Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1100 - Abandoned Hotel

The next day, Julian woke up early and got ready for leave, he took a bath, wore clean clothes, and finally checked out of the hotel room, he didn't look back and left the city entering route 15.

Route 15 was quite a long journey, a week passed away and Julian was still on route 15, he spent his time on the road training his pokemon and trying to mind new pokemons as well, he found some interesting pokemons that he could catch but decided not to.

With his team almost full, it was hard for him to choose to catch any new pokemon as he has to be 100% sure about his next pokemon and these pokemons were not his top priority.

Some of these pokemons were Pawniard and Skorupi, there two are very good pokemons but Julian decided to not catch them. Instead, he focused on training his Charmeleon, Julian was glad that Charmeleon was catching onto his teammates very fast, Julian believed that his Kalos pokemon will be one of his strongest teams.

His Sinnoh team was the most ridiculous of them all but his Kalos team might be a very close second, with pokemons like Charmeleon and Doublade he could dominate the whole league very easily.

The progress Charmeleon had through his training made his other pokemons also got motivated and intensified their own training to grow stronger.

Continuing down route 15 Julian suddenly came across a hotel that looked quite abandoned, there seems to be no one around the hotel, he noticed that the lights are on so it's clearly not abandoned. .

Julian felt that something was weird about this hotel but he decided to stay for the night as he was tired of sleeping outside, if he could get a bed to sleep in tonight he will take it.

He drove towards the hotel and stopped right in front of the entrance, at the entrance he saw an old man with grey hair wearing a valet uniform standing next to the entrance. When the old man saw Julian he bowed at him and welcomed him.

"Welcome, how long do you plan to stay?"

He asked.

Julian was surprised by this, he didn't expect the Valet himself to ask him how long he will stay here, it should be the job of the receptionist and not the valet.

Julian "Just for tonight"

He said and entered the hotel, Julian entered and saw that the hotel was quite beautiful from inside but it feels weird with no one inside, this is a huge hotel, and having no guest is giving red flags to Julian, he wondered what is going on in this hotel right now.

The valet that he talked to at the entrance followed him inside the hotel and got behind the receptionist's table and looked at Julian.

Valet "So you will be staying only for a night right?"

The Valet asked, Julian was surprised by this, not only was this old man the valet but also the receptionist as well.

Julian "Yes"

Julian answered and waited for the valet to finish his work, once the valet was done he gave Julian and keycard nervously.

Valet "An advice, if the owner of the hotel provoke you to a pokemon battle don't accept it"

He whispered, Julian was taken back as he wondered what is going on.

Julian "I could tell that something is not right with this hotel, what is happening?"

Valet "I am not allowed to talk to any customers for too long, we are being monitored so it's better for you to leave right now"

He advised.

Julian "Sure, will there be anything to eat?"

Valet "Yes, the dining hall is right at the end of the hall, you can go there and eat anything you want"

Julian nodded and headed towards the elevator, on his way to the elevator he saw some people who didn't look like workers nor customers, their clothes were crude and their expressions were of a troublemaker.

Julian ignored them all and went towards his room, when he got in front of his room he noticed that he was still being monitored, there are cameras everywhere, he ignored those cameras in the corridor and entered his room but he realized that there are hidden cameras even inside the room.

Gengar quickly got out of his shadow and destroyed all the hidden cameras and returned to his shadow, Julian cleaned up and took a bath to freshen up and remove all the dirt and dust stuck to him which he acquired on his journey.

Once he was done, he walked out of his room and headed towards the elevator when he suddenly stopped as a sound went off inside his head.

System 'Space-time rift detected close by'

Julian was surprised by this and looked around wondering where it is, the system soon guided him towards the exact location of the space-time rift.

Julian found himself in front of a staircase that leads downward, he couldn't see or feel anything but since the system has said that it exists here, he doesn't have any reason not to believe it, it is after all created to help him, though he is fully not depended on it, he likes to be helped sometimes, such as times like this.

He thought of something and decided to channel his Omniforce and explore the area, as soon as he channeled the Omniforce inside him to expand throughout the corridor he found it, a tear in space right in front of him.

The tear was quite small but he could feel the infinite power of time coming from the other end of the rift, Julian's body shivered in excitement and fear, there is almost nothing in this world that could scare him but feeling the power of time for the first time was something he never felt before.

He could feel how endless it was, he could feel that it had no beginning and no end, but as he felt this, he started to doubt the origin of time itself, if time started to move when Dialga was created why does Julian feel that its origin is even grander than the universe itself.

He decided to enter the rift, with his body he should be able to survive inside a time rift so he wasn't worried, but before that he sent Gengar back to his Pokeball, Julian doesn't know if Gengar can escape time's clutches as he can.

With Gengar inside the Pokeball, Julian poured his endless amount of Omniforce into the time rift and tried to tear it open.

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