Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 117 - Meeting The Admin

Julian followed behind Gengar inside a cave which looked smaller than the others present in the area where all the cave entrances were situated.

While walking through the cave Julian saw the usual carvings on the wall, they were stories and writings of olden days so he took his time to read them as well. ​​

After following Gengar for some time he noticed Gengar looking at the side of the wall with interest.

Julian "Did you find something?"

Gengar nodded.

Julian "Then go and take a look I will find my way there"

Gengar phased through the wall and disappeared from Julian's sight, Julian then continued to move forward, after some time he started to notice the change in his surroundings, he noticed the walls were not carved anymore but it had mining marks on them, he noticed few ember stones stuck to the wall, he also noticed some spark stones and green color stones which contained electric and grass elemental energy.

Julian had only seen ember stones and spark stone, he had never seen a green color elemental stones, he ripped one out of the wall and checked it with his Omniforce, then he did the same to the other stones as well.

Julian 'These stones are not of this world at all, it's from a different world'

The more Julian looked around the walls of the cave and more he noticed the difference between the elements.

Julian 'This meteorite that crashed in Hoenn might be a part of a different world which contained lifeforce of its own, but for some reason, it might have been destroyed and a piece of it crashed in Hoenn'

The hypothesis Julian came up with was indeed true, this meteorite was a piece of the planet which got destroyed and a part of it came crashing to their worlds and even caused a mass extinction of many pokemon species, but it also caused the rise of new pokemon species as well.

Julian 'From what I have right now I can say that there are worlds out there that have pokemons which is completely unknown to the people here, this world had mega stones that brought out a pokemons full power, maybe there is a special type of element that is only special about this world as well'

Julian got more excited as he came to this conclusion, Mega stones were foreign objects that were specific to this destroyed world, what could the world Julian living right now have in store for him.

From what he knows there are many regions in this world and these massive regions are just a part of a massive continent, the people of these continent has no idea what is in the other side of this world, how many supercontinents are there and what kind of power and pokemons they have.

Julian calmed down as it was not the time to think about this stuff, as he moves forward he started to see fresh mining marks on the wall, they looked like they were made recently, the further he went the more mining marks could be seen and finally after half an hour walk he heard sounds of metal clashing with rocks and stones.

Julian 'They are carrying out mining forward'

Julian slowed down his steps and approached slowly towards the source of the sound, he saw few Shadow grunts using pickaxes and hitting mining out huge chunks of elemental stones.

He saw that these grunts were supervised by a three strapped grunt who was yelling orders at them.

Head Grunt "Mine properly, these stones are useful to the headquarters, if you destroy even one of them I will report him to the headquarters"

The miners were all males who were cursing at the head grunt in low voice.

Grunt 1 "Look at this mother fucker, making us do all the work and he told the girls to do whatever they want if I had three straps I would have showed him"

Grunt 2 "Stay quiet, if he hears you we all are in trouble"

The grunt kept his mouth shut and continued mining.

Julian 'I have to take care of this bunch to move forward'

Julian took out a Pokeball and silently called out his pokemon.

Julian "Venusaur, use Sleeping powder on those grunts"

Venusaur came out and sent sleeping power on the grunts who are at the mining site, soon all fell to the ground falling in deep sleep.

Julian "Good job, you may return"

He called back Venusaur and walked past the sleeping grunts, he saw carts full of elemental stones of fire, electricity, grass, water, ground.

He picked a few of them and stored it in his dimensional pouch and walked forwards, to his surprise he found the main group just a few distances away from him, he hid behind a rock and spied on this group, he was a woman with green hair wearing green glasses and white long uniform with S and L written on her uniform.

A tall bulky man stood beside her, he had blond hair wearing a black/brown uniform with SL written on his uniform as well, he was looking in the tablet on his hand, there were also three grunts around them and all of them had three straps on their sleeve.

The woman was clearly the admin as she was staring at the wall in front of her.

The bulky man beside her stopped looking at his tablet and looked at her.

Grant "Admin, the readings are definitely coming from behind this wall"

Admin "Then break the wall"

Grant "Yes"

He tossed a Pokeball and a Houndoom came out, it was a pretty big Houndoom with well-built muscle and thick and large horns.

Grant "Houndoom break that wall"

Houndoom took a stance and dashed towards the wall and used Headbutt going right through the wall and shattering it completely.

As the wall was completely destroyed and what they saw beyond was a big grassland.

Julian was surprised to see a grassland such deep inside a cave and that inside a piece of meteorite.

The Admin looked at the grassland in front of her and smiled.

