Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1012 - The Ultimate Weapon

Julian saw a bunch of books related to the war that took place 3000 years ago in Kalos, he picked up a few books that seem to be genuine and started to go through them after an hour of reading and cross-referencing all those books he was finally able to understand more about the war that took place.

He was quite surprised after actually learning the history. When he thought about the war that happened 3000 years he thought that only Kalos was involved in it but he was completely wrong, the war was actually between Kalos and Galar. ​​

The two regions were actually under one massive rule of an unknown kingdom but this kingdom suddenly fell for some unknown reason and it was split into two factions, and now both this faction wanted to take over and rule both the regions but there could only be one.

The war started but there seems to be no end to it, neither party had a disadvantage or advantage against the other which caused the war to drag itself even further, it ruined the lives of people living in both regions, countless lives of people, and pokemon were sacrificed for nothing.

And as the war continued, the turning point of war took place, the pokemon that belonged to the king of Kalos at that time, Floette died as it was taken away by the soldiers of the other region and it became another useless sacrifice of this cruel war, this made the king turn into a man filled with grief and he created a device which could bring his beloved Floette back to life and he succeeded.

His Floette came back to life but he was not done, he didn't want his Floette to die again and he knew that if this cruel war continues it might happen again so he converted the life-giving device of his to the Ultimate weapon, he wanted to take revenge on people who killed his Floette.

With the help of the Ultimate Weapon, AZ put an end to the war by killing thousands and thousands of people and pokemon from both sides but when Floette realized that thousands and thousands of lives were taken away by AZ just for its sake, Floette left AZ disgusted by his actions.

Realizing his mistake, AZ abandoned his crown and disappeared, and started to roam the world in search of his Floette and it is believed he is searching for it to this day, it was believed that Ultimate Weapon turned him into an Immortal.

The ultimate weapon was then buried by AZ's brother somewhere deep underground so that it won't be ever used again.

After he was done reading it, Julian was surprised he didn't expect AZ to take such a drastic measure but what surprised Julian, even more, was AZ becoming an Immortal, he wondered if this is true or not. If it is, the weapon he created is beyond logic, all this power in the hands of a mortal is dangerous.

He closed all the books and put them back into their places and walked out of the library before bidding farewell to the old librarian and went back into the town, Julian is hundred percent sure that the ultimate weapon was under Geosenge town, at first he believed it to be some kind of pokemon.

But now he believes that the energy he is sensing is coming from the Ultimate Weapon, Julian then started his search, he called out Infernape and Gengar, Gengar could already sense the powerful aura radiating from this town and Infernape could also sense it from inside his Pokeball.

Julian "Let's split and find the power source"

Julian said, both Infernape and Gengar nodded disappearing from his sight, he used Infernape and Gengar because they are the only ones who could handle such powerful aura, though his Kyurem and Darmanitan are strong they are no way near the level where they could handle the full burst of the Ultimate Weapon.

If the weapon can really do what was stated in the books, Julian would like to be very careful, that is why he kept Snorlax with him as well, he wanted to check this ultimate weapon, see if there is anything fishy going on.

With his past experience, Julian knows if a weapon like this exists, some people might know about it and if they know about it, some of them might want to use it.

Julian continued to search for the power source and it was hard, but he was in luck, Infernape suddenly contacted him through his mind, it looks like he found it, Julian headed towards the direction to where Infernape is right now.

Julian arrived right at the very center of the town, he saw both Infernape and Gengar standing there waiting for him, Julian looked at the three massive rocks in the middle of the town, Julian had seen this before but he didn't think much of it because there are many rocks exactly like this all across the town.

Julian "Right down here?"

Julian asked while standing in the middle of the three massive rocks, to which both Infernape and Gengar nodded their head.

Julian "Fine, let's go in. Gengar!"

Julian said and looked at Gengar, Gengar suddenly opened his dimension and engulfed both Julian and Infernape into it, he then phased right into the ground and started to head deep into the ground.

After some time Gengar seems to have found what he was looking for, he opened his dimension again and both Julian and Infernape walked out of them and looked at the massive structure in front of them.

Julian "Impressive!"

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