Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 167 - Summoning The Orbs

Julian looked down on Kyogre as it stared at Julian as well.

It is a huge pokemon and is 17 meters long from head to tail, its fins are also 17 meters long combined, red lines went over its fins and around its eyes, its sharp gaze is locked onto Julian as it is trying to figure out the energy surrounding him ​​

Julian knew it will attack at any time and he has to be ready for it, he didn't have to wait long for an attack as Kyogre started to charge up for an Ice Beam and shot it with full power at Latios and Julian.

Latios is quick enough and dodges it by an inch.

Julian "Well it finally came to this huh? Then I will go all out as well, Let's go"

Julian tossed a Pokeball up in the air and his 15 meters long Gyarados came out, he landed and roared at Kyogre, he weaker than Kyogre now but with Mega Evolution, he will be on an equal footing to it.

Julian "Gyarados Mega Evolve"

Julian flashed his Keystone and light emitted out of it, Gyarados's Mega Stone also started to shine brightly as his body started to glow.

He transformed into Mega Gyarados.

Julian 'System show current stats'

System 'Affirmative'


Mega Gyarados

Type - Water/Dragon

Level - 89

Age - 3 years 20 months

Bond - 100%

Hp - 800 --> 900

Attack - 850 --> 950

Defense - 700 --> 800

Sp. Atk - 650 --> 750

Sp. Def - 690 --> 790

Speed - 350 --> 490

Move set - Tackle, Bite, Thrash, Twister, Ice Fang, Scary Face, Aqua Tail, Avalanche, Dragon Rage, Rain Dance, Hydro Pump, Surf, Water Fall, Water Pulse, Ice Beam, Hyper Beam, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Dance, Outrage, Dragon Tail, Dragon Breath, Dark Pulse, Hurricane, Thunder, Blizzard, Iron Tail, Zap Cannon.

Ability - Intimidate (Unlocked), Moxie (Unlocked)


Mega Gyarados roared and his roar shook the waves and caused it to distort.

Julian "Use Hyper Beam"

Gyarados charged up and with a deep breath, he launched his most powerful Hyper Beam.

Kyogre also didn't stand back and launched its own Hyper Beam, equally powerful as Gyarados's, the clash of Hyper Beam caused the water around them to reach till the sky and fall down again, half of it got evaporated.

Julian "Gyarados use Outrage"

Hearing Julian's command Gyarados gathered up a huge amount of energy inside his body and charged towards Kyogre.

Kyogre also moved forwards as a huge amount of energy started to surround its body and it used Giga Impact and launched towards Gyarados.

They both clashed with each outer and the explosion caused after it rose up till the sky and the water under them turned into a pit as a huge wave rose up and went towards all the direction, taking away everything in its path.

It is an all-out fight between Mega Gyarados and Kyogre.

One attack after the other was creating huge waves after waves.

Julian "Use Dragon Tail"

Gyarados launched himself out of the water with a powerful thrust from his tail and came down on Kyogre with a powerful Dragon Tail, it is a direct hit and Kyogre is sent underwater with the force behind it as it took some damage but Kyogre struck back, it used Giga Impact and landed a powerful strike to Gyarados and sent him flying in the air.

Julian "Use Hyper Beam"

Gyarados adjusted his body in mid-air and shot a powerful Hyper Beam towards Kyogre and Kyogre also launched its own Hyper Beam, the clash once again sent tremors through the air, the rain even stopped for a few seconds before it started to fall again.

This attack caused half of the water around them to evaporate but it soon got replaced with the heavy rain.

Kyogre is getting annoyed as it is stuck in this place for way too long, it cannot reach towards its core.


Back in the outskirts of Lavaridge town Lance and others are somehow able to contain Groudon but it won't last for long, they and their pokemon are getting tired and they have been switching pokemon one after the other but they continue it for too long.

Groudon has had enough now and it really doesn't care about the insects flying around it anymore.

It suddenly released a roar so powerful that it went across whole Hoenn and even reached the outskirts of the regions near Hoenn.


Julian was startled by that powerful roar, he suddenly noticed Kyogre also reacting with its own, it also roared loudly and it reached across whole Hoenn, suddenly both Kyogre and Groudon started to release their aura which started to spread across at incredible speed.

At some point, it clashed with each other and it finally covered the whole Hoenn.

They roared again and this time it was louder than before, it caused everything to shake.

Julian frowned seeing this.

Julian "What are they doing?"

Suddenly he felt it, something is returning their call and it was coming from Sootopolis city.

Julian "THE ORBs"

Suddenly he noticed two huge lights coming from Sootopolis city, one red and the other blue, they reached the sky, swirling around one another and they suddenly separated, the blue light sot towards where Julian and Kyogre is and the red shot towards were Groudon, Lance and the others are.

Julian "This is bad"

Julian knew what, they were the orbs, never in his wildest imagination, he thought that they could summon their own orbs.

Julian "Wait if they are not after the Orbs what are the after? Yes, they are after the meteorite and it's an energy source. I get it now, whoever gets to the energy source first will gain the upper hand over the other and they will be finally able to settle their dispute once and for all"

Julian realized what they are after finally.

Julian "But if that happens, millions will die because of it"

He remembered even Daisy is in Sootopolis city.

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