Knowing what the future might hold, Julian felt a little mentally exhausted, he has been seeing the signs of this war slowly brewing even though he doesn't want to believe in it.

Ever since he became the champion he realized that the league is not just for trainers to participate and become the champion, every trainer is a potential soldier that can participate in the war if it happens.

It was one massive fucked up scenario that disguised itself as a grand computation but Julian wasn't bothered by it, all this scenario depends on one factor and that is if the war happens.

And from what Julian has gathered until now through his fiancée who works for the league is that it's a very gray area and no one is certain, the underworld is very quiet right now and the league has no idea what they are planning.

Julian sighed and closed his eyes, he didn't want to bother with it right now.

The next morning he woke up, did his usual routine, fed his pokemon, went out and trained them, and returned to his hotel room, right now his main focus is on the current gym he will be challenging.

Anistar city gym will be the seventh gym he will be challenging and he is looking forward to it, though this gym is like any other regular gym sometimes the gym leader is known to change up her battle style.

She will switch from a regular battle format to a double battle style format, knowing that he might be having a double battle he decided to look into the gym leader and her pokemons.

Julian searched the internet and soon found out all the things present on Anistar gym and its gym leader Olympia, Olympia seems to be a very strong trainer who had her fair share of fame when she was an active participant in the league.

She has even battled against the elite four of her time and won but fell short of defeating the champion of that time, she also seems to have had a very grand rivalry against the current champion of Kalos as well.

He then looked into her pokemons and soon found out what he was looking for, the pokemons that she uses frequently are Sigilyph, Slowking, and Meowstic.

Julian didn't find anything special about these pokemons but he also knows that it really doesn't matter, if Olympia is really the trainer she is on paper, it won't matter what type of pokemon she is using but it would help Julian figure out her methods if she had used specific pokemons with specific abilities.

Most powerful trainers do this, they have an ace and their ace has a unique ability that helps them exceed at what they do. Knowing this, Julian knew that Olympia might be a weird opponent to battle but he is looking forward to it.

If he is battling Olympia in a regular battle he will be battling her three frequently used pokemons but if it's a double battle she will be using her two Meowstic, one male and the other female.

The thing about the dual battle is that their battle style will be unpredictable at the start and with pokemon of the same species they might have a special connection that might make them exceptional at these dual battles.

Knowing what to expect from this upcoming battle, Julian started to think about his options and what he might do, one thing he is certain about is using his Charmeleon as he needs a battle as he has not had one official battle at all, and if it's a dual battle, he needs to figure out a partner for his Charmeleon.

After giving it some thought he went with Floette as she has some support moves that can help Charmeleon power up in the middle of the battle.

With things set in motion Julian got busy again, the next day he visited the nearest pokemon park and started training with Charmeleon and Floette and build up their synergy and communication between them, how to position themselves on the battlefield, how to assist each other, how to predict their opponent's movement and make sure to keep position which will be advantageous to their partner.

It was more of a team-building exercise between them than normal training that they usually go through, Julian focused on double battle because he knows he can handle a normal battle against any opponent with his current team easily. A double battle on the other hand will prove some difficulties.

The training went on for a few days before Julian finally decided it was time for him to challenge the Anistar city gym, he made his way towards the gym confident about his next victory.

When he arrived in front of the Anistar gym he was surprised to see how it looked, it was very different from any other gym he has been to before, it was a massive dome-shaped glass building that looked more than a planet observatory than a pokemon gym, it also had massive golden arcs going around it like moons around a planet.

The only thing that would make someone think of this building as a pokemon gym is the gym symbol at its gate.

After taking in the mesmerizing look of the gym, Julian entered the gym with a smile on his face, he is eager for his seventh gym battle.

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