Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 118 - Finding Mega Stones.

Grant sent out a Houndoom as it came out it looked at Julian and growled showing of its sharp and long canine to Julian.

Julian was just indifferent seeing this, he thought he didn't need to take extreme ways but he was proved wrong. ​​

Julian 'I should have known these idiots won't listen even if it's for their own good, well since they like to take the hard way around, I will show them'

Julian's eyes became cold as he stared at the growling Houndoom, the Houndoom suddenly felt immense pressure on itself, it looked at the cold red eyes of Julian and felt chills, it tried to fight back by growling harder but it started to feel scared, its heart started to beat faster, its instinct said it to run as far as possible, the more Houndoon started at Julian the more it got scared, it felt Julian was a demon.

Grant looked at his Houndoom and couldn't believe what is going on in front of his eyes, his Houndoom was shivering in fear in front of Julian even though he wasn't doing anything.

Grant "Houndoom what are you doing? Snap out of it"

The Admin also clearly noticed it and didn't know what was going on, she looked at Julian saw his eyes, she felt cold and suppressed for no reason.

Admin 'His eyes'

Admin "Grant, use mega evolving"

Admin came up with this idea as she had experienced how a pokemons will become more confident and brave after mega evolving if the trainer is not experienced enough the pokemon might even harm him/her during mega evolution.

Grant "Yes"

He took flashed his keystone and tried to mega evolve his Houndoom, as the keystone started to emit energy which started to fuse with the mega stone hanging on Houndoom, Houndoom started to grow bigger as the bones on top of its back and next started to grow and form a shield like structure with sharp edges.

The Houndoom achieved Mega evolution and stood straight, the pressure it felt was reduced significantly but it was still there weighing down on it but right now it was not as scared as before.

Julian looked at this and felt bored.

Julian "You guys are wasting my time"

Julian tossed a Pokeball in the air.

Julian "Finish it"

Admin knew that if she didn't take action things might get bad so she also sent our her pokemon as well.

Admin "Go Alakazam, Mega Evolve"

As soon as she sent out her Alakazam she Mega Evolved it as it started to float on the air with five spoons above its head.

Julian's Pokeball opened and Heatran came out and landed causing the ground to shake.

Grant "What kind of Pokemon is that?"

Admin also frowned as she also had no idea what pokemon was this.

Admin "Who cares, attack, Alakazam use Psycho Cut"

Grant "Houndoom Dark Pulse"

Heatran didn't care about the incoming attack, he opened his mouth and used Crunch.

A massive jaw made of dark energy formed in front of him and crunched down on the incoming attack, completely destroying it, he then stood on his hind legs and brought down his front two legs to the ground with full power and used Earthquake, the ground shook and caused Houndoom to tumble and crash down and caused massive damage by the tectonic action under the ground, Alakazam didn't get affected as it was levitating in air, but still it got startled and sent out another Psycho cut.

Heatran used Crunch once again and this time it was more massive than before completely crunching down on both Alakazam and the Psycho cut.

Just in few seconds both of them were completely out, knocked out cold,

Grant and Admin were shocked and stepped back in fear.

Grant "Admin what should we do?"

Admin looked at Grant and thought how useless he is, she looked at Julian and tried to think of a way to get away from here.

Admin "As you said, we will stop what we are doing and never return to this island ever again, ok bye"

The Admin started to walk away and went past Julian, Grant also quickly followed behind her, as they were about to bolt and felt that they escaped they heard someone talking right next to them.

Julian "Who said you could leave?"

Julian caught up with them and put his hands on their shoulders and said it in their ears, they froze on the spot and turned their head to their side to look at Julian who was smiling, suddenly they felt heavy and fainted.

Julian "Idiots"

Julian carried them back and took out two chairs from his dimensional pouch and ropes, he then tied them up to it.

Julian "They will take some time to regain consciousness, till then"

He looked at the huge crystal rocks on the wall and ceiling and started to examine it, soon he found out that the whole island depends on these crystals as an energy source.

Julian "This Crystal also acts as fuel for the whole Island, if it is removed the Island might die"

He also realized that the greenery inside this grassland is also because of these crystals.

Julian "I will take a small part and give it to Professor Oak"

Julian broke a small piece from a crystal and kept it inside the dimensional pouch, he then released his pokemons.

Julian "Try to see if you find any stones resonating with you"

All his pokemons nodded except, Infernape, Pidgeot and Gyarados, Snorlax just looked around and went back to sleep as it was the most important thing in the world for him.

His other pokemons started to look around and the first one to find a mega stone was Venusaur, the Mega stone was formed right under a tree which had an abundance life force in it.

Kabutops soon found his inside a pond, Electivire looked around and finally found it but it was way high on the top stuck to the ceiling surrounded by spark stone.

Julian saw this looked up, he noticed not one but three mega stones, but all looked different.

Julian "Pidgeot help Electivire get the Mega stone he wants"

Pidgeot flew towards Electivire and asked him which one, he then pointed at the one to the right, Pidgeot flew up and ripped a chunk of the ceiling and brought it back to Electivire.

Heatran didn't find anything interesting except for some ember stones which he ate.

Julian looked at his other pokemons, Grovyle, Milotic, Ralts, Larvitar, they seem busy playing and didn't find anything attracting them.

Julian 'Maybe they the remaining ones might be in Sootopolis city'

Julian thought and looked at the pokemon who got a mega stone, they were happy as they had their own now.

Julian noticed that the Admin and Grant were about to wake up so he called back all his pokemons and kept their mega stones in his pouch and walked towards the unconscious Admin and Grant and sat on a chair and waited for them to wake up.

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