Julian's Omniforce continued to get in between the opening of the rift and tried to tear it open, as more omniforce started to seep through the opening and tried to pry it open Julian saw the rift slowly expanding.

He put all his power into the Omniforce and tried to use it as an extension of his body to rip the rift wide open and when he thought that it was going to succeed, it backfired on him.

As he saw the tear spread a little he was met by an extremely powerful backlash which sent him shooting through the air and crashing against the wall of the corridor destroying it, Julian lay between the rubbles as he felt his whole body becoming numb.

He grunted and got back to his feet and looked at the space-time rift which slowly recovered to its original size, the previous tear was still there but the small tear that Julian had extended healed on itself, he also saw some Unknows for a brief second mending the space that Julian tore.

Julian overestimated his powers, he was still not strong enough to rip space and time with his current strength, he needs to get even better at controlling the Omniforce and unlock all the hidden potential inside his body.

He wondered how long it will take him to reach his limit or if there was any limit to his growth in the first place?

Julian then heard footsteps rushing in his direction, he walked out of the broken wall and noticed a bunch of shady-looking men looking at him in shock, they were all patroling the hotel when they heard the loud explosion and they rushed here to find a broken wall.

"You, did you do this?"

The shady man in front asked Julian..

Julian "Ya, it was an accident"

Julian answered as he dusted off his coat, as they heard Julian the shady men grinned, they found a scapegoat to exploit.

"Come with us, we are going to take you to the boss"

The shady man said. Julian looked at these fools in front of him and didn't think much of them but he decided to comply, he didn't want to destroy this hotel any further, Julian was surrounded as he was escorted down the stairs, Julian noticed that these fools carried weapons with them as well.

From sharp to blunt weapons, whether they are knives or steel pipes, Julian noticed them all but these fools were not even trying to hide it, it was clear that they wanted to intimidate Julian but Julian was not bothered, Julian put his hand inside his dimension pouch and released Gengar from his Pokeball.

He told Gengar to come out invisible and enter his shadow again. Gengar was not noticed by anyone as he came out of Julian's dimension pouch and entered his shadow and slowly spread his shadow chains towards the shady men's shadows.

All these men were grinning from ear to ear as they looked at Julian but little did they know that their lives depended on one word from Julian, if he wants he could easily send them all into the shadow dimension and Gengar can torture them.

Julian arrived on the ground floor with the shady men and walked towards a closed door, as Julian got close to this door, he heard the sound of explosions, Julian could tell that these explosions are from pokemons battling each other, he got curious as to what is happening inside.

Julian also noticed the old valet he met earlier looking at him with pity filled in his gaze, Julian realized that the owner of this hotel is not someone who he should just let go of easily, he can have some fun with this man he is going to meet.

The shady man at the front opened the door and took Julian into the room, When Julian entered the room, he was surprised by what he saw, there is actually a massive battlefield inside and two people seem to be battling right now.

A middle-aged man with dirty blond hair, wearing shades was battling against a young trainer who seems to be struggling.

The young trainer is using a Golduck while the middle-aged man is using a Krookodile, the reason why the young trainer has no chance of winning this battle is that the Krookodile is stronger than the young trainer's Golduck, this is a very unfair battle.

In fact, the middle-aged man could end this battle any moment but he is clearly toying with the young trainer, Julian could easily see through a man like this, a shallow, arrogant, over his head, shitty person who likes to trample on the weak for entertainment.

The battle went on for another three minutes before the young trainer's Golduck couldn't take it anymore and just collapsed on the ground, it was a very brutal battle.

The young trainer seems to have lost his soul as his face went pale, it was as if he just lost his life, Julian understood that this battle was more than just a win or loss, there was something more to it or the young trainer shouldn't be so devastated.

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