Admin "You three wait here, Grant came with me"

Admin walked in and Grant followed behind her, the Grunts didn't say anything and stood in front of the shattered wall.

Julian saw them entering and thought of a way to enter, he didn't want to use his pokemons as space right now is small for his pokemons.

Julian 'I have to take care of them myself I guess'

Julian sneaked in closer then suddenly bolted towards the Grunts, the three Grunts who were on watch suddenly noticed Julian but before they could do anything Julian had already launched the attack.

First he went with a roundhouse kick to the jaw of the first Grunt, the second Grunt moved forwards to deliver a punch but Julian ducked and caught his face with his hand and slammed his head on the ground, the third Grunt tried to warn the Admin but before he could escape, Julian caught him from back and used a German Suplex on him knocking out all three of them within seconds.

Julian dusted his coat and looked at the three unconscious Grunts.

Julian 'Well that was easy'

He also entered the grassland through the shattered wall and looked around, the grass around the area grew evenly, even though there was no sunlight present, he bent down and touched the ground then the walls around.

Julian 'This was definitely man made'

Julian was really impressed by these people of ancient time, they actually created a grassland inside a meteorite, well technically this meteorite was a piece of a world before.

He then saw footprints on the grass, he knew that these footprints were of the admin and the commander present with her, he followed the footprints and soon they both came to his sight, they were standing in front of a huge wall and this wall was covered with large shiny rocks, Julian was shocked seeing this, these shiny rocks looked exactly like the sundial which was present in Kalos.

He looked around and saw that the walls around these rocks were forming Mega stones some of them were already formed completely and some of them were still being formed.

Julian 'So these crystal rocks are really the reason behind the creation of mega stones'

The Admin and Commander were so fascinated by the scene in front of them that they didn't even notice Julian's presence, he slowly pulled out his mask and wore it as he didn't want to reveal his identity to them.

Grant "Admin we found it, with so many crystals we can easily control it"

Admin "Hehehehe, indeed, the boss will be very happy, with so many crystals boss dream of world domination will become a success and when I will be promoted to become a leader of the Shadow you will be promoted to Admin"

Grant "Admin you are awesome, hahahaha"

Admin "First let's mine out the fully formed Mega stones then inform the boss about it"

Grant "Ok, I will call in the Grunts"

Grant turned around and saw a Man wearing a mask and a black coat staring at them.

Grant froze as he saw Julian.

Grant "You? Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Admin turned around after hearing Grant and was also surprised.

Julian "Well I am your Boss's old friend why don't you go and ask him yourself"


Julian "Don't scream you, idiot they won't come, I already took care of them"

Admin became serious, she knew no one could come until here without coming in confront with the grunts and the two commanders.

Admin "Who are you?"

Julian "Are you deaf? Didn't you just hear I just said I was your boss's old friend"

Admin "I don't care who you are, get out from here or you will regret it"

Julian "That's the same thing those three idiots of commanders said to me, well I am quite fine"

Admin "Who are you referring to?"

Suddenly the communicator on her waist started to ring and cracked voices started to come through it.

The Admin took the communicator and increased the antenna to get a better signal.

Butch "Boss, someone has infiltrated the camp, I cannot find Brad, Zaily, and Zabak anywhere, but I found signs of a huge battle"

Julian 'Huh? he couldn't find them, I left them right there, where could have they gone? well who cares'

The Admin was shocked and she looked at Julian.

Admin "Why didn't you inform me?"

Butch "Admin you were out of communicators range, I am currently using a signal enhancer to communicate with you"

She cut the communicator and looked at Julian

Admin "What do you want?"

Julian "I just want you idiots to stop whatever you are doing"

Admin "Haha, so you are trying to play hero"

Julian "No, No, No, you got me all wrong, I don't intend to play hero at all, I just want to enjoy a peaceful life and you idiots along with those stupid group Magma and Aqua are making my life very difficult, so if you stop right now I won't bother with you, and I might even spare you whole syndicate"

Admin "Hahaha, you think you alone can stop the Shadows, you are a fool, not even the champion dares to say that"

Julian "I will say this one last time, stop all this and get lost from this island and never come back"

Admin "We both are very stubborn so let's settle this with a battle"

Grant "Admin you don't have to, I will take care of this punk"

The Admin looked at Grant as if she was looking at an idiot.

Admin 'Didn't he hear what Butch just said, he also took care of three Commanders, well let him try at least I will get a reading on how powerful he is'

The Admin nodded.

Grant came forwards and sent out his Pokeball.

Grant "Houndoom come out".

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