Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1003 - Julian Vs Grant (2)

Referee "Amaura is unable to battle, Clauncher wins"

The referee called out for the result. ​​

Grant is shocked by the outcome, he didn't expect his Amaura to go down with one hit but he didn't complain, he knew that he messed up and fell into Julian's trap.

It was very obvious that Julian is no amateur and seeing him make an amateur mistake could only mean that he is setting up a trap, Grant couldn't see how Julian was going to implement the trap he was about to set up and Grant got too greedy and took his chance which caused him to fall right into Julian's trap.

He sighed and sent Amaura back into its Pokeball and sent out his next pokemon, Tyrunt.

A new pokemon enter the battlefield and Julian took a good look at it, the pokemon in front of him was not that small as he thought it would be, it stood about 80 cm tall, it has a massive head, and a small body.

Julian could see the pokemon chomp down its jaws trying to intimidate his Clauncher, Julian had to admit that getting bit by those jaws will end up in tragedy and he didn't want that and that is why Julian sent Clauncher back to his pokemon.

Even though Clauncher could take on Tyrunt, Julian wanted Honedge to take the stage and experience his very first official gym battle.

Julian sent out Honedge and he took the stage after making a flashy entrance by doing flips and slashes in the air.

Once both pokemons were at a standstill, they looked at each other, one is a very powerful attacker while the other's defense is almost impenetrable.

With both pokemons taking their stage, there was no use in waiting around, this time Grant made the first move.

Grant "Use Fire Fang"

Looks like Grant's Tyrunt has some moves in its arsenal that could deal heavy damage to Honedge but Julian is not worried.

Tyrunt charges at Honedge with full speed as flames spew out of his mouth, as it got closer to Honedge, it tried to take a chomp out of him.

Julian "Go up and use Fury Cutter"

Honedge dodged the Fire Fang by floating up and creating some distance between him and Tyrunt, he then unsheathed himself and swung at Tyrunt with his blade multiple times using Fury Cutter, Tyrunt was smart and moved back a little and dodged a few slashes but some of them made contact.

Tyrunt was able to take those slashes as they didn't do much damage, Tyrunt's defense is really good as well, not as good as Honedge but good enough, Honedge's attacks were also powerful rivaling Tyrunt's or maybe just a little weaker than Tyrunt's.

Honedge continued with Fury Slashes but Tyrunt quickly made some distance between it and Honedge, Honedge also stopped as it would only put him at a disadvantage if he continues to pursue Tyrunt.

Grant analyzed the development and started to think of a way to counter Julian's Honedge, since Tyrunt is a physical attacker, he didn't have any powerful special attacks that could do any damage to Honedge, the same could be said for Honedge as well, he is a great physical attacker but lacks in special attacks.

That is why Julian wants to make this a full-on brawl, he knows his Honedge can easily overpower Tyrunt after a few minutes due to his superior defense which will lead to Julian's victory, Grant also knew this and is trying to keep some distance between his Tyrunt and Julian's Honedge.

After few seconds Julian went on the attack again, he doesn't want to give Grant too much time to come up with a strategy.

Julian "Use Psycho Cut"

Julian decided to pressure Grant some more so that Grant's focus will break and he can exploit it, using powerful moves like Psycho Cut will definitely do that.

Honedge charged at Tyrunt and swung his blade at Tyrunt with a fiendish purple-pink glow.

Grant "Use Fire Fang"

Grant decided to counter Honedge as there is no chance to escape this Psycho Cut, Honedge is just too close to his Tyrunt.

Tyrunt spewed out hot flames from its mouth and jumped at Honedge swinging his blade, as both moves collided, it created a tiny shock wave.

Honedge was sent backflipping through the air while Tyrunt crashed hard on the ground, seeing his chance, Julian made his move again.

Julian "Ariel Ace"

Honedge suddenly stabilized himself and pointed the tip of his blade at Tyrunt and dove towards it, he suddenly disappeared in mid-air and appeared right in front of Tyrunt, and landed the devastating Ariel Ace.

Tyrunt lost its footing and went rolling but Grant was not done.

Grant "Use Bulldoze"

Tyrunt got back to its feet and lunged at Honedge with full power as the dome of its head was covered with concentrated ground energy.

Julian "Counter with Psycho Cut"

Honedge did a fast vertical spit to increase the speed and power of his move at the tip of his blade while glowing pinkish-purple, he looked like a vertical saw blade ready to cut through thick metal.

The two pokemons collided again and this time the outcome was completely one-sided, due to Honedge putting a fast spin behind his attack, the power behind it was far greater, Julian had made sure to teach Honedge how to use speed and momentum to his advantage and Honedge did so.

Though he did fly backward, Tyrunt crashed hard on the ground causing the battlefield to crack as its head made contact with the ground.

Duse rose high but Tyrunt is still conscious, Julian was surprised as he thought that would have ended it but it didn't matter, the next move will finish the job, Tyrunt is already stunned after getting hit hard twice under a second, first by the Psycho Cut and then by the ground.

Julian "Solar Blade"

As Tyrunt is stunned Julian used this time to set up a Solar Blade, Honedge started to collect the power of the sun as his blade started to become hot and glow brightly as soon as it was charged up to the max Honedge swung at Tyrunt.

Tyrunt did recover out of its stun state but it was too late.

Grant "Get out of there!"

Grant explained and Tyrunt tried its best to use its little feet to get out of harm's way but the Solar Blade landed and Tyrunt was sent rolling after a mini-explosion.

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