Angela messaged Julian that Lysander is going to make a move today, this of course ticked Julian, today was the day of the finals and Lysander had to make this day more chaotic through his plans.

And there are also a lot of people in the city, his actions will definitely harm the innocent people in the city.

Julian "When is he planning to make a move?"

Julian asked.

Angela "Right after the final ends, master"

She replied back.

Julian "Good, keep him busy till then"

Julian said and ended his conversation with Angela, right now he is sitting in the waiting room of the grand stadium waiting for the battle to start.

Today is the day where it will all end in a bang.

He could feel the ground shaking as people outside couldn't hold their excitement, their voices were loud as very, his name was being called over and over again by the people.

Even though many believed that Julian will lose today, they still supported him, even the people who didn't support Julian today supported him because nobody wanted Julio to win, they had seen Snorlax and even a little baby could tell that something was wrong with that Snorlax and anyone who does that to a pokemon doesn't deserve any praise from the people.

Julian took a deep breath and calmed his mind, his eyes turned cold as he planned the battle in his mind, he is not going to play any mind games out there, he is not going to strategize either, he is just going to run through each and every pokemon that Julio throws at him.

It will be a one-sided beat down. Julio who wanted to be Julian, who wanted to take everything that Julian has will be devastated when he learns that he is nothing but a weakling who Julian can take care of without breaking a sweat.

Today Julian will debut Porygon into the league, he is going to sweep through all of Julio's pokemon with just two of his.

He is not going to put a show of skill, he is just going to display raw power in this battle because no matter what the strategy is, against pure raw power it is all useless.

After half an hour of waiting the announcer finally began introducing the trainers who are going to participate in this final battle.

The crowd got louder and louder as they cheered for Julian.

The announcer first introduced Julio but he didn't put any effort into his introduction, when Julio walked out he was drowned with boos from everyone.

Julio frowned as he heard all these people booing him.

Julio 'Boo be all you want, but when I win, you will all be cheering for me, you all are just fickle minded people who will soon be running after me for my validation'

Julio thought to himself and took his position on the battlefield and stared at the other side from where Julian should enter.

Julian walked out of the waiting room and headed towards the battlefield as he heard the announcer introducing him.

The announcer put all his heart into this introduction which got a massive reaction from the crowd, and when Julian walked into the battlefield the crowd got more excited.

There seem to be no stopping these people from cheering Julian, they only grew louder by the second.

Julian smiled and waved at his fans as he walked towards his spot on the battlefield and took his stance and looked at his opponent at the other end.

Julio glared angrily at Julian which then turned into a smirk.

Julio 'This will be the last time they will ever cheer for you, take it all in because you are not going to get it ever again'

Julio thought as he stared at Julian and then suddenly their eyes met, Julio looked at Julian's crimson eyes and suddenly felt trapped.

His heart started to beat faster and he started to sweat, he felt fear, it was as if he was being stared down by a predator.

Julio realized that he was scared of Julian and he doesn't know why. He shook his head to collect himself and looked at Julian again but this time he didn't dare to meet Julian's eyes again.

Julian "You made quite a scene, infiltrating my fiancée's workplace, snooping around and stalking them, trying to be me, you don't realize what disaster you have brought upon yourself"

Julian said.

Julio cleared heard what Julian said and just smirked.

Julio "Hahahaha, you can't do anything to me, today will be the day I will take you down and everything that is yours will be mine"

Julio declared.

Julian "Idiot"

Julian expressed, he was done talking to this idiot, he will now proceed to just destroy him on the battlefield and when they are all alone, Julian has some extra special present waiting for Julio.

Julio heard Julian calling him an idiot which angered him but before he could lash out, the referee stepped in and started to explain the rules of the battle.

Referee "This battle will be a full six vs six pokemon battle to determine the winner of the Kalos Conference league, this battle will end when one trainer has no pokemon left in his team, both trainers will be able to switch pokemons during battle."

The referee continued with the rules and once he was done he asked both of them to choose their pokemon.

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