Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 166 - Lance Arrives To Help

Julian is looked down on Groudon and Snorlax where Groudon is continuously attacking with Solar Beam and Snorlax is deflecting it while using Fire Punches.

Julian knows this cannot continue, he has to put a stop to this beast. ​​

As he was thinking about what to do he suddenly noticed the blue light reaching the sky and the black storm clouds accumulating south of Hoenn.

Julian 'Shit, Kyogre is on the move'

As Groudon's Solar beam got deflected by Snorlax's Fire Punch, Groudon suddenly stopped and looked at the blue light and released an earth-shattering roar.

It suddenly ignored Snorlax and started to move again.

Julian "Where is it going?"

Julian looked at the direction Groudon is going and frowned.

Julian 'It's moving towards Sootopolis city, is it after the orbs? if that's the case it is going to be troublesome'

Julian 'I have to stop it, but why did it suddenly start moving?'

Julian 'Wait? It can't be? It sensed Kyogre's aura wanted to reach Sootopolis city before Kyogre, it means Kyogre is also heading there. This is bad'

Julian didn't know who to go after, he is now in a dilemma, but he suddenly noticed someone coming towards him.

Julian recognized Lance and sighed in relief.

When Lance reached there he saw a man in a red coat and mask standing on a Latios and a huge Snorlax down below, he recognized this Snorlax and a huge red pokemon standing 14 meters tall walking towards Sootopolis city.

Lance "Julian?"

Julian nodded and looked at Lance.

Julian "Lance, I want you to stop Groudon in its path, don't let it reach Sootopolis city, get help from the elites and Wallace to slow it down as much as possible, I have to go and stop Kyogre, it is also on the move right now"

Lance carefully listened to Julian, Lance looked at the huge storm far away in the south and knew Julian was right, he cannot be at two places at the same time.

Lance "Ok, you go and stop Kyogre, I will see how I can stop Groudon in its path"

Julian "Good, Snorlax return, Latios let's go"

Latios shot towards the direction of the storm leaving behind Lance and his Dragonite.

Lance looked at Groudon and told his Dragonite to move forwards and block Groudon.

Dragonite flew forward and attacked with Dragon Pulse at Groudon, seeing the incoming attack Groudon roared and slapped it away with his huge claws.

Lance "I alone cannot stop it, I have to call for help"

Lance ordered Dragonite to keep distracting Groudon until he makes a call, he quickly took out his phone and called Wallace.

Wallace picked up his phone.

Lance "Wallace get everyone here, we have to stop Groudon from heading towards Sootopolis city"

Wallace "What it's heading towards Sootopolis city?"

Lance "Yes, it must be after the Orbs, get here quickly"

Wallace "Ok I will be on my way with the Elites"

Lance "Good"

Lance ended the call and moved around Groudon attacking it with Hyper Beams and Dragon Pulse, Groudon just thought Dragonite as an annoying insect and tried to swat it from the air but it is too slow.

For now, Dragonite is able to distract Groudon but after some time, it will just ignore Dragonite as Dragonite is no threat to it at all.


Julian is riding on Latios in full speed and has entered the domain of the storm but he is still far away from Kyogre.

Half of Hoenn is facing harsh sunlight and the other half is facing the storm.

Everyone is inside their home waiting for this disaster to go away, members of Team Aqua and Magma are horrified by the outcome, they never imagined that they would bring so much destruction to Hoenn, they had underestimated Groudon's and Kyogre's powers.

Archie the leader of Team Aqua is blaming himself right now for the disaster taking place, he is regretting putting that machine inside the Mt. Chimney.

Wallace and others are heading towards Groudon's direction


Wallace and the group finally arrive outside the outskirts of Lavaridge town on flying pokemons, when they arrived they noticed how huge the damage on the town is, they noticed Lance on Dragonite's back going round and round around Groudon and attacking it.

Lance noticed that the help has arrived, he was getting restless that he could not put even a scratch on Groudon even after hitting it so many times with Hyper Beams.

Lance "All of you take positions and start attacking it and keep it in a place, don't allow it to walk past you"

Lance instructed the ones who came to start attacking.

Wallace and Steven took the front lines with Sidney and Drake and they started to attack in sequence. With all these attacks directed towards it, Groudon is getting annoyed and started to thrash everywhere and uses Earthquake to send tremors everywhere, the gym leaders who are below quickly fly away in their own pokemon and start lands on the ground again, they also start to attack.

Groudon is getting more annoyed and it finally catches someone, it swats Drake with his Salamence to the ground, they crash land but his Salamence somehow turns its body and lands on its feet and launches a Hyper Beam at Groudon.

Groudon catches one more person in the air, it swats Winona and her Altaria from the air and they crash into a tree.

Lance "Don't get near it, attack from distance"

Hearing Lance all of them move away and starts to attack for a distance and only use special attack.

Groudon has had enough and suddenly started to charge a powerful Solar Beam.

Lance "Everyone, protect yourselves, quickly hide behind something"

Hearing Lance everyone scatters, the gym leaders who are in the sky fly away high and the ones on the ground hide behind huge boulders.

Groudon launches the Solar Beam and literally destroyed everything it's Hyper Beam touched. The Hyper Beam went through the trees, ground, boulders and destroyed everything in its surroundings.

Some Gym leader's pokemon fainted just from the backlash.

Wallace and the Elite Four are shocked by the destruction.

Sidney "Only if we had the Orbs right now"

Lance "No, we don't know how the Orbs work and right now Groudon is after its Orb, we cannot let it get closer to those Orbs no matter what"

Drake "I agree with Lance we cannot let that happen, we should continue to force it here until it gets tired and go back to its slumber"

Steven "Its a risk but we have to take it"


Julian finally arrived at where he should be, right in front of Kyogre, Kyogre stopped moving and is staring at Julian.

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