Julian has no intention to play around with Julio, from start to finish he is going to decimate his opponent, he took out a Pokeball and sent out his first pokemon into the battlefield.

As soon as his Pokeball opened, Aegislash came out of and spun around creating a dense humming sound, the air around him twisted and turned to create a violent tornado that stopped as soon as Aegislash did.

Julio said Julian's choice and sent out his Tyranitar into the battlefield, the massive pokemon's entrance shook the battlefield causing a tremor to run through the whole battlefield, Tyranitar then followed it up with a very intimidating roar that shook everyone to their core.

This was clearly an attempt from Julio and Tyranitar to intimidate Julian's Aegislash but it had no effect, Aegislash just stood there and stared at Tyranitar indifferently, to Aegislash the size and roar of a pokemon didn't matter at all, every opponent was the same to him, they would all fall and not get up after one of his strikes.

The referee once confirming that both trainers are ready gave the signal to start the battle.

As soon as the signal was given, Julio made the fist move.

Julio "Use Dark Pulse"

Julio ordered, as soon as the order was given his Tyranitar took a deep breath and started to charge up the most powerful Dark Pulse it could dish out, the air around its mouth distorted as the energy level in the surrounding increased, Tyranitar's throat started to turn dark and glow as it charged up its attack.

And once it was fully charged it blasted out the Dark Pulse at Aegislash.

Julian "Shield Forme, then use King Shield"

Julian called out, Aegislash brought his round shield in front of him and changed form suddenly causing a massive change to appear in his stats, all his attacking strength was transferred into his defense.

He then used King Shield to create a unique-looking shield in front of him, the shield looked impenetrable and it was, nothing could get past it.

The Dark Pulse tore through the air causing a gap to be left behind, the Dark Pulse traveled across the battlefield in an instant and hit Aegislash, as soon as the Dark Pulse made contact with Aegislash's shield, it was split into multiple lines and sent different direction, some of them went up, some of them hit the ground, some of them went straight towards the audience but before they could cause any damage, the protective shield of the stadium flared up protecting the people sitting in the stadium.

The powerful Dark Pulse was dealt with as if it was nothing.

Julian "Use Sword Dance"

After Aegislash was done dealing with the Dark Pulse, he used Sword Dance, four swords made of energy formed around Aegislash and danced around him before they fused into Aegislash increasing his attack stats again, it is already very high in his sword form but with this increase, it will be immeasurable.

Aegislash will be an unstoppable force, Julio saw what Julian is doing and got nervous.

He couldn't let Julian continue to increase his Aegislash's stat.

Julio "Tyranitar, use Hammer Arm"

Maintaining distance was not the right option right now so Julio decided to get close and pressure Julian's Aegislash.

Julian "Sword Form, use Shadow Ball"

Aegislash instantly switched his form and created multiple Shadow Balls around him which started to spin at incredible speed and started to revolve around him creating a dark halo around him, if one didn't know that these were separate balls they would think that Aegislash had a solid halo around him.

Tyranitar was too slow, it took its sweet time while it charged towards Aegislash which gave him a lot of room and time to execute his move, Aegislash then started to shoot the Shadow Balls one after the other in an instant.

Tyranitar got bombarded with the Shadow Balls, each Shadow Ball had great destructive power, it sent the giant crashing on the ground but it didn't stop there, the Shadow Ball bombardment continued and Tyranitar kept on rolling and rolling till it was out of the battlefield and crashed hard against the wall.

The Bombardment stopped revealing the Tyranitar completely out cold, the referee didn't even have to approach the Tyranitar to tell that it was out cold.

Referee "Tyranitar is unable to battle, Aegislash wins"

The crowd suddenly burst into cheer as they saw the power display from Aegislash and how easily he destroyed his opponent.

Julio was in shock, he couldn't believe it, he couldn't take it.


Julio suddenly began to shout in anger.

Julian "Prefect one? You seem to be in some kind of delusion, you are just trying to be a cheap imitation of me and that too a very bad one, everything you have done till now is just cheap acting of my previous accomplishments, nothing else, you will never be better than me, you will never be me"

Julian answered.

Julio "No, no, no, no, nononononon, I am the real one, I am the real one, you will pay for this, you will"

Julio got frustrated and sent out his next pokemon into the battlefield, the pokemon he chose was Infernape.

Julio "Use Fire Punch"

He ordered.

Julian "Use Sacred Sword"

His Infernape was fast but Aegislash saw the attack coming from a mile away, he is going to end this again with another single slash.

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