Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1011 - Geosenge Town

Now that Diantha reunited with her Gardevoir, Julian and the rest of the group then returned back to the town, Julian separated from the group and went back to his hotel room, and started to pack his stuff.

He spent too many days in this town and now it is time for him to leave and head towards Shalour city where he will be facing his next gym leader. ​ ​

After he was done with his preparation, he left the town and made his way towards Geosenge town which comes right after.

After a few days of travel, he arrived at the border of Geosenge town, when he got there he was surprised by what he saw, he saw tombstones after tombstones near the town but it didn't end, the further he went towards the town, the more tombstones he saw.

It was as if the whole town was a massive graveyard. When he finally arrived in the city, his mood was a little bad right now, after seeing so many graveyards and tombstones, he felt gloomy, how many people have died here? He wondered.

As he entered the town, he noticed that the people living here are all normal people living ordinary lives, this town was also no different from its surroundings but the whole town was not filled with tombstones, there were many but graveyards were not close to the residential area.

The town was not just tombstones there were also massive natural rocks, after looking around the town, he found himself a hotel to rest for the day, he was mentally tired to continue on his journey.

He slept inside his hotel room the whole day, next day when he woke up refreshed he noticed something he didn't notice before, a very powerful aura was present in this town.

After sensing it, Julian frowned, he was so distracted by seeing so many tombstones yesterday, he didn't care about anything but now he could feel it, a very powerful aura in this town.

He washed up and had his breakfast, fed his pokemon, and walked out of his hotel to find the pokemon who was releasing this powerful aura.

He looked around the town and asked the people about the history of this town and why are there so many tombstones around the town and when he got the answer, he was stunned.

Those graves are not of people but of pokemons that were sacrificed 3000 years ago by the king to power this so-called ultimate weapon by those pokemons' life force to put an end to the war.

Julian couldn't help but sigh as he heard about this legend, so many lives were sacrificed just to put an end to the war, this made Julian remember his own war days where millions of people died, innocent and poor were dragged into it and suffered.

He then continued to learn more about this war that happened 3000 years ago, the people of the town couldn't give him an accurate history so he had to find the library, even the internet was filled with different versions of the story.

Julian knew that he can only find accurate information in old books that might be in the town's library.

As for the aura that he is sensing, he cannot pinpoint its location at all, it was as if the whole town itself is one big pokemon and he is standing on it right now, for now, he decided to look into the history properly and see if there is anything mentioned about this ultimate weapon anywhere in the old books that might be in the library.

He soon made his way towards the town center where the library is, when he got there he was surprised by how empty it really was, the stairs in front of it were dusty, the walls were cracked, weeds were growing out of the cracks.

One could clearly tell that the library has been abandoned by the people of this town, no one came here to read books, and even if someone did, they might be the only one to do so for the day.

Julian entered the library and saw an old man dozing off on his desk, the old man seems to be the librarian, Julian walked towards him and knocked lightly on the table to wake the old man us.

Hearing the knock, the old man suddenly snapped out of his sleep and looked around in confusion while mumbling something, he then lifted his head and looked at the young man in front of him.

Librarian "A visitor, that's rare"

He said and rubbed his eye before grabbing onto his glasses which were handing around his neck and wore them, he then got a clear view of Julian, since Julian is still wearing his mask the old man couldn't see his face.

Julian "Yes, is the library always this empty?"

Julian asked.

Librarian "Indeed, young people don't use books these days, they have that thing called the internet, and the old people are too old and have already read what they wanted to read, now visitors are very rare"

The Librarian said.

Julian "I understand"

Librarian "So what do you want kid?"

The Librarian asked.

Julian "I wanted to learn about the war that happened 3000 years ago, where do I find books related to it?"

Librarian "Oh, you can find the books at the back, be sure to dust them off before opening them, they have not been touched for years now"

Librarian said.

Julian nodded and headed to the back of the library where he finally found what he was looking for.

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