is being ignored or dispelled.

On the other hand, Primal Groudon is a heavy attacking monster, the more Primal Kyogre stays close to Primal Groudon the more damage it will take and its physical defense is also not strong as Primal Groudon's.

Julian 'Looks like I have to help Primal Kyogre a little and make them both tire out until they calm down'

His pokemons are already near him and looking at the two humongous beast battling.

Julian "It's time to take the battlefield, one last time"

Hearing Julian everyone roared as they got ready for the battle.

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