Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1116 - Hunter J Speaks

Hunter J started to speak, she just wants to go to sleep and not have nightmares again.

Hunter J "I was hired by Team Flare to capture the Zygarde core, the price was 100 million poke dollars, it was quite a big offer so I decided to take it, who would have thought that a simple track and capture will put me in such danger"

She said.

Julian "It's those idiots again"

Julian said as he thought about Team Flare, he really didn't care about Team Flare as he already knows about the ins and outs of the organization as he has half of its powers under his control, he didn't expect them to hire Hunter J for their dirty work.

Julian "I will take care of them, What I am more interested, is the underworld, tell me about them"

Hunter J "The underworld? Don't tell me you are planning to mess with them?"

She asked.

Julian "Sure, why not, they have been interfering with my things and I am sure they will come forward to cause trouble sooner or later"

Hunter J "You are an idiot if you think you alone can take on the Underworld, they are not just an organization, they are an entire nation, just a word from them and they can eradicate organizations like Team Flare in an instant.

My advice to you is not cross paths with them, you will get burnt"

She warned him.

Julian "From your warning, they really sound like a big deal, what do they have? legendary pokemon, a massive army, world-ending weapons?"

Hunter J "Yes, they have them all, legendary pokemon, a massive army, world-ending weapons, and trainers more powerful than any champions, like I said, the underworld is not just an organization they are a nation itself, a goliath so big that very few have seen its tip"

Julian "So where do you belong inside this goliath?"

He asked.

Hunter J "I am just an employee there, I sell pokemons in the underworld market and they make sure to keep me and my assets protected"

She said.

Julian "So you know nothing about the underworld?"

Hunter J "I know nothing, everyone who has entered the underworld just knows that the whole thing works just like a country, they have their own system, own laws, and rules, no one knows who really runs the whole operation, there are separate sectors and each sector is ruled by different parts, this web of control is spread so far and wide that no one knows where is the top and where is the bottom of their influence.

Trying to understand the underworld will just make you lost in it"

She said.

By now Julian realized that he won't be getting much from Hunter J about the underworld, he also realized that he would not get anything about the underworld from anywhere, the people behind the underworld are hiding behind a massive web of systems that will take years to uncover.

He is not someone who will go out of his way to figure out what is going on, he would rather let it come to him, no matter how big and powerful the underworld really is, he is still the behemoth that has the most power, all their planning will mean nothing until he stands in front of them with his own army of overpowered pokemons.

Julian "I think I am done, you can go to sleep"

Julian said.

Hearing Julian saying that she can sleep, she felt a sigh of relief, even though she didn't trust him she couldn't help but close her eyes, she instantly fell asleep.

Julian "Take her back and let her sleep now, just keep her imprisoned and fed, don't do anything else"

Julian said.

This time he was not letting her go, if he let go of her again he knows she will escape again, this time Julian decided to imprison her himself, and Gengar is clearly a better warden than someone in a prison.

In her sleep, she was dragged back to the shadow prison where she will spend the rest of her life until Julian decides to let her go.

Once Hunter J disappeared from his sight, he went to sleep, he didn't bother with anything for the day as he thought about the current situation.

Everything about Team Flare is under his control, all their moves are being monitored except Lysander, the man seems to be hard to keep an eye on, he found out that even the admin closest to him doesn't know much about him.

This was a problem but he isn't worried about it, for Lysander to make a big decision he needs the whole Team Flare to get involved and if he does that Julian will find out.

Julian then thought about the underworld and how Hunter J warned him about it, he knew that the underworld is making some moves right now but he has no idea what they are on about. If what Hunter J said about the underworld is true then the world is really fucked.

War is upon the world and one thing that Julian knows better than anyone is war, he knows no matter how powerful he is, he won't be able to change the course of the war single-handedly, he can of course dominate one part of the battlefield but what about the others, there will be needless death if this war happens.

He decided to wait and if this war really happens, Julian won't wait about till needless deaths take place, he will barge into the underworld and cause chaos in there.

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